

The Kindness of Strangers Online Jay Baruchel Online Free dual audio

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Runtime=1 h 52minutes
The Kindness of Strangers is a movie starring Andrea Riseborough, Bill Nighy, and Zoe Kazan. The story of people whose lives intertwine during a dramatic winter in New York City
Lone Scherfig

Release Year=2019
The title should be: new low budget, first time actor movies and old a listers who need money. The kindness of strangers cast.

Anje is a precious cinnamon bun that needs to be protected

Hoje os métodos diagnósticos em cardiologia evoluíram e se multiplicaram, sendo que a população e até alguns médicos desconhecem como são realizados e suas indicações. Não raro o paciente evita determinados exames por um medo do desconhecido. Ou perde noites de sono após informações truncadas de amigos, vizinhos e outros "especialistas em desinformação. Aqui vou descrever como são realizados alguns exames mais comuns, bem como os riscos e indicações. Para qualquer exame, traga sempre copia de seus exames mais recentes, da receita médica e da solicitação do exame. NÃO PARE AGORA. TEM MAIS DEPOIS DA PUBLICIDADE; Eletrocardiograma: A pessoa fica deitada em uma cama. São posicionados eletrodos (colados na pele com um tipo de adesivo ou com sucção. Geralmente um em cada membro e seis no tórax. Serve para avaliar a parte elétrica do coração, e algumas vezes isso fornece pistas sobre o formato do coração e algumas doenças. É possível ver o ritmo, frequência dos batimentos e o trajeto que o impulso elétrico faz dentro do coração. Ecocardiograma transtorácico: A pessoa fica deitada em uma cama, e pode ser solicitado que mude um pouco de posição durante o exame (deitado de lado, respirar fundo, etc. O aparelho de ultrassom (sim, é um ultrassom do coração. encosta na pele e com isso é possível desenhar o órgão na tela do computador. Também é possível medir a velocidade do sangue, e como ele se movimenta através das válvulas. Outra utilidade é ver como o coração contrai e relaxa. Em resumo, é uma avaliação da anatomia do coração. Ecocardiograma transesofágico: Em princípio é igual ao Ecocardiograma trastorácico. Mas ele é feito através de um dispositivo que parece um aparelho de endoscopia. Esse "tubo" entra pela boca e vai até próximo do estômago. Serve para ver o coração mais de perto. Geralmente é usado para ver os átrios (uma parte do coração) em busca de coágulos de sangue. Costuma ser realizado sob sedação salvo situações excepcionais. Geralmente o paciente que internou para este exame recebe alta no mesmo dia após se recuperar da sedação. É necessário jejum de pelo menos 6 horas, mas depende de cada serviço. Recomenda-se levar acompanhante. "Para qualquer exame, traga sempre copia de seus exames mais recentes, da receita médica e da solicitação do exame" Teste ergométrico: O teste de esforço pode ser realizado em esteira ou bicicleta. Serve para provocar o esforço físico máximo em um ambiente supervisionado, onde é possível medir a pressão arterial e ler o ECG durante todo o exame. É um dos mais antigos e sensíveis métodos para investigar arritmias induzidas pelo esforço e doença de coronárias, com baixo risco e grande aplicação prática. Cintilografia do miocárdio: Geralmente o paciente deve evitar certos alimentos (chocolate, café, chá, cafeína) e algumas medicações (checar com seu médico) pelo menos 48 horas antes do exame. É um exame onde o paciente recebe material radioativo especialmente tratado para aderir ao músculo do coração (miocárdio. Ele é injetado em repouso e durante esforço físico (O esforço pode ser com esteira, bicicleta ou com medicações) chegando ao coração através das coronárias. Assim, o material radioativo "pinta" as áreas com fluxo normal de sangue e deixa "não pintada" qualquer área onde o fluxo seja insuficiente. Assim podemos ver onde o miocárdio está em sofrimento (isquemia. Podemos ver se isso acontece só no esforço físico ou se acontece também sem fazer esforço. Costuma a durar pelo menos 6 horas, sugiro trazer acompanhante. Holter 24 horas: É um eletrocardiograma que dura 24horas. São colados eletrodos no tórax da pessoa, que por sua vez são conectados a uma caixa semelhante a um toca-fitas. A pessoa deve carregar essa caixa por 24 horas e devolve-la ao termino do exame. Deve manter a rotina do dia-a-dia, fazer as atividades que geralmente faz e se possível, reproduzir as ocasiões que provocam os sintomas. A idéia é fazer um eletrocardiograma durante o dia todo, em busca de arritmias. Tome banho antes do exame, pois ficará 24 horas com o aparelho sem poder retirá-lo. Anote minuciosamente no diário tudo que fizer durante o dia. MAPA: É um aparelho muito semelhante ao Holter, mas em vez de eletrocardiograma, ele mede a pressão arterial por 24 horas. Serve em especial para analisar pressão arterial que varia muito ao longo do dia. Também é importante manter a rotina o mais próximo do normal (trabalho e lazer. Cateterismo(Cineangiocoronariografia) O paciente fica deitado em uma sala especial. Os pêlos da região da virilha são raspados e a área em torno fica coberta por material estéril para evitar infecções. Pela artéria femural sobe um cateter (tubo muito fino) até o coração, e por ali é injetado contraste com iodo. O contraste vai "desenhar" as coronárias por dentro, e mostrar qualquer anormalidade no trajeto do sangue com uso de raio X. O risco de complicações fica em torno de 1. Pacientes devem trazer acompanhante para o exame. Pessoas com alergia a Iodo ou frutos do mar ou em uso de anticoagulantes devem avisar ao médico. Dura em torno de 1h, e o paciente recebe alta geralmente após 4 a 6 horas do final do exame. > Exames para o coração Estudo Eletrofisiológico: Semelhante ao cateterismo, com cateteres diferentes e geralmente sem uso de contraste. Mas o objetivo deste exame é localizar e se necessário cauterizar focos de arritmia(através de ablação. Os riscos ficam em torno de 2. A duração é variável, em torno de 2 a 3 h. Exames mais longos podem ser realizados com anestesia, mas geralmente sedação leve ou anestesia local são suficientes. O paciente geralmente recebe alta no dia seguinte ou menos frequentemente após 6 horas do fim do exame. Tomografia e ressonância do coração: São feitas da mesma forma que para outras partes do corpo. As máquinas são mais novas, com melhor definição. Permite avaliar coronárias, através de contraste com iodo e raios X (tomografia) ou forma do coração e função (tomografia e ressonância. A ressonância tem a vantagem de não usar iodo ou radiação, mas não permite objetos de metal próximo a ela (Marcapassos, próteses e outros) limitando seu uso a alguns pacientes. Como são métodos recentes, suas indicações são em casos bem específicos.

O funcionamento do coração pode ser avaliado através de vários exames que devem ser indicados pelo cardiologista ou clínico geral de acordo com a história clínica da pessoa. Alguns exames, como eletrocardiograma, raio X de tórax podem ser feitos de rotina com o objetivo de fazer o check-up cardiovascular, enquanto que outros exames, como cintilografia do miocárdio, teste de esforço, ecocardiograma, M. A. P. A e o holter, por exemplo, são feitos quando há suspeita de doenças específicas, como angina ou arritmias. Assim, os principais exames para avaliação do coração, são: 1. Raio X de tórax O raio X ou radiografia de tórax é um exame que avalia o contorno do coração e da aorta, além de avaliar se existem sinais de acúmulo de líquidos nos pulmões, indicando a possibilidade de insuficiência cardíaca. Este exame também o contorno da aorta, que é o vaso que sai do coração para levar sangue ao resto do corpo. Este exame geralmente é feito com o paciente de pé e com os pulmões cheios de ar, para que se possa obter a imagem corretamente. O raio X é considerado um exame inicial, sendo normalmente recomendado pelo médico a realização de outros exames cardiovasculares para avaliar melhor o coração e com maior definição. Para que serve: indicado para avaliar casos de coração ou vasos sanguíneos aumentados ou verificar se existe deposição de cálcio na aorta, que pode acontecer devido à idade. Além disso, permite avaliar as condições dos pulmões, observando a presença de líquidos e secreções.  Quando é contraindicado: não deve ser feito em gestantes, principalmente no primeiro trimestre por causa da radiação emitida durante o exame. No entanto, caso o médico ache que o exame é indispensável, é recomendado que a gestante realize o exame utilizando uma proteção de chumbo na barriga. Entenda quais são os risco do raio-x na gravidez. 2. Eletrocardiograma O eletrocardiograma é um exame que avalia o ritmo cardíaco e é feito com o paciente deitado, colocando-se cabos e pequenos contatos metálicos sobre a a pele do tórax. Assim, como o raio X de tórax, o eletrocardiograma é considerado um dos exames iniciais que avaliam o funcionamento elétrico do coração, estando incluído nos exames de rotina da consulta com cardiologista. Também pode ser utilizado para avaliação de tamanho de algumas cavidades cardíacas, para exclusão de alguns tipos de infarto e avaliação de arritmia. O eletrocardiograma é rápido e não é doloroso, sendo muitas vezes realizado pelo próprio cardiologista no consultório. Saiba  como é feito o eletrocardiograma.  Para que serve: feito para detectar arritmias ou batimentos irregulares do coração, avaliar alterações sugestivas de infarto novo ou antigo e sugerir alterações hidroeletrolíticas como diminuição ou aumento de potássio no sangue. Quando é contraindicado: qualquer pessoa pode ser submetida a um eletrocardiograma. Entretanto, pode haver interferências ou dificuldades na realização do mesmo, em pessoas com algum membro amputado ou que apresentem lesões de pele, excesso de cabelo no tórax, pessoas que tenham utilizado cremes hidratantes no corpo antes do exame, ou até mesmo em pacientes que não conseguem ficar parados no momento do registro do eletrocardiograma. 3. M. A A Monitorização Ambulatorial da Pressão Arterial, conhecido como M. A é feita durante 24h com um aparelho para medir a pressão arterial no braço e um pequeno gravador preso à cintura que faz as medidas em intervalos determinados pelo cardiologista, não sendo necessário ficar internado no hospital. Todos os resultados da pressão arterial que foram gravados são analisadas pelo médico, e, portanto, é recomendado manter as atividades normais do dia-a-dia, assim como anotar em um diário o que estava fazendo em cada horário que a pressão foi medida, pois atividades como comer, andar ou subir escadas podem, normalmente, alterar a pressão. Saiba o preço e os cuidados que se deve ter para fazer o M. Para que serve: permite investigar a variação da pressão ao longo do dia, quando há dúvidas se o paciente tem pressão alta, ou em caso de suspeita de Síndrome do Jaleco Branco, em que a pressão aumenta durante a consulta médica, mas não em outras situações. Além disso, o M. A pode ser realizado com o objetivo de verificar se os remédios para controlar a pressão estão funcionando bem ao longo do dia. Quando é contraindicado: não pode ser feito quando não é possível ajustar a braçadeira no braço do paciente, que pode acontecer em pessoas muito magras ou obesas, e também em situações em que não é possível medir a pressão de forma confiável, o que pode acontecer em pessoas que têm tremores ou arritmias, por exemplo.  4. Holter O holter é um exame para avaliar o ritmo do coração durante todo o dia e à noite através de um gravador portátil que tem os mesmos eletrodos do eletrocardiograma e um gravador que fica preso ao corpo, registrando cada batimento cardíaco do período. Apesar de o período para realização do exame ser de 24h, há casos mais complicados que necessitam de 48h ou até 1 semana para investigação correta do ritmo cardíaco. Durante a realização do holter também é indicado anotar as atividades em um diário, como esforços maiores, e presença de sintomas como palpitações ou dor no peito, para que seja avaliado o ritmo nesses momentos. Para que serve: este exame detecta arritmias cardíacas que podem surgir em momentos variados do dia, investiga sintomas de tontura, palpitação ou desmaios que podem ser causados por descompasso do coração, e também avalia o efeito de marca-passos ou remédios para tratar arritmias. Quando é contraindicado: pode ser feito em qualquer pessoa, mas deve-se evitar em pessoas com irritações na pele que alteram a fixação dos eletrodos. Pode ser instalado por qualquer pessoa treinada, mas só pode ser analisado por um cardiologista. 5. Teste de esforço  O teste de esforço, também conhecido como teste da esteira ou teste ergométrico, é feito com o objetivo de observar alterações da pressão arterial ou do ritmo cardíaco durante a realização de algum esforço. Além da esteira, pode ser realizado numa bicicleta ergométrica. A avaliação do teste do esforço imita situações exigidas pelo corpo, como subir escadas ou uma ladeira, por exemplo, que são situações que podem causar desconforto ou falta de ar nas pessoas com risco para infarto. Saiba mais detalhes sobre o teste do esforço.  Para que serve: permite avaliar o funcionamento do coração durante o esforço, detectando presença de dor no peito, falta de ar ou arritmias, que podem indicar risco para infarto ou insuficiência do coração.  Quando é contraindicado: este teste não deve ser feito por pessoas que têm limitações físicas, como impossibilidade de andar ou pedalar, ou que estão com alguma doença aguda, como uma infecção ou insuficiência cardíaca, já que pode agravar durante o exame. 6. Ecocardiograma O ecocardiograma, também chamado de ecodopplercardiograma, é uma espécie de ultrassom do coração, que detecta imagens durante a sua atividade, avaliando o seu tamanho, a espessura de suas paredes, a quantidade de sangue bombeada e o funcionamento das valvas cardíacas. Este exame é indolor e não utiliza raio x para a obtenção da sua imagem, por isso é muito realizado e proporciona muitas informações importantes sobre o coração. É frequentemente feito para investigar pessoas que apresentam falta de ar e inchaço nas pernas, o que pode indicar uma insuficiência do coração. Veja o passo-a-passo para realização do ecocardiograma.  Para que serve: ajuda a valiar a funcionalidade do coração, detectando insuficiência cardíaca, sopros cardíacos, alterações do formato do coração e dos vasos, além de poder detectar a presença de tumores dentro do coração. Quando é contraindicado: não existem contraindicações para o exame, no entanto a sua realização e, consequentemente o resultado, podem ser mais difíceis em pessoas com próteses mamárias ou obesas, e em pacientes onde não é possível deitar na posição de lado, como pessoas com fraturas na perna ou que estão em estado grave ou entubadas, por exemplo. 7. Cintilografia do miocárdio A cintilografia é um exame realizado através da injeção de uma medicação especial na veia, que facilita a captação de imagens das paredes do coração. As imagens são realizadas com a pessoa em repouso e após o esforço, para que haja uma comparação entre elas. Caso a pessoa não possa realizar o esforço, este é substituído por uma medicação que simula, no corpo, uma caminhada forçada, sem que o pessoa saia do lugar. Para que serve: avaliar alterações na irrigação do sangue nas paredes do coração, como pode acontecer na angina ou no infarto, por exemplo. Também é capaz de observar o funcionamento dos batimentos cardíacos na sua fase de esforço. Quando é contraindicado: a cintilografia do miocárdio é contraindicada no caso de alergia ao princípio ativo da substância utilizada para realizar o exame, pessoas com arritmias graves ou com problemas renais, já que a eliminação do contraste é feita pelos rins.  O cardiologista pode, ainda, decidir se este exame será realizado com ou sem estímulo de medicamentos que aceleram os batimentos cardíacos para imitar uma situação de esforço do paciente. Veja como é feito o preparo para a cintilografia. Exames laboratoriais para avaliar o coração Existem alguns exames de sangue que podem ser realizados para avaliar o coração, como a Troponina, CPK ou CK-MB, por exemplo, que são marcadores musculares que podem ser usados na avaliação de infarto agudo do miocárdio. Outros exames como glicemia, colesterol e triglicerídeos, solicitados no check-up cardiovascular, por exemplo, apesar de não serem específicos do coração, indicam que se não houver controle com medicamentos, atividade física e alimentação equilibrada, há grande risco de desenvolver uma doença cardiovascular no futuro. Entenda melhor quando se deve fazer um check-up cardiovascular.

The kindness of strangers poem. After the Last Jedi I feel like I'm coming back to a bad relationship watching this trailer. I think I'll just wait for the reviews after the movie comes out... The kindness of strangers trailer. I remember Jason in space the nano ants that heal him. Looking forward to watch this movie! Thanks for sharing. 1:01 this is how gum feels like when you chew it. The kindness of strangers december 2019 movie. The kindness of strangers trailer 2019. The kindness of strangers (2019. WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Copiar Link No mundo todo, em 29 de setembro, comemora-se o Dia do Coração. A data é usada para alertar as famílias sobre os problemas cardíacos, que são relativamente comuns entre os recém-nascidos. Estima-se que a cada cem bebês, um venha ao mundo com alguma doença no coração – são as chamadas cardiopatias congênitas. “A prevalência é alta e o coração é vital. Por isso, a morte por cardiopatia é uma das mais comuns entre os bebês. Isso tem um impacto bastante alto na saúde pública”, afirma Sandra Pereira, gerente do serviço de cirurgia cardíaca pediátrica da Perinatal (RJ. Esse tipo de problema não é simples de diagnosticar e tratar. Em torno de 70% dos casos precisam de cirurgia, mas nem todos os hospitais do país contam com profissionais de saúde devidamente preparados para lidar com tais situações. É por esse motivo que algumas famílias saem da maternidade sem sequer desconfiar que o bebê tem uma doença cardíaca. Muita atenção A família deve estar atenta aos sintomas. Nos casos mais simples, o bebê costuma ficar molinho, como se estivesse desmaiado, aparenta cansaço, apresenta sudorese, tem dificuldade para mamar e para ganhar peso. Ele também pode ficar roxo ou muito pálido. “Tudo isso é sinal de alerta. Ao notar, os pais devem procurar o pediatra. Às vezes, uma simples ausculta do coração ou raio-x pode revelar alguma coisa”, explica Sandra. Infelizmente, nas situações mais graves, os sintomas têm pouco tempo para se manifestar, e o óbito pode ser repentino. Teste do coraçãozinho O teste do coraçãozinho deve ser feito nos recém-nascidos como forma de verificar se está tudo certo com o órgão. Trata-se de um aparelho simples colocado no pé e na mão do bebê para medir se o sangue está sendo devidamente oxigenado. Dependendo do resultado, o pediatra pode desconfiar que algo não vai bem e começar a investigar o caso. Desde 2014, o teste tornou-se obrigatório nas maternidades de todo o país. Mas nem sempre a regra é cumprida. Portanto, é válido perguntar ao pediatra, ainda no hospital, se o seu filho já passou pelo o procedimento e como foi o resultado. Cuidado desde a barriga O melhor é quando o diagnóstico da cardiopatia acontece ainda durante a gestação. “Um ultrassonografista bem treinado consegue perceber que algo está errado no coração do feto e já encaminha a mulher para um ecocardiografismo. O cardiologista irá acompanhar o caso e orientar se houver necessidade de nascer em um centro especializado, com uma boa UTI neontal. Isso salva o bebê”, conta Sandra. Você já curtiu Crescer no Facebook? Gostou da nossa matéria? Clique aqui para assinar a nossa newsletter e receba mais conteúdos.


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The Kindness of strangers. So do I have to watch it you showed me everything. The kindness of strangers by katrina kittle. The kindness of strangers blanche dubois. The guy who got mugged got me teary eyed. Saiba como melhorar o desenvolvimento de crianças e adolescentes. Homens costumam ser até 13 cm mais altos do que as mulheres. A altura de cada pessoa depende de vários fatores, como genética, sono, alimentação, atividade física, gênero e fase da vida. Os homens costumam ser até 13 cm mais altos que as mulheres, e à medida que o indivíduo envelhece vai "encolhendo" por um encurtamento dos ossos e músculos. Para descobrir se o seu crescimento está adequado ou não, os médicos fazem um raio X da mão e do punho esquerdos, exame disponível no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS. Com essa imagem, é possível detectar o padrão de maturidade dos ossos, proporcional ao crescimento, uma vez que a altura de cada um está relacionada com seu desenvolvimento ósseo. Esportes em geral são bons para quem precisa crescer, segundo a pediatra Ana Escobar e o endocrinologista pediátrico Hamilton Menezes. Exercícios aeróbicos, como natação e modalidades coletivas, são importantes para a criança e o adolescente. A atividade física garante o aumento da capacidade cardiorrespiratória e a distribuição do oxigênio pelo corpo, além de evitar a obesidade, que prejudica o desenvolvimento – os gordinhos crescem antes e mais rápido, mas param cedo e no final ficam baixinhos. Os médicos não recomendam musculação antes da puberdade. É importante esperar até essa fase para ter certeza de que o crescimento chegou ao fim. Além disso, crianças e adolescentes têm mais risco ósseo e articular em atividades de alto impacto. Homens x mulheres Os homens chegam à puberdade mais tarde, aos 17 anos em média. E é só depois disso, por volta dos 20 anos, que eles param de crescer. No caso das meninas, a puberdade vem aos 15 anos. Depois da menarca, a primeira menstruação, a mulher ganha mais 5 ou 7 cm. Altura média para homens Bebê: 50 cm Criança (5 anos) 1, 10 m Adolescente (12 anos) 1, 50 m Adulto (30 anos) 1, 73 m Idoso (70 anos) 1, 70 m *O "estirão" acontece, em geral, aos 13 anos Altura média para mulheres Adolescente (12 anos) 1, 53 m Adulta (30 anos) 1, 61 m Idosa (70 anos) 1, 59 m *O "estirão" ocorre, em geral, aos 11 anos Calcule a sua altura provável Há uma conta que as pessoas podem fazer para descobrir qual será sua estatura antes de chegar à puberdade. Para os meninos: – Altura do pai em cm + altura da mãe em cm + 13 cm / 2 = altura ideal Para as meninas: – Altura do pai em cm + altura da mãe em cm – 13 cm / 2 = altura ideal Importância do sono É à noite que a gente cresce. A maior parte do hormônio do crescimento (GH) é fabricada e liberada durante o sono, principalmente na fase REM. Os médicos indicam um sono de 12 horas (contínuas ou não) para crianças no período de amamentação, até os 2 anos. Dormir bastante nessa fase é normal e ajuda a crescer. A partir daí, e durante toda infância e adolescência, dormir 8 horas por noite é suficiente para se desenvolver bem. Na terceira idade, ficamos mais baixos por causa dos encurtamentos musculares em regiões como a coluna cervical e lombar, o diafragma e os membros inferiores. Hormônio do crescimento Quando anoitece, a glândula hipófise (que fica na parte central do cérebro) acelera a produção do hormônio do crescimento. O GH se espalha pelo corpo e estimula no fígado a produção de outro hormônio, o IGF-1. O IGF-1 atua principalmente na “placa de crescimento”, cartilagem que envolve os ossos e é estimulada a produzir células que os expandam. O hormônio do crescimento também quebra as células de gordura e libera substâncias que são usadas para fabricar os músculos. Alongamento e postura errada Alterações e vícios posturais colaboram para reduzirmos alguns centímetros de altura. Uma boa posição pode fazer alguém “crescer” entre 2 e 4 cm. E os alongamentos são fundamentais para evitar problemas e dores musculares. O fisioterapeuta Davi Costa elencou três posturas incorretas repetidas no dia a dia. A primeira é quando uma pessoa senta na mesa do escritório com a cabeça projetada para frente (em direção ao computador) e a coluna encurvada para trás, no ângulo de uma roda de bicicleta – as costas ficam arredondadas do bumbum até a nuca. De pé, ao apoiar-se em uma das pernas, o indivíduo joga todo o peso do corpo em uma perna, deixando a outra levemente flexionada. A coluna forma um "S" escoliose funcional. Para corrigir, distribua a carga nos dois pés e fortaleça o abdômen. O terceiro mau hábito é a postura de cansaço, com a bacia inclinada para frente e os pés em um ângulo de "dez para as duas. Assim, a lombar fica fragilizada. Para endireitar-se, é preciso direcionar os pés para frente e encaixar ombros e cabeça no corpo. Alimentos que ajudam a crescer O cálcio é a substância que garante o crescimento saudável e a resistência dos ossos. Também ajuda a prevenir a osteoporose. Já a proteína é importante para o crescimento dos músculos. Fontes de cálcio: – Leite – Queijo – Manteiga – Sardinha – Espinafre Fontes de proteínas: – Carnes – Peixes – Ovos – Feijão – Açaí.

Disney: the saga will end Also Disney: yes but actually no. Visão Geral O que é Sopro no coração? Sopro no coração é o nome de um ruído que pode ser ouvido ( auscultado" em termo técnico) do peito durante um exame físico. O sopro no coração é resultado de sangue passando através de um orifício menor do que deveria. Parece o barulho de alguém soprando no seu ouvido ou uma fresta de janela aberta. NÃO PARE AGORA. TEM MAIS DEPOIS DA PUBLICIDADE; O sopro acontece quando alguma válvula cardíaca (temos quatro) esta com o orifício de passagem reduzido (estenose) ou quando ela não fecha direito e deixa o sangue voltar por um furinho (insuficiência. Um sopro no coração por si só não é uma doença, mas indica que tem algum problema com a saúde do coração. O sopro no coração pode ser congênito ou aparecer com a idade avançada, por degeneração de alguma válvula. Pode acontecer também como sequela de endocardite ou após infarto, por lesão de válvula ou do musculo cardíaco. Algumas vezes o sopro no coração é funcional, como em casos de febre e estados hiperdinâmicos, e some quando se corrige a causa de aceleração do sangue. > Hábitos ruins ao coração Causas Um sopro no coração pode ser normal ou anormal. No primeiro caso, comum em bebês em crianças, o paciente tem um coração saudável. Já um sopro no coração anormal é mais grave. Em crianças, sopros anormais são geralmente causados por uma doença cardíaca congênita. Em adultos, sopros anormais acontecem normalmente devido a doenças nas válvulas cardíacas. Um sopro normal pode ocorrer quando o sangue flui mais rapidamente através do coração. Condições que podem causar um rápido fluxo de sangue rápido através do coração incluem: Atividade física ou exercício Gravidez Febre Mudanças na estrutura do coração, como uma cirurgia cardíaca Não ter glóbulos vermelhos saudáveis o suficiente para transportar oxigênio suficiente para os tecidos do corpo ( anemia) Uma quantidade excessiva de hormônio da tireoide no seu corpo ( hipertireoidismo. Sopros cardíacos normais podem desaparecer ao longo do tempo, ou podem durar a vida inteira sem nunca causar mais problemas de saúde. Embora a maioria dos sopros cardíacos não seja grave, alguns podem resultar de um problema cardíaco. A causa mais comum de sopros anormais em crianças é quando os bebês nascem com problemas estruturais do coração (cardiopatia congênita. Defeitos congênitos comuns que causam sopros no coração incluem: Defeitos septais, que são uma espécie de buraco nas paredes entre as câmaras cardíacas Anormalidades na válvula do coração. Exemplos incluem válvulas que não permitem a passagem de sangue suficiente (estenose) ou aqueles que não se fecham adequadamente e vazam. Outras causas de sopro no coração anormal incluem infecções e condições que danificam as estruturas do coração, e são mais comuns em crianças mais velhas ou adultos. Por exemplo: Febre reumática Endocardite Calcificação da válvula Prolapso da válvula mitral. Fatores de risco Para sopro no coração, os fatores de risco incluem: História familiar doenças cardíacas Doenças durante a gravidez O uso de certos medicamentos, álcool ou drogas durante a gravidez Hipertensão História de febre reumática Radioterapia próxima do peito Endocardite anterior Infarto anterior Hipertensão pulmonar Músculo do coração fraco, que pode ser causado por uma condição conhecida como cardiomiopatia. Sintomas Sintomas de Sopro no coração Se você tem um sopro no coração inofensivo, provavelmente não terá quaisquer outros sinais ou sintomas. Um sopro cardíaco anormal pode causar outros sinais óbvios, além do som incomum que seu médico ou médica ouve pelo estetoscópio. Confira os sinais que, juntamente com um sopro cardíaco, podem indicar um problema do coração: Pele azulada, especialmente nas pontas dos dedos e lábios Inchaço ou ganho de peso repentino Falta de ar Tosse crônica Fígado inchado Veias do pescoço aumentadas Falta de apetite Problemas de crescimento (em crianças) Transpiração intensa com o mínimo ou nenhum esforço Dor no peito Tontura Desmaio. Diagnóstico e Exames Buscando ajuda médica A maioria dos sopros cardíacos não é grave, mas se você acha que você ou seu filho tem um sopro no coração, marque uma consulta médica. O médico ou médica pode dizer se o sopro cardíaco é inocente e não necessita de qualquer tratamento adicional ou se é um problema cardíaco que precisa ser mais bem examinado. Na consulta médica Especialistas que podem diagnosticar um sopro cardíaco são: Clínico geral Cardiologista Pediatra Estar preparado para a consulta pode facilitar o diagnóstico e otimizar o tempo. Dessa forma, você já pode chegar à consulta com algumas informações: Uma lista com todos os sintomas e há quanto tempo eles apareceram Histórico médico, incluindo outras condições que o paciente tenha e medicamentos ou suplementos que ele tome com regularidade Se possível, peça para uma pessoa te acompanhar. O médico provavelmente fará uma série de perguntas, tais como: Quando os sintomas começaram? Os sintomas são contínuos ou ocasionais? Quão graves são os sintomas? O que, se alguma coisa, parece melhorar os sintomas? Alguma coisa piora os sintomas? Já notou uma coloração azulada da pele? Há tem falta de ar? Quando isso acontece? Houve desmaios? Há sinal de dor no peito? Há inchaço nas pernas? Como você/seu ente querido se sente quando se exercita? Você já usou drogas ilícitas? Alguma vez você já teve febre reumática? Alguém na família tem um sopro no coração ou um problema de válvula cardíaca? Diagnóstico de Sopro no coração A maioria dos sopros cardíacos é entrada durante as visitas médicas regulares. Com o estetoscópio, o médico ou médica pode ouvir cada parte do batimento cardíaco, incluindo os sons extras, ou sopros, que podem estar lá. Se houver um sopro no coração, o médico ou médica irá avaliar o tipo de som e qual sua altura. Ele ou ela também irá procurar por sinais de outros sintomas, como falta de ar, tontura, batimento cardíaco rápido ou irregular e acúmulo de líquido nas pernas ou nos pulmões. Podem ser feitos alguns testes adicionais, como: Ecocardiograma Eletrocardiograma Radiografia de tórax Cateterismo cardíaco. Tratamento e Cuidados Tratamento de Sopro no coração Um sopro no coração normal geralmente não requer tratamento. Se você ou seu filho tem um sopro cardíaco anormal, o tratamento pode também não ser necessário. No entanto, em alguns casos, pode ser que o sopro no coração necessite de tratamento adequado. Isso depende do que está causando o sopro cardíaco. Medicamentos Alguns medicamentos que o médico ou médica pode receitar incluem: Digoxina, um medicamento que ajuda o coração a bater com mais força Anticoagulantes, para evitar a formação de coágulos no coração Diuréticos, para remover o excesso de fluidos do seu corpo, o que pode ajudar a tratar outras condições, como pressão arterial elevada Inibidores de ECA baixar a pressão arterial Estatinas, para ajudar a diminuir o colesterol Betabloqueadores, para diminuir a frequência cardíaca e pressão arterial. Cirurgia ou cateterismo As opções cirúrgicas também dependem do problema cardíaco específico. Embora possa ser necessária uma cirurgia de coração aberto. Exemplos de processos incluem: Remendar um buraco em seu coração Fixação ou substituição de uma válvula Às vezes, a causa do sopro cardíaco é tratada através da inserção de um cateter através de uma artéria na virilha nas veias de seu coração para tratar sua condição, num procedimento chamado cateterismo cardíaco. Prevenção A maioria dos sopros cardíacos são normais, e não há nada que possa ser feito para impedir seu aparecimento. A maioria dos sopros anormais também não pode ser prevenida. Eles são geralmente causados por infecções ou doenças congênitas. O que você pode fazer é cuidar bem do seu coração com um estilo de vida saudável. Isso inclui: Comer alimentos saudáveis Fazer exercícios regulares Controlar pressão arterial e colesterol Não fumar Ingerir bebida alcoólica com moderação. Referências Bruno Valdigem, cardiologista especialista do Portal Minha Vida - CRM 118535 Ministério da Saúde Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia.

The kindness of strangers movie 2019. Last episode: The nomad visits a carnival that's in town This episode: The nomad is essentially chained to a wall, almost gutted by a psychopath, and then almost gets shot twice by a shotgun. I can't tell if this show is either PG or R at this point. Amor Mil coisas eu deixei, só pra te falar, largo tudo se a gente se casar domingo, na praia, no sol, no mar, ou num navio a navegar. Num avião a decolar, indo sem data pra voltar. Oportunidades Mas não adie, não deixe pra depois… Algumas oportunidades acontecem uma vez só. Tudo Do nada você se tornou TUDO. Prova Não basta dizer que ama, tem que provar. Desistência Não desiste, eu não vou desistir, seja como for... Palavras Quando eu olho nos teus olhos, palavras são desnecessárias. Pensamentos Só quero que saiba, que passo o dia a pensar em você. Vida Fica, preciso de ti, minha vida sem você não é a mesma coisa. ABC do Amor O amor não é feito de palavrinhas idiotas, o amor é feito de grandes gestos, como aviões levando faixas sobre estádios, propostas em telões, ou palavras gigantes escritas no céu. O amor é ir mais além mesmo que doa, deixando tudo pra trás. O amor é encontrar uma coragem dentro de si que nem se sabia que existia... Números Se você me pedir 1 beijo, eu te dou 2. Se você disser que me ama 3 vezes, eu te digo 4. Se você sentir sozinha por 5 vezes, eu te abraçarei 6. E sê você duvidar do meu amor, te darei 7 provas convincentes para acreditar nele. Personalidade Amar é um refazer-se e reinventar constante. Como se pode entender a personalidade de amar? Trágico E foi depois de me “desquerer” que ele descobriu que me quis. E o nosso olhar teve que se perder na distância que lhe servia de escudo. Trágico romance, trágica escolha. Te Esperarei Sem me dar conta, eu regresso, paro e penso. E eu confesso, espero que o perdão esteja em sua mente. Por isso eu rezo. Tempo Quando você é realmente importante pra alguém, aquela pessoa sempre vai ter um tempo para você. Sem desculpas, sem mentiras e sem promessas... Distância Eu só queria distância da nossa distância. Ao seu lado Ficar sem você, me mostrou o quanto é bom estarmos juntos. Valor Dê valor a quem te dá amor. Beleza Meu mundo ficou bem mais bonito desde que te encontrei. Paixão Se apaixonar pelas qualidades é fácil. Quero ver se apaixonar pelos defeitos, manias, cicatrizes, manchas. Pelas burradas e mancadas. Essa eu quero ver. Fuga Não adianta fugir do amor. Chega uma hora que ele aparece e te domina, contra sua vontade. Ele faz você pensar em um certo alguém 24 horas por dia, faz você encontrar um pouco desse alguém em tudo que tá perto de você. Não adianta fugir do amor. Por mais que você tente, chega uma hora que ele te força a desistir. Ele te faz pirar, chorar, sorrir, imaginar, sofrer… Ele te faz bem e mal. Ele te deixa feliz e triste. Promessa Promete esperar por mim que eu prometo fazer essa esperar valer a pena. Basta Não basta estar disponível, não basta apoiar decisões, não basta acompanhar no cinema: intimidade é não precisar ser acionado, pois já se está mentalmente a postos. Vontade Vontade de ter você comigo o tempo todo, meu amor. Confusão Amar, para mim, é algo muito complicado. E isso eu aprendi ao longo do tempo. Observei que eu e você, ou “nós” para ser melhor e de um significado excelente, somos perfeitos juntos. Perfeitos de uma forma embolada, mas não deixamos de um pertencer ao outro. Dói Consigo viver sem você, só que dói, e eu não quero… Sorriso Um sorriso dobrado, um abraço apertado, um beijo excitado.

The kindness of strangers book review. Damn just watching the trailer gave me vertigo my heart was pounding watching this trailer lol I got to see this movie. Que coisa triste de se ver... a terrível maldade humana. que a alegria de outro Ser, tenta roubar... Tão bonito seria, que se respeitassem e unidos, não disputassem uma pequenina réstia de sol. O sol é imenso, e há luz para todo mundo... Não é preciso temer, quem quer um pouco a alma aquecer. Minhas simples palavras, destituídas de qualquer erudição... são apenas desabafo do que me vai no coração. Irma Jardim E têm corações tão cheios de luz e calor Que conseguem iluminar e aquecer outros. Sem esforços, naturalmente o fazem, Porque naturalmente são Gustavo Aschar Os programas de ajuda podem aquecer o coração dos ingênuos, mas o que realmente significam e colocar mais poder nas mãos dos burocratas. Thomas Sowell No Silencio Você Vai Me Ver, Quando O Vento Levar Minha Voz, Fazendo Seu Coração Se Aqueçer, E Bater Como Um Leão Feroz, Minha Vida Estava Sem Sentido, Jah Nao Queria Mais Viver, Precisava De Um Motivo, Para Continuar A Viver, Então Foi Que Te Encontrei, E Vi Em Seus Olhos A Inocência, Entaum Soube Que Era VOcê, A Razão Da Minha Existencia. Daniel Wutzke de Oliveira Aqui dentro o coração é quente. Há cobertores de amor pra aquecer a alma. Há sempre um pouco do que faz bem, Há essências de bem querer e ternuras em cada lugar. •⊰✿ FranXimenes A jóia mais bela. Foi tão bom te conhecer Tão bom te encontrar e poder estar assim tão perto de você És a linda mulher que apareceu Com ternura e carinho me comoveu Teus gestos tão singelos Teus lábios os mais belos Fez meu coração tremer Ao chegar em casa penso em você Sinto que preciso te ver Todo o dia a noite sonho com você Eu não consigo te esquecer Você é a jóia mais bela Luz que vem por minha janela O sol que vem pra me aquecer Marcos Roberto da Cruz Deseje bom dia para você também! Permita ao Sol nascer dentro de você, aquecer seu coração e iluminar quem estiver à sua volta. Mauricio Veneroso Quando encontrares alguém de cara emburrada e alma sombria, sorria! É o sol que derrete a neve, e uma alma iluminada e leve, tem o poder de aquecer e preencher, os vazios de coração. Mychele Magalhães Velloso A nossa vida é como o mar. As vezes bravio, as vezes calmaria. Em qualquer circunstância em que se encontrar, jamais feche a janela, deixe sempre o sol aquecer seu coração. Juraci Gatto O Sol, em Toda sua plenitude, às vezes, não tem calor suficiente para aquecer um coração. Ana Paula Silva - Moc Nenhum coração é tão frio, que o amor não possa aquecer. Jakson Trindade As pessoas podem até se agasalhar durante o inverno. Porém, seu coração somente se aquecerá quando estiver repleto de amor. Jakson Trindade Que coisa triste de se ver! O roubo da alegria apenas por prazer, sem razão nenhuma de ser. Tão bonito seria que se respeitassem, e unidos não disputassem um pequeno raio de sol. O sol é imenso, e há luz para todo mundo. quem quer um pouco a alma aquecer. escritas sem quaisquer intensão. são apenas desabafos da alma e do coração. Irma Jardim Se apaixone pelos meus sonetos? Oh moça! Seu coração parece ser brando ao soar Como o canto dos pássaros a voar Pela janela vejo o teu olhar Que brilha como a luz do luar Nos teus braços quero me aquecer Pelos teus lábios navegar Por tua voz me acalmar Por teu cheiro me entorpecer Doce sorriso que me derreteu Oh pobre poeta! E o que você prometeu? Fazê-la feliz todos os dias Claramente me perdi em você Em seus desenhos tão mágicos Se apaixone pelos meus sonetos? Lucas R. Berretta Eu busco todo dia renascer Fecho o olho, a paz tá ali, disso eu não vou me perder Sem reter, só fluir, sem voltar, só seguir Levando a cura, libertação do medo de existir Na palavra sincera busco a santa energia Necessária pra te ajudar a viver mais um dia Se manter de pé onde todos se nocauteiam, irmão O que for preciso pra aquecer seu coração Síntese No amanhã incerto posso não ter mudado, mas somente um sentimento puro, poderá aquecer um coração congelado. Danilowx Talvez você só precise parar de esquentar a cabeça e aproveitar pra aquecer o coração! Joany Talon.

The kindness of strangers trailer deutsch. The Kindness of strangest people. The kindness of strangers trailer 2020. The kindness of strangers book. The Kindness of stranger than fiction. O verdadeiro segredo para cabelos fortes e brilhantes não está no shampoo ou em tratamentos feitos em salões de beleza. Está na nossa dieta. Assim como a pele, a vitalidade dos cabelos é um sinal externo da saúde no interior do nosso corpo. As células que compõem cada fio de cabelo requerem um fornecimento regular de nutrientes essenciais para que elas permaneçam fortes e não parem de se renovar. Os homens são mais propensos a perder os cabelos devido à calvície de padrão masculino, mas a queda de cabelo também é comum entre as mulheres. As razões podem variar de uma simples e temporária deficiência de vitaminas a uma condição de saúde mais complexa. Em muitos casos há maneiras de tratar a queda de cabelo em ambos os sexos e o ponto de partida é, sem dúvida, optar por alimentos que fazem o cabelo crescer. Veja a seguir uma lista com dezesseis alimentos saudáveis e cheios de nutrientes que ajudam a estimular o crescimento dos fios e a manutenção da sua saúde. 1. Salmão Peixes como o salmão e a sardinha são ricos em ômega-3, um tipo de gordura saudável que não é produzida naturalmente pelo nosso corpo e precisa ser adquirida a partir de alimentos ou suplementos. Estes peixes que contêm ômega-3 são alimentos que fazem o cabelo crescer, ajudam a mantê-lo brilhante e saudável e protegem o corpo contra inúmeras doenças. 2. Pimentão amarelo Este tipo de pimentão tem cinco vezes mais vitamina C do que a laranja (341 miligramas, em oposição a 63 por porção. A vitamina C é um antioxidante que faz o cabelo crescer, reforça os folículos pilosos e a haste do cabelo, além de impedir a quebra dos fios. 3. Iogurte grego Este alimento é rico em proteínas, a base da construção dos fios de cabelo. Ele também contém vitamina B5, conhecida como ácido pantotênico, um ingrediente que estimula o fluxo sanguíneo para o couro cabeludo ajudando no crescimento do cabelo e impedindo a queda. O ácido pantotênico é comumente adicionado a produtos para a pele e cabelos, mas ingeri-lo através do iogurte é muito mais saudável. 4. Sementes de girassol Apenas algumas pequenas sementes de girassol podem conter alta concentração de vitamina E. Esta vitamina melhora o fluxo sanguíneo para o couro cabeludo e por isso as sementes são ótimos alimentos que fazem o cabelo crescer até mais rápido. 5. Espinafre O espinafre é cheio de nutrientes que ajudam a manter a hidratação e a impedir a quebra dos cabelos. O vegetal também contém vitamina A, ferro, betacaroteno, ácido fólico e vitamina C, elementos que trabalham em conjunto para manter o couro cabeludo saudável e fértil para o nascimento de novos folículos. 6. Abacate Os abacates são um segredo de beleza milenar devido à sua alta concentração de ácidos graxos essenciais, vitaminas B e E, que funcionam em nível celular para proteger e fortalecer o cabelo. A vitamina B é essencial para o crescimento do cabelo. A vitamina E ajuda a reparar danos no couro cabeludo, o que pode retardar ou impedir o crescimento dos fios. Comer abacate e usá-lo regularmente como máscara capilar são formas de garantir o cabelo saudável com o crescimento esperado de cerca de um centímetro a cada mês. 7. Amêndoas As amêndoas são importantes alimentos que fazem o cabelo crescer mais rápido e com mais vigor devido ao seu alto teor de biotina. Uma xícara desta noz contém cerca de um terço da necessidade diária de biotina, uma vitamina do complexo B amplamente usada por especialistas para combater a queda dos cabelos. Os resultados podem ser notados entre um e dois meses após adicioná-las à sua dieta. 8. Grãos como a soja e a lentilha Ferro é um mineral essencial para garantir o crescimento e a estabilidade dos cabelos. Este nutriente pode ser encontrado em abundância em cereais e massas fortificados e grãos como a soja e a lentilha. Ele é recomendado para o crescimento e a saúde do cabelo porque transporta oxigênio para os folículos capilares que dão origem a novos fios. É importante lembrar que para haver uma absorção adequada de ferro pelo organismo é preciso equilibrar também a ingestão de vitamina C. 9. Vegetais folhosos como acelga, couve e agrião Estes vegetais contêm metilsulfonilmetano (MSM) uma forma biológica do enxofre, um nutriente importante para a saúde do cabelo, pele, unhas, e cartilagem. Alimentos e suplementos de MSM podem nutrir, aumentar a espessura e promover o crescimento dos cabelos. Um estudo realizado na Universidade de Saúde e Ciência do Oregon relatou aumento do crescimento do cabelo entre os participantes depois de usarem MSM por cerca de seis semanas. Cientistas explicam que o enxofre é necessário para o crescimento saudável de colágeno e queratina e serve para melhorar a circulação do sangue no couro cabeludo, o que suporta a indicação destes alimentos que fazem o cabelo crescer. 10. Carnes magras Os cabelos são compostos de proteínas, e pesquisas mostram que o crescimento do cabelo para quando não há proteína suficiente no organismo. É importante consumir proteína de carnes magras como frango ou peru, que têm menos gordura saturada do que a carne bovina e suína. 11. Erva Saw Palmetto Um estudo publicado pelo Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine informou que a erva Saw Palmetto ( Serenoa repens) pode aumentar o crescimento do cabelo nos homens. O extrato de Saw Palmetto tem sido ingerido na forma de suplemento e já é usado por herbalistas para estimular o crescimento de cabelo em homens e mulheres há muitas décadas. Este estudo mostrou através de pesquisas que a erva realmente aumenta o crescimento dos cabelos em homens que tomam extratos de Saw Palmetto diariamente. 12. Batata doce As diferentes variedades de batatas doces são ricas em betacaroteno, um antioxidante que o organismo transforma em vitamina A assim que é ingerido. A vitamina A ajuda a evitar o ressecamento dos cabelos e estimula as glândulas do couro cabeludo a produzir o sebo, uma condição fundamental para o desenvolvimento de novos fios e a manutenção da vitalidade dos fios já desenvolvidos. O betacaroteno também pode ser encontrado em outros vegetais alaranjados como cenoura, abóbora, melão e manga, que portanto também podem ser bons alimentos que fazem o cabelo crescer. 13. Canela O consumo de canela contribui para o fluxo adequado de sangue nos vasos que circundam o couro cabeludo. A saúde da circulação é essencial para que haja oxigênio e nutrientes adequados para o desenvolvimento dos folículos pilosos que dão origem aos fios de cabelo. 14. Ovos Ovos são ricos em proteína, ferro e biotina, e por isso estão na lista de alimentos que fazem o cabelo crescer. Cada um destes nutrientes tem um papel específico e fundamental na formação de novos fios e na manutenção da saúde dos cabelos. A carência de qualquer um destes elementos pode levar à queda significante de cabelo. 15. Ostras As ostras são ricas em zinco e a falta deste mineral pode causar a perda de cabelos até mesmo nos cílios. As células que compõem o cabelo dependem de zinco para o crescimento dos fios e para o bom funcionamento das glândulas sebáceas no couro cabeludo. Este mineral também pode ser encontrado na carne bovina, caranguejo, lagosta, e em cereais enriquecidos, que também podem ser listados como alimentos que fazem o cabelo crescer. 16. Frutas ricas em vitamina C A vitamina C auxilia a absorção do ferro dos alimentos e também é um antioxidante facilmente absorvido pelo organismo. As melhores fontes de vitamina C são groselha, mirtilo, brócolis, goiaba, kiwi, laranja, mamão, morango e batata-doce. Esta vitamina ajuda na produção de colágeno que fortalece os vasos capilares responsáveis por abastecer os fios de cabelo com oxigênio e nutrientes, substâncias fundamentais para o seu crescimento. Entenda o ciclo do cabelo Cada cabelo está ligado ao couro cabeludo através de um folículo. Há entre 100 e 350 mil folículos de cabelo no couro cabeludo humano, sendo que cada um faz crescer um fio de cabelo. Cada fio saudável cresce por cerca de três anos e depois passa cerca de três meses em inatividade até cair. Quando um fio cai, outro já começou a se desenvolver no mesmo folículo. Este ciclo de crescimento e queda dos fios varia significativamente de pessoa para pessoa e é influenciada pela idade, pela dieta, pela herança genética e pelo estado de saúde de cada um. Como é composto o cabelo? O cabelo é composto principalmente por uma proteína chamada queratina, que também forma as unhas e a camada protetora externa da pele. Cada cabelo é formado por três camadas: A cutícula: Camada exterior, fina e incolor que atua como a camada de proteção do fio; O córtex: Camada mediana onde está depositada a melanina, responsável pela cor do cabelo. É esta camada que determina o formato dos fios; A medula: Camada mais interna, nem sempre presente em todos os fios, ela é responsável pela distribuição de nutrientes em alguns fios e se forma ainda na fase de germinação destes. O motivo da queda de cabelo Os fios de cabelos caem naturalmente no final do seu ciclo de vida, no entanto, a perda de cabelo torna-se preocupante quando é maior do que a capacidade de produção de novos fios pelos folículos capilares. Antes de procurar um tratamento eficiente, é importante determinar as causas da queda; no entanto, pesquisas mostram que a dieta com os alimentos que fazem o cabelo crescer listados acima é fundamental na manutenção da saúde dos folículos capilares que dão origem a novos fios. Alguns fatores potenciais para a perda de cabelo incluem carência de certos nutrientes, idade, gravidez, herança genética e desequilíbrios hormonais, incluindo disfunção da tiroide. É importante procurar um médico para determinar a causa específica da queda de cabelos e identificar o melhor tratamento para cada caso. Tratamentos naturais que fazem o cabelo crescer 1. Aplicar máscara de crescimento Faça a sua própria máscara de cabelo para um tratamento profundo e nutritivo. Bata uma gema de ovo e misture com meio abacate amassado e uma colher de mel. Massageie a mistura no cabelo limpo ainda úmido e deixe agir por 30 minutos antes de enxaguar completamente. A máscara deve ser aplicada a cada duas semanas. Tomar sol ou suplemento de Vitamina D Vários estudos mostram que a vitamina D pode ajudar a ativar o crescimento do cabelo. Embora poucos alimentos contenham naturalmente esta vitamina, basta tomar sol por alguns minutos por dia para ajudar o corpo a produzir mais vitamina D. Caso haja restrição em relação ao sol devido aos raios ultravioleta, o melhor é suplementar a vitamina D de acordo com o indicado por um nutricionista. Impulsionar a circulação do couro cabeludo com óleo essencial de alecrim O óleo essencial de alecrim tem sido tradicionalmente usado para aumentar a circulação do couro cabeludo e estimular o crescimento do cabelo. Adicione algumas gotas do óleo ao shampoo ou, se possível, massageie o couro cabeludo regularmente com algumas gotas de óleo de alecrim ou de coco. Usar chá de folhas de goiabeira Segundo os especialistas, as folhas da goiabeira podem evitar a queda de cabelo quando usadas regularmente. Para fazer o chá, ferva um punhado de folhas de goiabeira em 1 litro de água de 15 a 20 minutos. Deixe esfriar em temperatura ambiente, coe e aplique suavemente nos cabelos desde a raiz até a ponta. Massageie ligeiramente o couro cabeludo para fortalecer as raízes do cabelo. O uso do chá ajuda imensamente no controle da queda de cabelo porque fortalece também os folículos, aumentando a sua vida reprodutiva. Vídeo: Gostou das dicas? Você acredita que consome a quantidade certa destes alimentos que fazem o cabelo crescer? Tem sofrido com o baixo crescimento de seus cabelos atualmente? Comente abaixo. 39 votos, média: 4, 41 de 5) Loading...

Racism again. The USA has never moved on or grown up. What song is it. Love always wins. Jeremias 17:9-10 ARC - Enganoso é o coração, mais do que - Bible Gateway Don't have an account? Creating an account allows you to access more features and content such as: Reading Plans Reading the Bible is rewarding, and these plans make it easy! Personalization Take notes, highlights, and favorites to share or document personal thoughts Syncing All your content will be saved and you can seamlessly switch devices. Log Out 9  Enganoso é o coração, mais do que todas as coisas, e perverso; quem o conhecerá? 10  Eu, o Senhor, esquadrinho o coração, eu provo os pensamentos; e isso para dar a cada um segundo os seus caminhos e segundo o fruto das suas ações. × Advance your knowledge of Scripture with this resource library of over 40 reference books, including commentaries and Study Bible notes. Try it for 30 days FREE. Learn more You'll get this book and many others when you join Bible Gateway Plus. Learn more You must be logged in to view your newly purchased content. Please log in below or if you don't have an account, creating one is easy and only takes a few moments. After you log in your content will be available in your library. Footnotes Cross references Verse Numbers Headings Red Letter.

The kindness of strangers full movie. It looks like fast n furious meets terminator. But is that a good thing beacause it has a SABAB FILMS too. Ye,when older woman has sex with young boy it is destruction of family,when man does it with young girl it is natural-so predictable comments I would say!Living in mofern families can be chalanging these days.

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Jake Kasdan Jake Kasdan Genre=Comedy 2019 2 H, 3 minute. Škoda že změnily dabing u některých postav nějak mi to tam nesedí🙁ale už se těším až to bude v kinech😉. Even though this trailer is absolutely astounding and I'd be totally sold if this became a real movie, the thing about Leo is that he's such a good actor that even simple mannerisms and expressions give the feel of a totally different person when compared to that of Jack. For example in 2:03 there's no trace of Jack anywhere in that stare. He is THAT good.

Jumanji: the next level docs. IT COMES OUT TODAY, YES. ———————————————————————.

Jumanji: the next level 3d showtimes

Jumanji: The Next Level is perfect if you are looking for fun in a different world during these short cold days this winter.
Right away we pick up directly where we left off where the main characters have all moved on to their adult lives after high school trying to build their futures.
Jumanji: The Next Level is fun and action packed for all ages. The subtle adult humor jokes were an added plus. I grew up with the original Jumanji and this film does a great job being its own, taking risks, while making great callbacks and connections to the first of the Jumanji films. I hope there is a 3rd Jumanji because of how well these are done.

Jumanji: the next level movie showtimes showtimes. Jumanji: The Next leveling. They removed some of the scenes in this trailer in the actual movie. Never thought Eddie and Milo would get official Avatars like this. James needs money for AVATAR 5🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. Jumanji the next level trailer in hindi. Jumanji the next level behind the scenes. Jumanji the next level public review. So i've seen the first film & absolute loved the first film so was looking forward to this one but was disappointed to say the least.
Lets start by talking about the character switch for the first half of the film which was not a good idea personally, i was hoping for the original cast to be in the role for the entire film but that was not the case, the reason i didn't like that was because it like a repeat of the first film where they had no idea what was going on & they had no idea about their abilities they were capable of which does have a few funny moments but gets boring quite quick because you know what they can do but there so clueless it made me feel kinda frustrated at points to where i was saying in my head, hurry up & get along with the film we've seen this all before, honestly i think it was a easy filler for the first half of the film.
Because of them things they go through their game lives really fast which have absolutely no meaning because then they have 1 life for the rest of the film & you 100% know they are not going to die so the lives thing is pointless & after all the cast have got 1 life they stop talking about the lives & move on to something else in the film, whereas in the first film they actually care about the lives they have & be careful, not just wasting them all in this film.
Also there is some really pointless segments in the film, one pointless segment was the bridge area with the monkeys, know my friends pointed out that it was a level within the game but then i said what level, all they did was walk up to it & decide to jump over some random bridges, there was no artefact or statue to get from doing the bridges, in fact they could of just walked straight past the bridges because they end up exactly where they started, at the beginning of the bridges so why did they have to even attempt it, again it just felt like pointless filler to me because it served no purpose.
So after all that at the beginning of the film the cast finally switch back to their original roles & the film can finally start, its similar business to the original when things switch but it still does not have that vibe the first film had. The protagonist wasn't even that scary or worth much in general, all he does is walk round talking, takes a few punches at the end & then dies to the Jumanji fruit, great. br> Overall this was a big let down, have a read of my review after reading the good reviews & you will think twice on what you have just watched.
Age - 25
Cinema: Cineworld Stevenage iMAX 2D (Unlimited Card)
Watch, Avoid, Consider: Watch because its the 2nd film in the series but don't expect much like the first.

Jumanji: the next level movie imdb. Next level of understanding of confusion. Now they're just milking it. I really do want this trilogy to end. I want it to continue. Jumanji: The Next level 1. Jumanji 3a the next level film. Jumanji: the next level movie full movie. Jumanji: the next level movie review.

Jumanji the next level 2019. Jumanji: The Next level 2. Jumanji: the next level fmovies. Jumanji:the next level.


Jumanji the next level tickets. And meanwhile, some kid is playing Zathura. Jumanji: the next level 2020. Never again its nothing but chase and fight scenes which is what i figured it would,stupid me but not again. Jumanji: the next level is. I didnt think one would be as good as the first. then I saw Danny devito. Jumanji: the next. ❖Free download❖~ Jumanji: The Next Level. 2019] DVDRip FULL MOVIE english 1920P in 2020, Movies, Frances movie, Movies online. Jumanji: The Next level. Please do CATS.

Jumanji 3a the next level build plate. Jumanji: the next level rotten. Movies Jumanji: The Next Level Hot Receive an email once the selected quality (or above) has been reported Picture and audio quality: Guidelines Movie info DESCRIPTION The reboot of Jumanji proved to be a successful move from Sony pictures, even challenging Star Wars at the box office. And while download numbers have yet to be revealed (only a CAM/TS torrent is available at the time of writing) it's likely to break all sorts of records. So it's no wonder we're getting a sequel and according to Deadline, screenwriters Scott Rosenberg and Jeff Pinkner returns, alongside Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle's director. And we should expect Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson along with Kevin Hart, Jack Black and Karen Gillan to return as well. While the movie might not technically be called Jumanji 3 (Update: It's now titled Jumanji The Next Level) and might not even be considered the third movie in the franchise, I'm sticking to this title before we get a proper update. Where you watch Email alert The movie is online and reported below, Use the alert button to get notified when higher quality versions are available. Is Jumanji: The Next Level available online? Yes. Reports of pirated torrents and streams are available below. When will Jumanji: The Next Level be available on digital platforms like iTunes, Amazon or Apple+ As of now, there's no release date announced. This includes iTunes, Amazon, Blu-Ray and DVD. [TGx] Video and audio quality: 1/5, Source: Camera Submitted by: Costa, Trust Rank level: Hero member Format: Torrent, Site: torrentgalaxy CAM Version 2 Please be advised this upload has ads cut or watermarked into the video. Format: Torrent, Site: torrentgalaxy Please be advised this upload has ads cut or watermarked into the video.

“may i offer you a piece of cake”. I wheezed when Bethany ran away. My son really wanted to see this. So we did, and I am so happy we did. This was good fun, and I actually thought the story was pretty strong. The ending though. SO good. Good tie in to I will head to with my son again. Jumanji the next level csfd. Can't wait for this film. The previous one was so funny. Jumanji 3a the next level lyrics. Jumanji the next level final trailer reaction mashup. Who else loves Kevin hart? 🤣🤣. Jumanji: the next level movie reviews. “His whole left side is shutting down.” See no difference. Damn that smouldering intensity...

Jumanji: the next level movie box office. Jumanji: the next level showtimes. Jumanji: the next level movie cast. Kis kis ko uravashi hot lagi. Jumanji the next level box office.

Feels different but same :3. Jumanji: the next level times. Jumanji: the next level online. Wohi jo teddha sa chehraa tuu banata hai. Typical Indian hainnnnn 😂😂🙌. Kevin Harts walk in the end 😂😂😂😂. Jumanji: the next level 123. Morgen: Kino: Jumanji 2🍿 Freue mich schon sooooo😍🍿❤️. Jumanji: the next level movie. Jumanji: the next level zmovies. Jeeze when heard that joker one I thought “well thats the reason he became the joker! Jeez”. Jumanji: The Next level 5. Jumanji: the next level movie online free. The back-and-forth banter alone is going to be worth the price of admission. 😆. Eu so acho que esses caras que fazem filmes(cof cof) viajaram no vinagre Wtf! Titanic 2.

Jumanji: the next level 2019 full movie. Jumanji the next level trailer reaction. Jumanji the next level rating.

Really hope this is as refreshing and funny as before

Jumanji the next level full movie. Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. JUMANJI THE NEXT LEVEL has hit screens with a bang - but can you watch the full movie online? PUBLISHED: 07:50, Mon, Jan 27, 2020, UPDATED: 07:51, Mon, Jan 27, 2020 Jumanji: The Next Level has arrived in UK cinemas and fans are relieved to finally be able to watch the movie. However, some may prefer to curl up on the sofa and avoid the winter climes to watch the film at home. But can you watch Jumanji: The Next Level at home on a streaming service? Can you watch the full movie of Jumanji: The Next Level online? Any website claiming to have the film for streaming or download is illegal.  The Digital Economy Act 2017 means people could now face ten-year prison sentences for illegally streaming copyrighted content. To be sure youre not watching copyrighted material, you should go direct to companies such as Netflix or Amazon Prime, according to FACT (Federation Against Copyright Theft. READ MORE: The Lighthouse review: A psychological rollercoaster which wrong-foots you the whole time Is it legal to watch Jumanji The Next Level online? Image: Sony) However, in the case of Jumanji: The Next Level, the only place where you can watch it is at the cinema. For fans who have yet to see the first in the new Jumanji franchise - Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle - you are in luck as it has recently arrived on Netflix. In fact Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is one of the top movies in the UK at this time, meaning fans are clearly trying to refresh their memories before heading out to the cinema to watch the second instalment. But some fans may still want to know: is it legal to watch Jumanji: The Next Level online? Jack Black and Karen Gillan in Jumanji (Image: Sony) As mentioned, any website claiming to have the film for streaming or download is illegal.  As a result, it is illegal to watch the film online while it is currently in the cinema, and the consequences could include a prison sentence for illegally streaming copyrighted content. The best way to watch the movie is on the big screen, where the desert, snowy mountains and jungle scenery are able to flex their scenic muscles. As well as this, the sound quality and even the seating can be better than home viewing. READ MORE: One Direction: Are One Direction getting back together? Fans think THIS is a major clue Nick Jonas is also in Jumanji: The Next Level (Image: Sony) What is Jumanji: The Next Level about? The official synopsis from Sony Pictures reads: In Jumanji: The Next Level, the gang is back but the game has changed.  “As they return to Jumanji to rescue one of their own, they discover that nothing is as they expect.  “The players will have to brave parts unknown and unexplored, from the arid deserts to the snowy mountains, in order to escape the worlds most dangerous game. ” The film will see stars Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Kevin Hart, Karen Gillan and Jack Black return to the jungle, but this time they will be forced to deal with far more dangers than just their surroundings. This time, the characters will also be forced to deal with the fact that Spencers grandfather, Eddie (Danny DeVito) and his feuding friend Milo (Danny Glover) have also been sucked into the game, so the others are forced to granddad-sit as well as save them from the dangers of Jumanji. Can they save themselves once again from the danger awaiting them? Jumanji: The Next Level will be soon coming to DVD and digital download - check back to for updates.



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Actors Sidney Flanigan, Théodore Pellerin. genre Drama. . year 2020. Tomatometer 7,9 of 10. Rating 49 Vote. Full movie never rarely sometimes always movie release date.

In case you're wondering if you are not an adult in Pennsylvania one of your parents or a legal guardian must sign a consent form if you want to have an abortion, unless you are married or emancipated (legally free from authority of parents. Parental involvement is not required in New York. Full Movie Never Rarely Sometimes always remember. Full Movie Never Rarely Sometimes always. As far as lack of humour in the abortion story, I guess you really don't/won't like 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days. Full movie never rarely sometimes always 2020 trailer. Full Movie Never Rarely Sometimes always love. Looks a little bit like a David Fincher movie.

Am happy that adaku is back to her former salon. Full movie never rarely sometimes always plot. I just watched the trailer for this movie and offered a prayer for every girl, and her baby) who finds themselves in this situation. I genuinely hope things turn out well for everybody; including the girls in the movie.

Gần giống hoàn cảnh của mình.nhưng họ có hậu. Full movie never rarely sometimes always trailer.

I swear this was a vid of me playing I did the twirl every time before I battled a gym leader

‘Watch Full ▬MOVIES▬ Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always ( 2020) ✓ Here comes to movies online. ✓ P. L. A. Y. MOVIE ►► &”your favorite movie. Enjoying »»» ●Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always ( 2020) full movie Online 4kHD ●Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always ( 2020) full movie Online FullMovie Online ●Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always ( 2020) full movie Online Movies Full ●Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always ( 2020) full movie Online Free Movie ●Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always ( 2020) full movie Online Streaming & Online Coming Soon Releases March 20, 2020 Following the events at home, the Abbott family now face the terrors of the outside world. Forced to venture into the unknown, they realize that the creatures that hunt by sound are not the only threats that lurk beyond the sand path. Director: John Krasinski Writers: Scott Beck (characters) John Krasinski, 1 more credit » Stars: Emily Blunt, Cillian Murphy, Noah Jupe, See full cast & crew » Storyline Following the events at home, the Abbott family now face the terrors of the outside world. Plot Summary, Add Synopsis Plot Keywords: sequel, second part, alien, post apocalypse, psychotronic film, See All (5) » Genres: Horror, Thriller Parents Guide: Add content advisory for parents » Edit Details Country: USA Language: English Release Date: 20 March -2020 (USA) See more » Also Known As: Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always See more » Filming Locations: New York City, New York, USA See more » Company Credits Production Co: Buffalo FilmWorks, Paramount Pictures, Platinum Dunes See more » Show more on IMDbPro » Technical Specs Sound Mix: Dolby Atmos Color: Color Aspect Ratio: 2. 39: 1 See full technical specs » ♥HD720pWhat About Love ✽FULL❂ORIGINAL❁MOVIE. 2020.

Full movie never rarely sometimes always movie trailer.
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Thank you soo much for uploading man I love you lol❤💯.


Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always ist ein Drama aus dem Jahr 2020 von Eliza Hittman mit Talia Ryder, Sidney Flanigan und Ryan Eggold. Im Drama Never Rarely Sometimes Always reisen zwei Teenagerinnen nach New York, um medizinische Hilfe nach einer ungeplanten Schwangerschaft zu erhalten. Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always Autumn (Sidney Flanigan) ist 17 Jahre alt und lebt im ländlichen Pennsylvania. Ihr Leben als Supermarkt-Kassiererin hält eigentlich keine Überraschungen bereit. Doch dann wird sie ungewollt schwanger und erkennt sofort: Ihren Eltern kann sie sich damit nicht anvertrauen. Erst recht nicht, wenn sie plant, eine Abtreibung vornehmen zu lassen. Hilfe findet Autumn stattdessen bei ihrer Cousine Skylar (Talia Ryder) die ihr nicht nur mit Geld sondern auch mit ihrer Begleitung zur Seite steht, als Autumn sich mit dem Bus auf die Reise nach New York City macht. Als Anhaltspunkt für medizinische Versorgung haben die zwei dabei nur eine Klinik-Adresse, die jungen Mädchen als Anlaufstelle dient. Der Weg nach New York wird für die zwei Mädchen zu einer Unternehmung, die Mut, Zusammenhalt und Empathie erfordert, damit Autumn die Entscheidungsgewalt über ihren Körper und ihre Seele behalten kann. (ES) Deine Bewertung Bewerte diesen Film Schaue jetzt Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always ist derzeit nirgendwo zum Anschauen verfügbar. Merke dir den Film vor, damit du erfährst, wenn Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always verfügbar wird. 1 Video & 1 Bild zu Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always - Trailer (English) HD Statistiken Das sagen die Nutzer zu Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always 8 Nutzer haben diesen Film bereits vorgemerkt Filter: Alle Freunde Kritiker Ich.

Full Movie Never Rarely Sometimes always happy. Displaying all articles tagged: sundance 2020 2/3/2020 What Happens When Me Too Hits Hollywoods Biggest Screen? Two years after the Harvey Weinstein story broke, a conflicted portrait of the movement it birthed hit the Sundance Film Festival. By Alison Willmore 1/26/2020 Never Rarely Sometimes Always, an Everyday Thriller About Obtaining an Abortion In Eliza Hittmans new movie, state restrictions turn a teenagers attempt to end an unwanted pregnancy into a perilous journey. By Alison Willmore. Yes Van Etten. Full Movie Never Rarely Sometimes always and forever. I wish this was a series. I live in Pennsylvania tooo. 😂.

27:41 I would too Afro... I would too

I'm really confused by what the movies tone is with this trailer, specially with Mclovin showing up. Not going to have high hopes for it. Interstellar: Time is relative Tenet: Time is irrelevant. Finally we are back, we apologize for the inconvenience, we had some problems with copyright, but now we are back forever. Remember, we are the original: 123Movies Dont Forget to Bookmark Us Press (Ctrl+D → Then Click Done) Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always A pair of teenage girls in rural Pennsylvania travel to New York City to seek out medical help after an unintended pregnancy, Duration: 101 mins Quality: HDRip Release: 13th March 2020 IMDb: A wide selection of free online movies are available on 123Movies. You can watch movies online for free without Registration.

Full movie never rarely sometimes always film. Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved 123Movies does not store any files on its server. All contents are provided by non-affiliated third parties. Sundance: The "Beach Rats" filmmaker continues to churn out some of contemporary cinema's most honest teen dramas, featuring fresh new stars like Sidney Flanigan and Talia Ryder. Three films into her career, filmmaker Eliza Hittman continues to prove herself as one of contemporary cinemas most empathetic and skilled chroniclers of American youth. Hittmans trio of features — “It Felt Like Love, ” “Beach Rats, ” and “ Never Rarely Sometimes Always, ” her first studio effort — have all zoomed in on blue-collar teens on the edge of sexual awakening, often of the dangerous variety. Hittmans ability to write and direct such tender films has long been bolstered by her interest in casting them with fresh new talents, all the better to sell the veracity of her stories and introduce moviegoers to emerging actors worthy of big attention. With “Never Rarely Sometimes Always, ” Hittman continues her traditions with her most vivid work yet, one all the more impressive for its studio pedigree. (This is not the kind of film many mainstream outfits would support and make, and more power to Focus Features and Hittman for endeavoring to bring it to the masses. ) The backwards — or, at least, stuck-in-time — attitudes of the films small-town Pennsylvania setting are laid bare in its opening credits, as quiet teenager Autumn (Sidney Flanigan, in her debut role) sings at a high school talent show mostly populated by students wearing costumes more suited to a production of “Grease” than a 2020 outing. Autumns aching performance of a song about the terrible consequences of love is brave, and more dramatic when one of her peers chucks trash at her in the middle of it. Only later will Autumns reputation reveal itself, and even then without much in the way of full explanation, but her place in the social hierarchy as an easy mark (in more than one way) is swiftly established. What this all means to Autumn is up for debate, but its soon clear why shes so uncomfortable and why her peers seem a bit too up on her relationship status: shes pregnant, and shes on her own. Despite a caring mother (Sharon van Etten in an all-too-brief role) and a vibrant best friend and cousin (Talia Ryder, in her first feature) Autumn is clever enough to realize she has to figure this one for herself, even with limited resources and the revelation that her preferred option is not currently available to her. Hittmans scripting doesnt push it too far, a fine match for Flanigans restrained performance, and when the teen tells her small towns seemingly lone clinic doctor shes not sure if she wants to be a mother, everything weve seen so far (from Autumn, from her family, from her hometown) supports that belief. Autumns eventual desire for medical care of her own choosing sets her on a journey of emotional confusion and bureaucratic snags that will feel all too real for anyone who has ever experienced even a fraction of her journey of self-determination (and self-care. Shes joined on her desperate, often unnerving trip to New York City to procure an abortion by her beloved Skylar, with Hittman designing an odd couple thats incredibly relatable and just wonderful to watch onscreen together. While its Autumn who keeps things close to the vest, with Ryder cast as the more outspoken and vibrant of the pair, Hittman mines Flanigans reserve for some of the films most notable dramatic beats. Nothing, however, can compare to a single-shot take in the films final act that shows off Flanigans formidable skill, as Autumn is forced to crack open during a personal interview filled with the one-word answers from which “Never Rarely Sometimes Always” takes its title. The films first act is occasionally so heavy-handed as to detract from the drama at its center, often layering on relatively smaller instances of male aggression and toxicity that, in Hittmans attempt to illustrate the environment both Autumn and Skylar have been raised in, fall oddly flat. Theres something clearly wrong with Autumns father (Ryan Eggold) before he affectionately wrestles the family dog, only to call her a slut for enjoying the attention (yes, shes just another girl in his life he can demean) and whatever is happening with the girls creepy manager Rick (Drew Seltzer) is awkwardly handled with little payoff. The film hits its stride once the pair hit the road, heading out to New York City for a dizzying few days that will forever impact their lives. Along the way, they even meet the films most compelling male character: played by “On Becoming a God in Central Florida” standout Théodore Pellerin, who meets the girls on the bus and wont stop needling Skylar for a date. His brand of toxic masculinity is most fine-tuned, and hes the kind of dude who would surely deem himself a “nice guy, ” one of the good ones, even as his presence becomes all the more uncomfortable for both the girls and the audience. The bond between Autumn and Skylar is the beating heart of “Never Rarely Sometimes Always” which, despite its subject matter and a heartbreaker of a first trailer, isnt just the wrenching drama many might expect. Yes, its a searing examination of the current state of this countrys finicky abortion laws and the medical professionals tasked with enforcing them (from the small-minded to the big-hearted) and if art can have any impact on its consumers, the film will stick with many of its viewers, perhaps even changing long-held beliefs. But its also a singular look at what it means to be a teenage girl today, and with all the joy and pain that comes with it. Autumn and Skylar will never be as vulnerable as they are right now, straddling the line between child and adult, and doing their damnedest to make the right choices for themselves. No one understands that as keenly as Hittman, but perhaps “Never Rarely Sometimes Always” will remind more people of that naked, terrible fragility and what it means. Grade: A- “Never Rarely Sometimes Always” premiered in the U. S. Dramatic Competition section of the 2020 Sundance Film Festival. Focus Features will release it on March 13. 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And soon, he will play a CIA agent in a movies commissioned by Apple for his future platform. The movies he produced together. Unknown to the general public in 2016, this “neighbor girl” won an Academy Award for best actress for her poignant appearance in the “Room”, the true story of a woman who was exiled with her child by predators. He had overtaken Cate Blanchett and Jennifer Lawrence, both of them had Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always out of statues, but also Charlotte Rampling and Saoirse Ronan. Watch Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always Movie Online Blu-rayor Bluray rips directly from Blu-ray discs to 1080p or 720p (depending on source) and uses the x264 codec. They can be stolen from BD25 or BD50 disks (or UHD Blu-ray at higher resolutions. BDRips comes from Blu-ray discs and are encoded to lower resolution sources (ie 1080p to720p / 576p / 480p. BRRip is a video that has been encoded at HD resolution (usually 1080p) which is then transcribed to SD resolution. Watch Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always The BD / BRRip Movie in DVDRip resolution looks better, however, because the encoding is from a higher quality source. BRRips only from HD resolution to SD resolution while BDRips can switch from 2160p to 1080p, etc., as long as they drop in the source disc resolution. Watch Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always Movie Full BDRip is not transcode and can move down for encryption, but BRRip can only go down to SD resolution because they are transcribed. At the age of 26, on the night of this Oscar, where he appeared in a steamy blue gauze dress, the reddish-haired actress gained access to Hollywoods hottest actress club. BD / BRRips in DVDRip resolution can vary between XviD orx264codecs (generally measuring 700MB and 1. 5GB and the size of DVD5 or DVD9: 4. 5GB or 8. 4GB) which is larger, the size fluctuates depending on the length and quality of release, but increasingly the higher the size, the more likely they are to use the x264 codec. With its classic and secret beauty, this Californian from Sacramento has won the Summit. He was seen on “21 Jump Street” with Channing Tatum, and “Crazy Amy” by Judd Apatow. And against more prominent actresses like Jennifer Lawrence, Gal Gadot or Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson signed a seven-contract deal with Marvel. There is nothing like that with Watch The Curse of La Llorona Free Online, which is signed mainly by women. And it feels. When hes not in a combination of full-featured superheroes, Carol Danvers Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Alwayss Nirvana as greedy anti-erotic as possible and proves to be very independent. This is even the key to his strength: if the super hero is so unique, we are told, it is thanks to his ability since childhood, despite being ridiculed masculine, to stand alone. Too bad its not enough to make a film that stands up completely … Errors in scenarios and realization are complicated and impossible to be inspired. There is no sequence of actions that are truly shocking and actress Brie Larson failed to make her character charming. Spending his time displaying scorn and ridicule, his courageous attitude continually weakens empathy and prevents the audience from shuddering at the danger and changes facing the hero. Too bad, because the tape offers very good things to the person including the red cat and young Nick Fury and both eyes (the film took place in the 1990s. In this case, if Samuel Jacksons rejuvenation by digital technology is impressive, the illusion is only for his face. Once the actor moves or starts the sequence of actions, the stiffness of his movements is clear and reminds of his true age. Details but it shows that digital is fortunately still at a limit. As for Goose, the cat, we will not say more about his role not to “express”. Already the 21st film for stable Marvel Cinema was launched 10 years ago, and while waiting for the sequel to The 100 Season 6 Movie war infinity (The 100 Season 6 Movie, released April 24 home) this new work is a suitable drink but struggles to hold back for the body and to be really refreshing. Lets hope that following the adventures of the strongest heroes, Marvel managed to increase levels and prove better.

Full Movie Never Rarely Sometimes always keep. My days as a Peeping Tom are over. Wow am earlier today love you from Ghana. A This review is part of our Sundance 2020 coverage. The Pitch: When we first meet 17-year-old Pittsburgh teen Autumn ( Sidney Flanigan) shes singing in a high school talent show. She has a golden voice but is stymied by a dude heckling her in the bleachers. “Slut! ” he calls her. Once we see how other boys torment her, her downcast, withdrawn attitude, and the slight bump on her stomach, we get a good idea of whats going on even before she goes into a clinic: shes pregnant. Whats more, she doesnt want it. Her local resources are of no help: the Pittsburgh clinic she goes to turns out to be one of those Christian pregnancy centers that scare women into not aborting (and even lie to her about her babys progress so getting an abortion will be harder) and the state requires parental consent for an abortion. So, with the help of her supportive cousin Skylar ( Talia Ryder) and some stolen money from their scuzzy manager, the two take a long trip to New York to get the abortion there. Right to Life:  2017s  Beach Rats proved director Eliza Hittman s uncanny gift for observation, both it and  Never Rarely feeling more anthropological than strictly narrative. There, Hittman probed deeply into the anxieties of a gay teenager stifling against the rigid confines of toxic masculinity: here, she turns her eye to the modern anxieties of abortion in America. Its pure kitchen-sink realism from start to finish; the score is sparse, if its there at all, and DP Hélène Louvart sells the fluorescent coldness of doctors offices and crowded Greyhound buses. She wants you to live in Autumns anguished, nerve-wracking world, and the results are revelatory. It helps, of course, that Hittman has such a fascinating, mercurial subject to turn her camera towards. This is somehow Flanigans first on-screen role, which is a miracle considering what she pulls off here. Shes cagey and far from forthcoming, even in the abortion clinic questionnaires that give the film its title. “Im okay” is her mantra, squeaked out from under downcast eyes; her life is clearly a heavy burden, one marked with the scars of emotional and sexual abuse. That we can figure this out even before it comes up in the script is a testament to the power she and HIttman can eke out without an inch of melodrama. Ryder also shines, beaming with unconditional sisterly support, even as there are certain aspects of Autumns experiences she cant fully understand. Are Men Okay?  Never Rarely Sometimes Always is also a film about maleness — in the most grippingly caustic way possible. There isnt a single “good man” in the film: her father ( Ryan Eggold) is a crass, uncaring jerk (he even calls his dog a ‘slut) and her manager forces his female coworkers to let him kiss their hand when they hand him their drawers at the end of their shift. A pushy fellow bus passenger ( Théodore Pellerin) ropes them into hanging out in New York so he can push himself on Skylar, which they reluctantly agree to in a moment of desperation. To a more jaundiced eye, this can seem cartoonish and unrealistic: surely #NotAllMen are like that, right? But then you remember that, a lot of times, we really can be, and Hittmans refusal to let us off the hook becomes one of the films braver choices. Never Rarely is, at its heart, a film about the prison of patriarchy, whether in interactions or institutions, and Hittman nails the threat level women often feel when in situations with men, especially ones they dont know. The Verdict:  Its easy for opponents of abortion to demonize young women as “sluts”, or irresponsible, or lazy; those perspectives end up de-centering and dehumanizing the pregnant person themselves. Never Rarely is a sobering, unflinching rejoinder to that perspective, intense but humanistic in equal measure. Its not an easy watch, to be sure; moments will make you weep, especially two close shots of women holding hands that bookend Autumns abortion experience. But the glory of Hittmans film is in finding those moments of beauty among the brutal silences, and the magnetic grace that can be found in a persons most difficult days.

Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always Synopsis An intimate portrayal of two teenage girls in rural Pennsylvania. Faced with an unintended pregnancy and a lack of local support, Autumn and her cousin Skylar embark on a brave, fraught journey across state lines to New York City. Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always Release Date In Theaters: March 13, 2020 Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always Credits Starring: Ryan Eggold, Théodore Pellerin, Sharon Van Etten Written By: Eliza Hittman Directed By: Produced By: Lia Buman, Rose Garnett, Tim Headington, Sara Murphy Distributor: Focus Features Running Time: 101 min. Full movie never rarely sometimes always imdb. Full movie never rarely sometimes always cast. No upcoming screenings. Available No Tickets Available [ artDate, amDateFormat: dddd, MMMM Do" artDate, amDateFormat: h:mm A. You may not purchase more tickets at this time. About U. S. Dramatic Special Jury Award for Neorealism Autumn, a stoic, quiet teenager, is a cashier in a rural Pennsylvania supermarket. Faced with an unintended pregnancy and without viable alternatives for termination in her home state, she and her cousin Skylar scrape up some cash, pack a suitcase, and board a bus to New York City. With only a clinic address in hand and nowhere to stay, the two girls bravely venture into the unfamiliar city. Writer-director Eliza Hittman ( It Felt Like Love, Beach Rats) masterfully creates a spartan cinematic language through gestures and details, where subtext is just as important as written dialogue. Cinematographer Hélène Louvart shoots on 16 mm film, evoking a grainy, bleak, and stark atmosphere, capturing the young actors, Sidney Flanigan and Talia Ryder (both discoveries) in intimate close-ups that accentuate the complexity of their natural, minimalist performances. With bracing clarity and understated emotion, Hittman fearlessly tells the story of a teenage girl making an arduous journey, through which a bigger statement emerges—that of reclaiming her body and her spirit. YEAR 2019 CATEGORY U. Dramatic Competition COUNTRY U. A. RUN TIME 101 min COMPANY Focus Features WEBSITE EMAIL PHONE (212) 887-0685 Credits Director Eliza Hittman Screenwriter Producers Adele Romanski Sara Murphy Executive Producers Rose Garnett Tim Headington Lia Buman Elika Portnoy Alex Orlovsky Barry Jenkins Mark Ceryak Director of Photography Hélène Louvart Editor Scott Cummings Production Designer Meredith Lippincott Casting Directors Geraldine Barón Salome Oggenfuss Costume Designer Olga Mill Composer Julia Holter actor Sidney Flanigan Talia Ryder Théodore Pellerin Ryan Eggold Sharon Van Etten Artist Bio Eliza Hittman is an award-winning filmmaker, born and based in Brooklyn, New York. Her last film, Beach Rats, premiered in the U. Dramatic Competition at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival, where she won the Directing Award. It premiered internationally at the Festival del film Locarno in the Golden Leopard Competition and was the Centerpiece Film at New Directors/New Films. Beach Rats was released domestically by NEON and was a New York Times Critics' Pick.

Is Our New Domain, Please Update Your bookmark. Alan is a stylish tailor with moves as sharp as his suits. He has spent years searching tirelessly for his missing son Michael who stormed out over a game of scrabble. With a body to identify and his family torn apart, Alan must repair the relationship with his youngest son Peter and solve the mystery of an online player who he thinks could be Michael, so he can finally move on and reunite his family. Genre: Comedy, Drama, Mystery Release: June 14, 2019 Views: 1873 Directors: Carl Hunter Stars: Bill Nighy, Sam Riley, Alice Lowe, Jenny Agutter, Tim McInnerny, John Westley, Oliver Sindcup, Louis Healy, Ella Grace Gregoire, Alan Williams, Eithne Browne, Alexei Sayle current rating 1 2 3 4 5 Ratings: 3  votes: 10 How to Watch? Turn off the lights.

This feels like the kind of feminist, non-misandric movie the industry needs. Unlike Black Christmas which was all whining, this film feels promising in that it's not saying much about men in general and more about the women who have suffered by the hands of men and were ignored. Hopefully the trailer isn't misleading and it doesn't just re-enforce the hatred towards men but raises awareness about a pressing issue.

Can we take a minute to talk about this Toxic version? what a master piece

Full Movie Never Rarely Sometimes always dream. Update: The Beaumont parents are both still alive, in their 90's. Unfortunately, the marriage didn't last, breaking up in the 1970's. Very sad.


Never Rarely Sometimes Always
9.2 stars - Dale Olson

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. genre=Romance. scores=2881 Votes. Country=Germany. The Austrian Franz Jägerstätter, a conscientious objector, refuses to fight for the Nazis in World War II. Average ratings=8,6 / 10. This is what white Western tourists think about the world. No way am I watching this drivel. Movie: A Hidden Life Genre: Biography, Drama, Romance Release: 2020 Add to Favorites Episode Full A Hidden Life ep 0 watch online at Kissmovies. A Hidden Life ep 0 is available in HD best quality. Stay in touch with Kissmovies to watch the latest Anime Episode Updates. Watch full episode A Hidden Life Build Divers Anime Free Online In High Quality at Kissmovies Comments [ Back to top] Log in to Kissmovies Log in with Google Remember me Forgot password? Sign up.

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Ukryte życie zwierząt domowych. I swear Timmy and Saoirse became a package deal, you hire one, you get both lmao. 1:36 HAS ME CRYING AW. Życie ukryte w słowach zwiastun. I see him as the patriot and everyone else as the traitor, just like I do now. NÃO PODEMOS ESQUECER DAS MALDADES E DE HOMENS PERVERSOS PARA QUE ESTAS COISAS MEDONHAS NÃO ACONTEÇAM NOVAMENTE. I love Terrance Malick and I was honestly really excited to see this movie but it bored me to tears. Franz' story was very moving and incredible but the subject wasn't something that could be stretched into 3 hours. The imagery was beautiful and the acting was good but not a lot really happened. It was kind of a huge slog with a lot of voice overs of people reading letters. I'm sad I'm giving this movie such a negative review but it was just such a disappointment.

“Just because my dreams are different than yours it doesnt mean they arent important.” - Meg. Pure tearjerker... I am intrigued…... Ukryte c5 bcycie carbon. Imagine the courage it would have taken to stand up against a Hitler or a President Bernie Sanders or a President AOC.

Ukryte życia. I saw this at a film festival a month ago - it got my in tears in the final act three separate times. Absolutely can't wait to rewatch this magnum opus in theaters on a wide release. I loved this movie so much that I bought it. Gabriel is the epitome of faithful love. So calmed and assured, no matter who came between them. He captured my heart.

Ukryte życie jezusa. Ukryte c5 bcycie dress up underhood. 48 theribaby2 2 دنبال‌ کننده 48 بازدید 1 دانلود ویدیو با کیفیت 144p با کیفیت 240p با کیفیت 360p با کیفیت 480p اشتراک گذاری گزارش تخلف دنبال کردن Watch A Hidden Life) Online Full Movies Streaming HD ۱ ماه پیش فیلم # movie. hd download 2 دنبال کننده دنبال کردن. Ukryte życzenia. So, a Nazi movie? I want to see that boy doing the Nazi salute while saying YOU UTTER FOOL For some reason. I never miss a movie if Michelle Williams is in it. Shes spectacular 🌟. Ukryte życie lasu. Ukryte życie jezusa film. Something went wrong, but dont fret — lets give it another shot. Ukryte życie. I love Malick's work but I have never watched some of his new stuff. Is it worth of his previous masterpieces.

The middle tune is Israel in Egypt by Handel and the end is Gorecki's Symphony #3. Does anyone know what the opening piece is, with the violin. I pass out whenever I am in immense pain or stress. It's called vaso vago syncopy. I thought it was ok but not the best Star Wars movie or a great wrap up of the skywalker saga at all not a happy Star Wars fan. Ukryte życie zwierzaków domowych. He was too good for her. She didn't deserve him tbh. I give it 5 stars. Anything that decreases the potential length of James Corden's career is perfection in my eyes.

Ukryte życie malick. Ukryte żywiec. Im fond of the 1994 version and not ready to open up my heart to this one. Ukryte c5 bcycie dress. Sekretne życie drzew. Some movies, the just call up for you to watch them. I mean you look for a movie, and you keep looking and suddenly it calls you up. like this one, all of a sudden I said this is the one that's gonna set me out of this world for two or three hours. A hidden life, I can't wait. Ukryte życie film. Ukryte życie waltera mitty. All those who are commenting: WW swinging on lightning is illogical, She is the daughter of Zeus, god of thunder, she can. Edit: I've never had that many likes before, thanks.

Dna życie ukryte w helisie. Woah ive been seeing movies for the past idk how many yrs bt this ones my favt ♥️♥️♥️♥️frm india. Ukryte życie lasu chomikuj. Ukryte życie. Życie ukryte w słowach. In its depiction of the life of an Austrian farmer who refused to sign an oath of loyalty to Hitler or to fight in an unjust war, Terrence Malick's ( Song to Song" nearly three-hour film, A Hidden Life, reminds us of the power of moral and spiritual commitment. Based on the exchange of letters between Franz Jägerstätter (August Diehl, The Young Karl Marx. and his wife Fani (Valerie Pachner, The Ground Beneath My Feet. it is a sublime portrait of a man compelled to call upon his last reservoir of strength to maintain his commitment, knowing that his act of conscience will do nothing to stop the war and will put his family and his own life at risk.
The film opens in 1939 in the village of St. Radegund in Austria where Franz lives a simple life with his wife and their three daughters. Devout Catholics, they live in a close-knit community, gathering in the local pub on Saturday nights and in church on Sunday mornings. In the rich poetic style Malick is known for, we see fields of grain, pristine flowing streams, awe-inspiring mountain vistas, and children running and playing, as gorgeously photographed by cinematographer Jörg Widmer ( The Invisibles" and enhanced by the music of James Newton Howard ( Red Sparrow. To remind us of the context, we view grainy newsreel footage of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi annexation of Austria in 1938, an event that foreshadowed the start of World War II less than two years later.
It is clear to Jägerstätter that every able-bodied Austrian man will be forced to sign an oath pledging their allegiance to the Führer but Franz, whose father fought and died in World War I, asks Fani, Oh my wife, what has become of our country? In 1940, Jägerstätter is conscripted into the Wehrmacht, but is twice sent home on the grounds of his "reserved civilian occupation" as a farmer. He refuses to obey a third order, however, recalling a dream in which he saw a train carrying hundreds of Hitler Youth to their death as a warning of the evil of Nazism. In his writing Jägerstätter says that, for him, to fight and kill people so that the godless Nazi regime could conquer and enslave ever more of the world's peoples would mean becoming personally guilty."
Since a referendum was held on April 10, 1938 in which an astonishing 99.73 percent of Austrians voted in favor of joining the Third Reich, it is not surprising that Franz receives little support from his neighbors or from the local priest (Tobias Moretti, Cold Hell. A religious man, Franz turns to the Diocesan Bishop of Linz, Joseph Calasanz Fliesser (Michael Nyqvist, Frank & Lola" for support but is told by the Bishop that it is not his task to decide whether the war was righteous or unrighteous. In a powerful scene, a man (Johan Leysen, Claire Darling" who paints murals of a happy Christ on a church ceiling laments the fear that has kept him from painting Jesus' suffering on the cross.
In prison, Malick captures Jägerstätter's humanity when he helps a prisoner get up from the ground after a beating and when he sneaks an extra slice of bread to a hungry prisoner. When one of Franz' final judges played by the late Bruno Ganz ( Amnesia" suggests that the prisoner's principles will change nothing and that if he signs the oath he will go free, Franz smiles and says that he is already free. Though his mother, friends, and relatives try to change his mind, only Fani stands by him saying, If I hadn't stood by him, he wouldn't have had anyone at all." It is only later when he is in a Berlin prison, condemned to die as a traitor, that she begs him to sign a loyalty oath.
Malick's point of view, however, is clear and unmistakable as stated in the quote from author George Eliot shown in the film:
"For the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs."
54 years later, on May 7, 1997, Jägerstätter verdict was annulled by the District Court of Berlin and his martyrdom was officially confirmed by the Vatican ten years later. His beatification took place in St. Mary's Cathedral in Linz in October, 2007 and he is now referred to as Blessed Franz Jägerstätter. How many people in power today who face the same accounting will be remembered for their acts of conscience.

Ukryte zycmethys.



Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Movie Torrent eng sub 1280p english subtitle

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2020 / / country Japan / duration 65 min. Digimon adventure: last evolution kizuna movie poster. 0:41 I thought at first that was a Zygarde :0! So Pokemon is responsible for all of this... While most people may only remember  Digimon   as an alleged  Pokemon   copy from the late 90s, the franchise has lasted over twenty years and gained a resurgence of popularity since 2015. There have been a number of spin-off series, such as  Digimon Universe: App Monsters, as well as games like  Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth. The original series, part of the  Digimon Adventure  brand, had a film series released between 2015-2018 that focussed on the original characters in high school. Now, to celebrate the 20 year anniversary of the franchise, the fourth and final chapter in their story is set to be released soon. 10 Title The official title  Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, which already tells us a few things the film will be focussing on. For one,  Last Evolution  implies this could be the final time we see these characters that the fandom has loved and been invested in since 1999. Secondly, the word  Kizuna  translates to "bond" which is likely in reference to the bond the Chosen Children - or Digi-Destined in the English dub - share with their Digimon partners. 9 Plot Details Set in 2010, Taichi (or Tai in the dub) and the rest of the Chosen Children are now well into adulthood. As established in the previous film series  Digimon Adventure tri., Taichi is at a crossroads and undecided about what he wants to do with his life or what future to work towards. As the Chosen Children grow up, and the more they fight alongside their Digimon partners, their bonds are beginning to break. When a timer activates on their Digivices, and a mysterious Digimon Eosmon ( Eos  translating to  dawn) starts causing chaos, the Chosen Children have to make the choice whether to save the world again even if it costs them their Digimon partners. If fans thought the reboot sequence in  tri.  was heartbreaking, then they're surely in for a world of hurt. 8 The Chosen Children Are Adults Now Taichi, Sora, and Yamato (Matt in the dub) are in their mid-20s, and Takeru and Hikari (T. K. and Kari) are in university. Taichi is a university student studying political science (a path we saw him take a shine to at the end of the  tri. series. Yamato is a senior studying science and engineering (preparing himself for a career in astrophysics, most likely. Sora has followed her mother's path with ikebana - or flower arranging; Koushiro (Izzy in the dub) is a CEO of his own business and key liaison between humans and Digimon. More information and character profiles can be found on the official website. 7 The 02 Kids Are Back After being snubbed from the  tri.  series - which caused much anger and confusion within the fandom - the characters Daisuke, Ken, Iori and Miyako (Davis, Ken, Cody, and Yolei in the dub) are making a return. From what we know so far, Miyako has been studying abroad in Spain, and some theories are that her long-distance is a suggestion there may be "gates" between not only the Human and Digital world but different countries too. This is a similar setup to  Digimon Adventure 02  where the characters were able to freely travel from world-to-world via gates, or in the film  Our War Game! the mid-part of the dubbed movie) where Taichi and Yamato traveled into the internet to defeat Infermon/Diaboromon. Could something similar happen in this film, and the battle with Eosmon? 6 "To Sora" To Sora  is a short film prologue set a day before the main film. It fills in the five-year gap between the last film in the  tri. series and  Kizuna, and is currently available online to watch for free. In the film, we learn what the Chosen Children are currently up to with work, study, and life in general. The focus is mainly on Sora and establishing she has decided to take a step back from her duties as a Chosen Child. She is no longer taking part in the action, and instead focussing on her autonomy and working towards the future she wants for herself. This is an interesting set up going into  Kizuna, and may hint at some potential conflict. 5 Cast The Japanese cast members from  Digimon Adventure tri.  will be reprising their roles for this film. There has been no news on cast choices for a potential English dub, but it can be presumed the same cast from the  tri.  dub will also return. For the most part,  tri.  tried to bring back the cast from the original 1999 anime. The exceptions are Vic Mignogna, Robbie Daymond, Johnny Yong Bosch, and Tara Sands, who take over as Matt, Joe, TK, and Kari respectively. Biyomon and Gatomon were also re-cast with Cherami Leigh and Kate Higgins. Thankfully, Joshua Seth came back to voice the lead character, Tai. Hopefully, he will return for  Kizuna in the future. 4 Kōji Wada Kōji Wada was the composer of the original series. He's the one behind "Brave Heart" and original opening song "Butter-Fly. which is arguably better than the war chant theme song done for the US Dub. Wada was also involved in  Digimon Adventure tri.,  remixing "Butter-Fly" for the new opening, as well as "Seven~tri. Version. " Sadly, Wada passed away in 2016 from nasopharynx cancer. His legacy lives on in the video game  Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory, as Hudiemon, a butterfly Digimon.  Last Evolution Kizuna  may not have Wada's involvement, but it can be expected his music will be included in some way as a tribute. 3 Building Towards The Epilogue The epilogue at the end of  02  caused a significant divide within the fandom. Some members of the fandom are fine with the epilogue - flash forwarding to 2027, showing everyone in the world has a Digimon partner, and Yamato and Sora got married - whereas other fans were upset their favorite couple wasn't the endgame. The showrunners for  tri. and  Kizuna  have maintained that they are working with the epilogue in mind, and working towards that goal. As such, in  To Sora,  we find out that Yamato has settled on studying for a career in Astrophysics, putting him on path to become an astronaut (and marry Sora) as established in the epilogue. Furthermore, Takeru is a university freshman studying Literature and English, and Hikari is studying early childhood education - both of which line up with their future careers. Again, some fans will be upset that these two are unlikely to end up a long-term couple. 2 End Of Series? Unlike the  Pokemon  anime, the  Digimon Adventure  franchise has seen its characters grow up from childhood to adolescence, and now adulthood. But as it was established in  Digimon Adventure tri., Chosen Children are meant to be children, and as the characters age the bond with their Digimon partners is at risk of ending.  Last Evolution: Kizuna  will mark the end of the series for Taichi and the other Chosen Children. For now. A reboot of the original series is set to debut in April this year. The upcoming  Digimon Adventure: Ψ will be set in 2020, but with the characters de-aged to their original childhood ages. 1 Release Date The film is set to debut in Japanese cinemas on February 21. It will receive a US release through Fathom Events on March 25, in its original Japanese audio with English subtitles. We can predict that the film will eventually make its way online to sites such as Crunchyroll, for accessibility for those outside the US. Likewise, as was the case with the  Digimon Adventure tri.  films we can predict that there will eventually be an English Dub and DVD/Blu-Ray release. NEXT: 15 Things You Didn't Know About Digimon Email Next The 10 Worst Hallmark Christmas Movie Relationships Of The Decade, Ranked About The Author Amy is a Professional Freelance Writer and Editor, currently writing for ScreenRant. She is a pop culture geek, with a love for character-driven stories no matter what genre (but there is a special place in her heart for Digimon Adventure. She's currently living in Melbourne, enjoying the rainy weather with her cat and a good cup of tea. More About Amy Rae.

Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna. Digimon adventure: last evolution kizuna movie 2. Movie digimon adventure last evolution kizuna trailer.

I always want to see ophanimon/holydramon combine with seraphimon... it must be OP. EVENT デジモンと共に歩んだ世界中の“子どもたち”へAnimeExpo2019「The Future of Digimon」に木下プロデューサーが登壇!『デジモンアドベンチャー LAST EVOLUTION 絆』最新イメージビジュアルと特報映像を公開! 2019. 07. 23.

Digimon adventure 3a last evolution kizuna movie maker. グレイソードとガルルキャノンあんなに伸びたら分ける意味ないだろw. I love the voice you make at every entry. We all knew we had to go back here after watching the trailer for Last Evolution Kizuna.

We will be always together They will not, in fact, be always together. LAST PV DIGIMON ADVENTURE 20th memorial story "To Sora" Trailer 02 Characters Special Clip Teaser Trailer. Digimon adventure 3a last evolution kizuna movie reaction. This wouldve hit me in the heart if they didnt announce a new season with the original cast lol. Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Japanese Theatrical release poster デジモンアドベンチャー LAST EVOLUTION 絆 Directed by Tomohisa Taguchi Produced by Yosuke Kinoshita Written by Akatsuki Yamatoya Based on Digimon by Akiyoshi Hongo Music by Harumi Fuuki [1] Production company Yumeta Company [2] Toei Animation Distributed by Toei Company Release date February 21, 2020 Running time 94 minutes [3] Country Japan Language Japanese Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna ( Japanese: デジモンアドベンチャー LAST EVOLUTION 絆, Hepburn: Dejimon Adobenchā LAST EVOLUTION Kizuna) is an upcoming Japanese animated adventure film produced by Toei Animation and animated by Yumeta Company. Set in the same continuity of the first two Digimon television anime series, the film is set to premiere in Japanese theaters on February 21, 2020. It will also be released through Fathom Events in the U. S. on March 25, 2020 in its original Japanese version with English subtitles [4] 5. Plot [ edit] The film is set five years after Digimon Adventure tri., taking place in 2010. With Taichi and his friends reaching adulthood, they are struck with news that the partnership with their Digimon will soon end and they will be forever separated, as they are not children anymore. Meanwhile, a powerful Digimon called Eosmon appears, robbing other DigiDestined of their counsciousness. Despite knowing that using their powers will shorten the little time they still can have together, it's up to Taichi, Agumon and all their friends to fight together one last time to save the world. Voice cast [ edit] Cast members from Digimon Adventure tri. returned to reprise their roles. Character Japanese Taichi Yagami Natsuki Hanae Yamato Ishida Yoshimasa Hosoya Sora Takenouchi Suzuko Mimori Kōshirō Izumi Mutsumi Tamura Mimi Tachikawa Hitomi Yoshida Joe Kido Junya Ikeda Takeru Takaishi Junya Enoki Hikari Yagami M. A. O Agumon Chika Sakamoto Gabumon Mayumi Yamaguchi Biyomon Atori Shigematsu Tentomon Takahiro Sakurai Palmon Shihomi Mizowaki Gomamon Junko Takeuchi Patamon Miwa Matsumoto Gatomon Yuka Tokumitsu Daisuke Motomiya Fukujūrō Katayama [6] Miyako Inoue Ayaka Asai [6] Iori Hida Yoshitaka Yamaya [6] Ken Ichijouji Arthur Lounsbery [6] Veemon Junko Noda [6] Hawkmon Kōichi Tōchika [6] Armadillomon Megumi Urawa [6] Wormmon Naozumi Takahashi [6] Menoa Bellucci Mayu Matsuoka [7] Kyōtarō Imura Daisuke Ono [7] Development [ edit] Logo of Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna A new film project was announced on July 29, 2018 as part of the series' 20th anniversary. [8] The film, titled Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, will be directed by Tomohisa Taguchi and written by Akatsuki Yamatoya, with animation by Yumeta Company. It was then teased on Toei's youtube movie account Toei Animation is producing the film, and the rest of the staff and cast are returning to reprise their roles. [9] It will premiere on February 21, 2020. [10] Music [ edit] This section is empty. You can help by adding to it. August 2019) Reception [ edit] Notes [ edit] References [ edit] ^ Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Film Reveals Cast, Designs for Adult Digimon Adventure 02 Characters. Anime News Network. Retrieved 2019-09-03. ^ a b c d e f g h "Digimon Adventure CAST & STAFF. digimon-adventure (in Japanese. August 2, 2019. Retrieved August 2, 2019. ^ a b "Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Film Casts Mayu Matsuoka, Daisuke Ono. Retrieved 2019-12-03. ^ Digimon Gets New Film Project With Original Anime's Staff, Aged Characters. July 29, 2018. Retrieved August 3, 2019. ^ Persona 3's Tomohisa Taguchi Directs Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Anime Film. July 6, 2019. Retrieved August 3, 2019. ^ Digimon Adventure Last Evolution Kizuna Anime Film's Promo Video Reveals Debut on February 21, 2020. July 7, 2019. Retrieved August 3, 2019. External links [ edit] Official website (in Japanese) Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna (film) at Anime News Network 's encyclopedia.

Movie digimon adventure last evolution kizuna trailer/pv sub español. Digimon adventure last evolution kizuna full movie. What could possibly be wrong with gaining knowledge and information? This article is a stub and is missing information. You can help DigimonWiki by expanding it. This article needs your LOVE What's needed: sources. Any sources Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna (デジモンアドベンチャー LAST EVOLUTION 絆) Director: Tomohisa Taguchi Producer: Yosuke Kinoshita Studio: Toei Animation Original run. Ja: February 21, 2020 ( En: March 25, 2020 (subbed) Anime: Digimon Adventure / Season 1 Digimon Adventure 02 / Season 2 Digimon Tamers / Season 3 Digimon Frontier / Season 4 Digimon Data Squad (Savers) Digimon Fusion (Xros Wars) Digimon Adventure tri. Digimon Universe App Monsters Digimon Adventure: Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna ( デジモンアドベンチャー LAST EVOLUTION 絆 Dejimon Adobenchā LAST EVOLUTION Kizuna? lit. "Digimon Adventure LAST EVOLUTION Bond) is an upcoming sequel to Digimon Adventure tri. set to premiere in Japanese theaters on February 21, 2020 with a subbed American theater release on March 25, 2020. Characters Japanese Logo English Logo Development The official website for the Digimon Adventure movie revealed the character visuals for two characters for the upcoming film, 22-year-old Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure tri. protagonist Taichi "Tai" Kamiya (left image below) as well as Yamato "Matt" Ishida (right image below) as part of the 2018 Digimon Thanksgiving event. [1] The new film project is part of the overall 20th anniversary celebration of the franchise. Hiromi Seki, Toei Animation's original producer for the Digimon anime projects, is serving as the supervisor of the new film project. Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru is also returning from the first Digimon anime projects as the new film project's character designer. Kenji Watanabe is designing the Digimon monsters for the new project, as he has done for the previous Digimon projects. [1] In the February 2019 V Jump, released in December 2018, the DigiDestined 's designs were shown off. Bandai announced on March 5, 2019 that the movie would air in Spring 2020. [2] It was also announced the main cast from Digimon Adventure tri. would reprise their roles for the movie. [3] Credits Director: Tomohisa Taguch Screenplay: Akatsuki Yamatoya Supervisor: Hiromi Seki Character design: Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru Digimon character design: Kenji Watanabe Animation character design: Seiji Tatsuka, Tetsuya Kumagai, Rie Nishino, Takaaki Sekizaki Music: Harumi Fuuki Chief animation director: Seiji Tatsukawa Prop design: Hiroumi Yoshida Art director: Eiji Iwase Concept art: Tsukasa Ohira Color designer: Saori Goda Photography director: Tetsuya Kawata Editing: Kentaro Tsubone Sound director: Satoki Iida Sound effects: Yuji Furuya Audio recording: Satoru Matsuda Animation producer: Atsushi Urushiyama Cast Voice Actor Role(s) Natsuki Hanae Taichi Yagami Chika Sakamoto Agumon Suzuko Mimori Sora Takenouchi Atori Shigematsu Piyomon Yoshimasa Hosoya Yamato Ishida Mayumi Yamaguchi Gabumon Mutsumi Tamura Koushiro Izumi Takahiro Sakurai Tentomon Hitomi Yoshida Mimi Tachikawa Kinoko Yamada Palmon Junya Enoki Takeru Takaishi Miwa Matsumoto Patamon Junya Ikeda Jo Kido Junko Takeuchi Gomamon M・A・O Hikari Yagami Yuka Tokumitsu Tailmon Fukujūrō Katayama Daisuke Motomiya Junko Noda V-mon Ayaka Asai Miyako Inoue Kōichi Tōchika Hawkmon Yoshitaka Yamaya Iori Hida Megumi Urawa Armadimon Arthur Lounsbery Ken Ichijōji Naozumi Takahashi Wormmon Mayu Matsuoka Menoa Bellucci Daisuke Ono Kyotaro Imura Notes v e d Digimon General: Digimon (creature. Virtual pet, Card game, Appmon Elements: Digivice, Digivolution, DigiDestined, Tamers, Generals, Hunters, App Drivers, Digital World Adventure (Series 1. Adventure 02 (Series 2. Tamers (Series 3. Frontier (Series 4. Data Squad (Savers) Series 5. Fusion (Xros Wars) Series 6. Adventure tri. (Series 7. Digimon Universe App Monsters (Series 8. Digimon Adventure: Series 9. Digital Monster X-Evolution (Movie. Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna (Movie. Digimon: The Movie (Dub Movie. Digimon Adventure 20th Memorial Story (OVAs) Manga: C'mon Digimon, V-Tamer 01, Battle! Digimon, Chronicle, D-Cyber, Next, Xros Wars, Re:Digitize, Re:Digitize: Encode, Cyber Sleuth, Appli Monsters, Appmon Academy. Hacker's Memory, Chronicle X Video Games: Digimon World: World, 2, 3, 4, Digital Card Battle (JP. Digital Card Battle (EN. Re:Digitize / Decode, Next Order Ryo Akiyama  series: Anode and Cathode Tamer, Tag Tamers, D-1 Tamers, Brave Tamer Digimon Story: World DS, Dawn and Dusk, Lost Evolution, Super Xros Wars, Cyber Sleuth, Hacker's Memory BattleSpirit: BattleSpirit, 1. 5, 2, Server Rumble Arena: Rumble Arena, 2, All-Star Digital Monster Ver. S: Digimon Tamers. Ver. WonderSwan. Digimon Medley, Digimon World Data Squad, Digimon Adventure, Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters. Cyber Arena. Digimon Racing, DProject, Digimon World Championship, Digimon Collectors, Digimon Heroes. Digimon Fusion Fighters, Digimon Links, Digimon Soul Chaser, Digimon Battle, Digimon Masters, Digimon Jintrix, Digimon Fortune, Digimon ReArise, Digimon Survive, Digimon Encounters Lists of Digimon: List of Digimon ( all Digimon. Fresh, In-Training, Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, Mega, Ultra, Armor, Hybrid, No Level, Non-Japanese Origin, Partner, Groups Lists of Appmon: List of Appmon ( all Appmon. Standard, Super, Ultimate, God, No Grade, Buddy Community: Fansubs, Fansites, Fan fiction, Relationships v e d Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Main characters: Taichi "Tai" Kamiya, Yamato "Matt" Ishida, Sora Takenouchi, Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi, Mimi Tachikawa, Joe Kido, Takeru "T. K. Takaishi, Kari Kamiya, Davis Motomiya, Cody Hida, Yolei Inoue, Ken Ichijouji Digimon: Agumon, Gabumon, Biyomon, Tentomon, Palmon, Gomamon, Patamon, Gatomon, Veemon, Armadillomon, Hawkmon, Wormmon Allies: Menoa Bellucci, Kyotaro Imura Antagonists: Eosmon See also: Digimon, Digital World, Digivice, D-3, Smartphone Digivice, D-Terminal.

This spring, the DigiDestined return to the big screen in a final adventure with their Digimon. The new feature film Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna will screen on March 25th as a special one-night-only theatrical event across the nation. In addition to viewing the full feature, moviegoers will also get to experience an exclusive 15-minute pre-show that provides a fan experience only found in theaters. The pre-show will include interviews with the films director, Tomohisa Taguchi, and chief animation director, Seiji Tatsukawa. Fans will also receive an excusive commemorative poster at the event (limited quantities, available on a first come, first serve basis. Toei Animation and Fathom Events present the one-night-only screening on Wednesday, March 25 at 7:00 p. m. (local time. Tickets are available for purchase at and participating theater box offices. Check out the first trailer below, followed by more info: When an unprecedented phenomenon occurs, the DigiDestined discover that when they grow up, their relationship with their partner Digimon will come closer to an end. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit Synopsis: Tai is now a university student, living alone, working hard at school, and working every day, but with his future still undecided. Meanwhile, Matt and others continue to work on Digimon incidents and activities that help people with their partner Digimon. When an unprecedented phenomenon occurs, the DigiDestined discover that when they grow up, their relationship with their partner Digimon will come closer to an end. As a countdown timer activates on the Digivice, they realize that the more they fight with their partner Digimon, the faster their bond breaks. Will they fight for others and lose their partner? The time to choose and decide is approaching fast. There is a short time before “chosen children” will become adults. This is the last adventure of Tai and Agumon.

Digimon adventure last evolution kizuna film. Digimon adventure: last evolution kizuna movie watch. Tai is now a university student, living alone, working hard at school, and working every day, but with his future still undecided. Meanwhile, Matt and others continue to work on Digimon incidents and activities that help people with their partner Digimon. When an unprecedented phenomenon occurs, the DigiDestined discover that when they grow up, their relationship with their partner Digimon will come closer to an end. As a countdown timer activates on the Digivice, they realize that the more they fight with their partner Digimon, the faster their bond breaks. Will they fight for others and lose their partner? The time to choose and decide is approaching fast. There is a short time before “chosen children” will become adults. This is the last adventure of Tai and Agumon. Run Time: 1 hour 45 minutes Categories: Anime Special Fathom Features Exclusive interview with the creators of Kizuna Trailer for the new Digimon TV series.

Angewoman VS Ladydevimon was always my favorite growing up. Thought it was bad ass as a kid and hilarious as an adult. Production Notes from IMDbPro Status: Filming, See complete list of in-production titles  » Updated: 28 December 2018 More Info: See more production information about this title on IMDbPro. Learn more More Like This Animation Action Adventure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. 6 / 10 X The DigiDestined must stand together to prevent the digital world from swallowing the real world. Stars: Cristina Valenzuela, Vic Mignogna, Cherami Leigh 7. 4 / 10 Meicoomon rampages after witnessing Meiko Mochizuki being injured by the man bearing Gennai's likeness. "It would have been better if you hadn't been born. Meicoomon disappears into the. See full summary  » Director: Keitarô Motonaga 7. 5 / 10 3 years after the DigiDestined beat Apocalymon, a new evil has arrived. Ken the Digimon Kaizer! Using his Black Digivice and Evil Rings, he takes control of the digimon. To complete this. See full summary  » Tifanie Christun, Brian Donovan, Doug Erholtz 6. 7 / 10 Digimon Frontier introduces a new universe in the Digimon fandom. Five kids from the Real World have been called to the Digital World to acquire the "legendary spirits" to save the Digital. See full summary  » Rica Fukami, Sawa Ishige, Masami Kikuchi The DigiDestined go to a nearby hot springs theme park and everyone has a good time, but Joe doesn't show up because he wants to study for his exams. Another infected Digimon, Ogremon. See full summary  » Miho Arakawa, John Eric Bentley, Johnny Yong Bosch Upon arriving at the Digital World after the "reboot" the digidestined are hunted by a new villain. Meanwhile, Sora is troubled by her partner digimon's indifference towards her. 8 / 10 After seeing Meicoomon's abrupt transformation and killing of Leomon, Agumon and the other Digimon are kept isolated in Koushiro's office in order to prevent them from infection, but signs of infection begin to appear in Patamon. Yutaka Aoyama, John Eric Bentley Short 7. 8 / 10 Late at night, in a seemingly normal neighborhood, a monster appears. The story of the first mysterious encounter with Digimon! Mamoru Hosoda Toshiko Fujita, Kae Araki, Chika Sakamoto Diaboromon is back and is planning another invasion upon the Real World. Takahiro Imamura Brian Donovan Three kids get transported to the Digital World where they must save its specific zones with the help of Shoutmon, an energetic digimon inhabiting the world. Nicolas Roye, Melissa Fahn, Colleen O'Shaughnessey On a certain day, before a fight that Masaru had been training for, a strange dinosaur-like creature appears. This strange creature, Agumon" is a "Digital Monster" from another world, the. See full summary  » Sôichirô Hoshi, Ken Maeda, Taiki Matsuno 7. 9 / 10 A year after the events of the first season, a virus Digimon called Diaboromon appears and starts attacking the Internet. The children and their Digimon unite once more in order to prevent. See full summary  » Yûko Mizutani, Yuto Kazama Edit Details Release Date: 25 March 2020 (USA) See more  » Also Known As: Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  ».

Toy Story 4: we can make everyone cry in tears of nostalgia. Digimon Last Evolution: Hold my digivice. Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna movie page. Digimon adventure last evolution kizuna movie. Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna movie page imdb. Digimon adventure: last evolution kizuna movie review. 30 years old and I will proudly say: I AM one of those digi-destined childs. all this time Digimon has walked with me through sadness and happiness. Scene paling epic wargreymon vs mugendramon 😂 badass banget wargreymon anjay.

The ' last ' Digimon Adventure anime film will be released into Japanese cinemas in 10 days and to get fans excited for the upcoming release, Toei Animation released the final trailer on February 11 in both unsubbed and English subbed forms. New scenes from the trailer look like they're recreated from the original 1999 Digimon Adventure OVA, which was directed by Mamoru Hosoda, as well as scenes from the 4th OVA,  Digimon Adventure 02: Revenge of Diaboromon, that was released in 2001. Japanese cinemagoers will be given one of 4 clear files as a gift, with each set switching each week (image below. The first week feature Tai and Agumon, Izzy and Tentomon, Joe and Gomamon, and Kari with Gatomon. On February 28, these will change to Davis and Veemon, Ken and Wormmon, Yolei and Hawkmon, and Cody with Armadillomon. Finally, the third set, which starts on March 6 features Matt and Gabumon, Sora and Biyomon, Mimi and Palmon, and T. K. with Patamon. Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna releases in Japanese cinemas on February 21 with a North America showing  on March 25. Even though it was announced as the ' last ' adventure of the DigiDestined we've known for 21 years, a new TV anime,  Digimon Adventure: was announced to start broadcasting on April 2020 featuring the original characters. Source: Comic Natalie, Toei Animation on YouTube. Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs the YouTube channel about Japan stuff called  TheDoctorDazza, tweets at  @DoctorDazza  and posts photos of his travels on  Instagram.



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If Riding a Wave, with You Watch. Albums 2018 Star Talent Limited 20-07-2018 Watch Me 01 Wei Zhan Tian Guo Kelly Chen 04:11 Writer: Wei Zong Cen / Composers: Lee Rae Eon 02 Hua Jian Xiao Lu 03:54 Writer: Wei Zong Cen / Composers: Yang Ja In - Kim Min Sung 03 Be With You 03:38 Writer: Stella Chow / Composers: Mark Lui 04 Leng Dan 04:01 05 Da Zi Ji 03:16 Writer: Jian Qiang Zhen / Composers: Mark Lui 06 Da Ying Ni Hui Xing Fu De 04:17 Writer: Xiao Han / Composers: 伍仲衡 07 Zuo Zi Ji De Tai Yang 03:53 Writer: Shen Bai Se / Composers: Xie Qian Tong @ A Fang Gon Access the complete album info (8 songs) 2016 Star Talent Limited 10-08-2016 Chen Hui Lin Let's Celebrate Shi Jie Xun Hui Yan Chang Hui 2015 Overture (Live) Chen Hui Lin Let's Celebrate Shi Jie Xun Hui Yan Chang Hui 2015 (Live) 01:04 Writer: Unknown / Composers: Unknwon Sui Shen Ting 04:55 Wu Guan Ni Shi 05:33 Writer: Li Mao Zhou / Composers: Mark Lui Qing Fang Xin Shang Wo 04:54 Writer: Xiao Ke / Composers: Mark Lui Zui Jia Wei Zhi 05:06 Writer: Wyman Wong / Composers: Wing Kei Fung Zui Ai Yan Chang Hui 05:14 Writer: Xi Lin / Composers: Ronald Ng Xing Meng Qing Zhen 05:48 Writer: Wyman Wong / Composers: Mark Lui Access the complete album info (28 songs) 11-01-2016 And Then Kong Jian Gan 04:09 Writer: Chu Qian Zhen / Composers: Mark Lui Qi Hou 03:47 04:49 Ai Dao Cu Si 04:04 Writer: Huo Huo / Composers: Eddie Ng - Wei Ming Sun Let's Celebrate 04:27 Tan Shi Jie Chu Fa 04:33 Nu Shi Zun Xiang 03:31 Writer: Huo Huo / Composers: Mark Lui Access the complete album info (10 songs) This Compilation 2005 Go East Entertainment Company Ltd. 02-10-2005 Lost in Paradise Opening (Live) 02:32 Phone Sha Ling 04:12 Writer: Wei Wen Huang / Composers: Mark Lui Shake Shake (Live) 03:21 Writer: Xi Lin / Composers: Mark Lui Ta Bi Wo Chou 03:50 Writer: Shao Qi Chen / Composers: Mark Lui Dui bu Qi Bu Shi Ni 03:24 Writer: Wei Wen Huang / Composers: Wei Ming Sun - Eddie Ng 06:51 Writer: Wei Wen Huang / Composers: Ying Qi Feng Zhen Gan Jue 03:34 Writer: Yao Hui Zhou / Composers: Mark Lui Access the complete album info (37 songs) 2003 Go East Entertainment Company Ltd. 19-12-2003 Red Xin Qu + Jing Xuan Ling Ding Writer: Lin Xi / Composers: J K Lee Jia Zhuang 03:25 Writer: Wei Wen Huang / Composers: Guang Rong Chen An Fen Shou Ji Writer: Jie Fang / Composers: Mark Lui Feng Hua Xue Writer: Li Mou Zhou / Composers: Mark Lui Yi Qie Hen Mei Zhi Yin You Ni 03:08 Shei Yuan Fang Shou 03:04 Writer: Shi Sheng Ruan / Composers: Song De Lei Access the complete album info (42 songs) 01-01-2003 Ai Shake Shake (Album Version) 03:12 Writer: Lin Xi / Composers: Mark Lui 03:44 Ai Yi Ge Ren 03:09 Writer: Lin Xi / Composers: Hui Yang Chen@Hao Hao Xiao Xi Fu Kou Fu 03:33 Writer: Lin Xi / Composers: Chuan Xiong Zhou Lin Zou Qian Wen Wo 03:46 Fo Luo Yi De Xiao Wo 03:20 Lai Sheng Ye Xiang Zuo Nu Ren Writer: Jun Yi Li / Composers: Yi Feng Lin Access the complete album info (12 songs) This Compilation 2003 Go East Entertainment Company Ltd. Lian Ai Qing Se New Songs + Greatest Hits Lian Ai Qing Se 03:07 Writer: Lin Xi / Composers: Song De Lei Jia Tian Zhen 03:22 Writer: Lin Xi / Composers: Ting Feng Xie Hun Shen Shi Ai 03:36 Wo Gan Qu Ai 04:03 Writer: Yi Hua Lin / Composers: Mark Lui Qing Bu Zi Jin 05:20 Writer: Guang Zhong Yu / Composers: Tian Guang Yu Duo Dou Shi Ni Di Cuo 04:07 Writer: Zhi Shan Liang / Composers: Shi Yi Lang Ai De Gen Yuan 03:51 Writer: Min Cong Lin / Composers: Philip Chan Access the complete album info (17 songs) This Compilation 2002 Go East Entertainment Company Ltd. 29-11-2002 Shan Liang Mei Yi Tian Shining Xin Ge + Jing Xuan San Miao Zhong 04:10 Zhi Zao Lang Man 04:42 Writer: Gui Lan Huang / Composers: Mark Lui - Wei Wen Huang Ji Shi Ben Writer: Xin Rong Chen Ai Wo Bu Ai Writer: Qing Yuan He / Composers: Wei Chen Ni Bu Yi Yang Writer: Zhong Yan Wang / Composers: Zong Ci Tao Ti Hui 04:22 Writer: Gui Lan Huang / Composers: Long Xuan Lin Xin Bu She Fang Writer: Gui Lan Huang / Composers: Qing Yuan He Access the complete album info (32 songs) 01-01-2002 Chang You Xiao Shi Hou Doraemon Writer: Kwok Kong Cheng - Kin Keung Yan / Composers: Jun Fu Ju Chi Zhi Yao You Meng Xiang 02:17 Writer: Kin Keung Yan / Composers: Jun Fu Ju Chi Chao Ji Xiao Hei Mi 02:41 Writer: Kin Keung Yan / Composers: Lady Q Mei Ri Zhong Yi Ge Yuan Wang Writer: Zhi Shen Ou / Composers: wen guang huang Xiao Shi Hou 99 Writer: Kwok Kong Cheng / Composers: Jia Hui Gu Doraemon (Mandarin) Writer: Ko Nam / Composers: Jun Fu Ju Chi Ping Wo De Meng Xiang Access the complete album info (14 songs) 2001 Go East Entertainment Company Ltd. 12-10-2001 In The Party 04:25 Writer: Kin Keung Yan / Composers: Mark Lui Dian Jie Ni Xi Gan 02:48 Xi Zhi Ge Ju Chang Writer: Wyman Wong / Composers: Terry Chan Xing Fu Hui Chen 04:26 Jolene 02:52 Writer: Kin Keung Yan / Composers: Dolly Parton Chong Man Ni 03:57 Shi Jie Zhi Zui 03:29 Writer: Yiu Fai Chow / Composers: Qiao Bo Liang Access the complete album info (16 songs) This Compilation 2001 Go East Entertainment Company Ltd. 01-01-2001 Kelly Chen BPM Dance Collection Volume 4 Hao Di Fang 04:51 Yuan Lai Ru Ci 05:25 Writer: Ruo Long Yao / Composers: Xiao Xia Chen Da He Qian Fei Ba 04:16 Writer: Jia Yang Yi / Composers: Yun Sang Lee - Yoon Jung Lee Jie Diao Ni 05:51 03:43 1998 Go East Entertainment Company Ltd. 01-01-1998 Da De Dum (Wo Shi Lian) Da De Dum(Wo Shi Lian) 03:48 Summer Time (Album Version) Yan Zhong 04:37 Writer: Shao Qi Chen / Composers: Long Yi He Cun Shi Qian Xiang Hou Writer: Shao Qi Chen / Composers: Zeng Xi Zhao Shen Hu Xi 03:32 Writer: Zhi Shan Liang / Composers: Ivy Wong Bo Qing Shu 04:20 Writer: Lin Xi / Composers: Joey Tang Fang Di Shu Fu 03:59 Writer: Guo Hua Sun / Composers: Adrian Chan 1996 Go East Entertainment Company Ltd. 01-01-1996 Yeah Yeah Yeah (Album Version) 04:05 Mei Yu 04:13 Writer: Li Mou Zhou / Composers: Phoebe Legere - Tristan Avakian Beautiful You (Album Version) 风花雪 Writer: Li Mou Zhou / Composers: James Si Ren Shi Cheien 04:21 Writer: Yuan Liang Pan / Composers: Eddie Ng Wei Zi Ji Zuo Zheng 03:28 Writer: Wyman Huang / Composers: Zheng Zong Cao Ye Ching Ai De 03:37 This Compilation 1996 Go East Entertainment Company Ltd. Ji Nian Ri 04:43 Qing Dao Writer: Siu Kei Chan / Composers: Kenneth Fong Nuo Ruo 03:41 Wo bu Yi Wei 04:57 Wo Hui Gua Nian Ni Writer: Shao Qi Chen / Composers: Koon Ting Lo 1995 Go East Entertainment Company Ltd. 01-01-1995 Charm Lover Wo Yao 01:05 Writer: Unknown / Composers: Mark Lui Wu Guan Ni Si Wo De Xin Gen Ni Yi Yang Writer: Yuan Liang Poon / Composers: Mark Lui Ren Men Bu Hui Wang Writer: Xiu Ping He / Composers: Mark Lui Ge You Zi Bian Xin Writer: Le Er Li / Composers: Shang Wei Huang Zui Mi Qing Ren Rehearsal (Album Version) 00:53 Access the complete album info (12 songs.

If Riding a Wave, with You Watch stream new albums.
คากายาคิ ซึซุเครุ โบคุรา โนะ นากา เดะ Zutto.
Yea I'm ready for the feels.
Whenever you see 0:14, you already know its gonna be good.

Yue Ding – Guang Liang Posted on August 24, 2007 by pinyinlyrics Verse 1 Shuo hao de San nian bu jian mian Yong wo men de ai Ba shi jian liu ju Ni xiao je shuo Je shi wo men de kao yian Wo men de yue ding Verse 2 Jiu je yang San nian yiu guo le Wo hai shi hui dao je ge di fang Bi shang yian Deng ni de chu xian Kong qi zhong wen ni de lian Chorus Wo hai ji de Yi bei ji Xing fu de yue ding Wei ni xie de na shou ge Ta yea tou tou de diao lei le Wo bi yi qian Hai gen ai ni le Lian na fong dou xiao wo le Wo xiang ta hui gao su ni de Wo gen ai ni le [Verse 2] Chorus] Ni hui ji de Ni hui ju de Ying je fong Wo yea xiao le Ta yi ding hui gao su ni de Filed under: Guang Liang, Male, Mandarin.

Right. In. The. Feels. The only one I've seen so far was Clannad, but I'm adding the others to my Watch List. 5 wins & 9 nominations. See more awards  » Edit Cast Series cast summary: Xuan Huang... Muyun Sheng 52 episodes, 2017-2018 Shawn Dou... Muru Hanjiang 42 episodes, 2017-2018 Fangsheng Lu... Muyun Qin 37 episodes, 2017-2018 Qinqin Jiang... Nanku Mingyi 29 episodes, 2017-2018 Yiwei Zhou... Shuofeng Heye 28 episodes, 2017-2018 Weiyu Cao... Muru Shuo Lulu Xu... Su Yuning 26 episodes, 2017 Xiaochen Zhang... Muyun De 24 episodes, 2017-2018 Jian Sun... Muyun Lu 22 episodes, 2017-2018 Qianyuan Wang... Muyun Luan Guanying Peng... Muyun Hege Gaowei Qu... Muru Hanshan 21 episodes, 2017-2018 Storyline The series is set in the fictional world of Novoland and tells the story of loyalty, friendship, enmity, struggles and romance between the young descendants during the twilight years of the Duan Dynasty: a half-spirit prince, son of a general, a tribesman leader, a girl with Queen fate, a spirit woman, a warrior princess. Plot Summary, Add Synopsis Details Release Date: 21 November 2017 (China) See more  » Also Known As: Tribes and Empires Box Office Budget: 55, 000, 000 (estimated) See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  » Frequently Asked Questions See more ».

If riding a wave with you watch streaming. I've existed on this sphere long enough that i knew as soon i thought this is cute it'd turn sad. i was right. I looked at it and immediately went, thats the guy who made Devil Man Cry Baby, his animation is unique to Mr. Yuasa and Yuasa only. Same japanese romantic movie, nothing really special. Skip it. The Untamed Genre Xianxia Based on Mo Dao Zu Shi by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu Written by Yang Xia Deng Yaoyu Ma Jing Guo Guangyun Directed by Zheng Weiwen Chen Jialin Starring Xiao Zhan Wang Yibo Ending theme "Unrestrained" by Xiao Zhan & Wang Yibo Composer(s) Lin Hai Country of origin China Original language(s) Mandarin No. of seasons 1 No. of episodes 50 ( list of episodes) Production Executive producer(s) Sun Huaizhong Wang Xin Han Zhijie Producer(s) Fang Fang Yang Xia Zhang Meng Wang Chu Ren Qiang Liu Mingtie Wang Wanning Production location(s) Hengdian World Studios Guizhou Running time 45 minutes per episodes Production company(s) Tencent Penguin Pictures New Style Media Release Original network Tencent Video Original release June 27  – August 20, 2019 Chronology Related shows Mo Dao Zu Shi External links Website The Untamed ( Chinese: 陈情令; pinyin: Chén Qíng Lìng) is a 2019 Chinese television series based on the BL xianxia novel Mo Dao Zu Shi by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu, starring Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo. [1] The series follows the adventures of two soulmate cultivators who travel to solve a series of murder mysteries, eventually finding and defeating the true culprit. [2] It aired in China on Tencent Video from June 27 to August 20, 2019. [3] 4] A 20-episode special edition of the drama aired on WeTV starting December 25, 2019. [5] Synopsis [ edit] The jianghu world is ruled by the powerful Wen sect, which dominates over the smaller Lan, Jiang, Nie and Jin sects. The carefree Wei Wuxian becomes fast friends with the righteous Lan Wangji, and during their adventures, the pair find out that the head of the Wen sect is the evil mastermind behind a series of plots that would wreak havoc upon the lands. Wei Wuxian's attempts to protect the innocent members of the Wen sect from unfair persecution lead to disaster, and he goes missing in the process. Wei Wuxian reappears sixteen years later, and works together with Lan Wangji to solve a series of murder mysteries, eventually finding and defeating the true culprit. [6] Episodes [ edit] The series aired every Thursday and Friday (GMT +08:00) with two episodes each, and VIP members could have early access to two more. On the first day of its release, a total of six episodes were available to VIP members. On June 30, 2019, their official Weibo released a new schedule [7] and shifted the release to Monday till Wednesday. The series ended on August 20, 2019 with the 50th episode. On July 29, 2019 during an official fanmeeting event, they announced that VVIP members would be able to watch all the episodes on August 7. [8] Cast [ edit] Main [ edit] Actor Character Introduction Xiao Zhan Su Yaxin (young) Wei Wuxian ( Chinese: 魏无羡) Birth name: Wei Ying ( Chinese: 魏婴) Also known as the Yiling Patriarch ( Chinese: 夷陵老祖) he is a disciple of Jiang sect who later chose to pursue demonic cultivation. He wields the Suibian sword ( Chinese: 随便) and Chenqing flute ( Chinese: 陈情) and is known for his ability to invent new spiritual techniques and inventions such as the Stygian Tiger Seal ( Chinese: 阴虎符. He is bright, optimistic, mischievous, loyal and kind-hearted. He and Lan Wangji regard each other as soulmates. Mo Xuanyu ( Chinese: 莫玄羽) The illegitimate son of Jin Guangshan and ex-disciple of the Jin sect. He sacrificed his body to Wei Wuxian through a ritual in order to fulfill his revenge plans. Wang Yibo Chen Junkai (young) Lan Wangji ( Chinese: 蓝忘机) Birth name: Lan Zhan ( Chinese: 蓝湛. Also known as Lord Hanguang ( Chinese: 含光君) or the Light Bearing Lord, 9] he is the second young master of Lan sect and one of the Two Jades of Lan. He wields the Bichen sword ( Chinese: 避尘) and the Wangji guqin ( Chinese: 忘机. He is cold, aloof and strict, but also has his own sense of justice. He and Wei Wuxian regard each other as soulmates. Supporting [ edit] Gusu Lan Sect [ edit] Liu Haikuan [10] Shen Yifeng (young) Lan Xichen ( Chinese: 蓝曦臣) Birth name: Lan Huan ( Chinese: 蓝涣. Also known as Lord Zewu ( Chinese: 泽芜君) or Brilliance Overgrowth Lord, 9] he is the leader and first young master of Lan sect, and one of the Two Jades of Lan. He is known as one of the Three Zuns alongside his sworn brothers Jin Guangyao and Nie Mingjue. He wields the Shuoyue sword ( Chinese: 朔月) and the Liebing flute ( Chinese: 裂冰. He is a warm, gentle and trusting person. Huang Ziteng Lan Qiren ( Chinese: 蓝启仁) The respected elder of Lan sect. The uncle of Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji. Zheng Fanxing [11] Jiang Yiting (young) Lan Sizhui ( Chinese: 蓝思追) Birth name: Previously Wen Yuan ( Chinese: 温苑) now Lan Yuan ( Chinese: 蓝愿. A disciple of Lan sect. He was found by Wei Wuxian among the remains of the Wen sect and was raised by him, and later brought back to the Lan sect by Lan Wangji. He is disciplined, intelligent, and sensible. He is close friends with Lan Jingyi and Jin Ling. Guo Cheng [12] Lan Jingyi ( Chinese: 蓝景仪) A disciple of Lan sect. He is a short-tempered and impatient man, but kind at heart. He is close friends with Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling. Carman Lee [13] Lan Yi ( Chinese: 蓝翼) The only female head in the history of Lan sect. She invented the infamous Chord Assassination technique, and was responsible for guarding a piece of the Stygian Iron ( Chinese: 阴铁. Lanling Jin Sect [ edit] Shen Xiaohai Jin Guangshan ( Chinese: 金光善) The leader of Jin sect. The father of Jin Guangyao, Jin Zixuan and Mo Xuanyu. He is known as a womanizer and has many illegitimate children. Hu Xiaoting Madame Jin ( Chinese: 金夫人) The wife of Jin Guangshan and mother of Jin Zixuan. Zhu Zanjin [14] Jin Guangyao ( Chinese: 金光瑶) Birth name: Meng Yao ( Chinese: 孟瑶. Also known as Lord Lianfang ( Chinese: 敛芳尊) or Hidden Fragrance Master, 9] he is the illegitimate son of Jin Guangshan and became the leader of Jin sect after the latter's death. He is known as one of the Three Zuns alongside his sworn brothers Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue. He wields the Hensheng ( Chinese: 恨生 pinyin: Hènshēng) sword. He worked as a servant of the Nie sect and as a spy in the Wen sect before winning his father's approval to join the Jin sect after the Sunshot Campaign. Due to his identity as a prostitute's son, he feels inferior and is determined to prove himself. He is known for wearing a mask of pleasantry and his smooth demeanor. He greatly admires Lan Xichen, who was the only person who showed him kindness during his days as a servant. Cao Yuchen [15] Jin Zixuan ( Chinese: 金子轩) The son of Jin Guangshan, Jin Ling's father and Jiang Yanli's husband. He is proud and vain, but is also upright and just. Yao Shuhao [15] Jin Zixun ( Chinese: 金子勋) The cousin of Jin Zixuan. He is arrogant and conceited, and dislikes Wei Wuxian. Jin Luying Qin Su ( Chinese: 秦愫) The wife of Jin Guangyao; and daughter of Qin Cangye, leader of the Laoling Qin sect, a subsidiary of Jin sect. Qi Peixin [16] Jin Ling ( Chinese: 金凌) Courtesy name: Rulan ( Chinese: 如兰. The sole heir of Jin sect and son of Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli. He wields the Suihua ( Chinese: 岁华尊) sword. He is prideful and short-tempered, but kind at heart. He is close friends with Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi. Wang Yifei [17] Luo Qingyang ( Chinese: 罗青羊) Also known as Mian Mian ( Chinese: 绵绵. A disciple of Jin sect. She is unafraid to speak up for what's right, and later left Jin sect due to differing beliefs. Qinghe Nie Sect [ edit] Wang Yizhou [15] Nie Mingjue ( Chinese: 聂明玦) Also known as Lord Chifeng ( Chinese: 赤锋尊) or the Scarlet Peak Master, 9] he is the leader of Nie sect. He is known as one of the Three Zuns alongside his sworn brothers Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao. He wields the Baxia ( Chinese: 霸下) saber. He is strict, bad-tempered, and known for his intolerance toward evil. Ji Li [15] Nie Huaisang ( Chinese: 聂怀桑) The leader of Nie sect after Nie Mingjue's death and younger half-brother of Nie Mingjue. He is well known for his incompetence and is nicknamed the Head-Shaker. Qishan Wen Sect [ edit] Xiu Qing Wen Ruohan ( Chinese: 温若寒) The leader of Wen sect, Chief Cultivator, and father of Wen Chao and Wen Xu. He is an ambitious man who wants to rule over the five sects by restoring the Stygian Iron ( Chinese: 阴铁. Wang Rong Wen Xu ( Chinese: 温旭) The eldest son of Wen Ruohan. He Peng [18] Wen Chao ( Chinese: 温晁) The second son of Wen Ruohan. He is an arrogant and cruel man who likes to flirt with ladies. Meng Ziyi [19] Wen Qing ( Chinese: 温情) A renowned physician of the Wen sect and Wen Ning's older sister. She is aloof but kind at heart, and is protective toward her brother. Yu Bin [20] Su Qiuyi (young) Wen Ning ( Chinese: 温宁) Courtesy name: Qionglin ( Chinese: 琼林. Also known as The Ghost General ( Chinese: 鬼将军) he is the right-hand man of Wei Wuxian during his time as the Yiling Patriarch. He was a shy person and a stutterer when he was alive due to a strange illness, and grew to trust Wei Wuxian after being showered with kindness by him. Feng Mingjing Wen Zhuliu ( Chinese: 温逐流) Also known as the Core-Melting Hand ( Chinese: 化丹手) due to his ability to melt a Golden Core and is Wen Chao's protector. Lu Enjie Wang Lingjiao ( Chinese: 王灵娇) The former maid of Wen Chao's wife and Wen Chao's lover. She is an arrogant and pompous woman. Zhang Bin Wen Mao ( Chinese: 温卯) The ancestor of Wen sect. Yunmeng Jiang Sect [ edit] Lu Jianmin Jiang Fengmian ( Chinese: 江枫眠) The leader of Jiang sect, father of Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng. Zhang Jingtong Yu Ziyuan ( Chinese: 虞紫鸢) Also known as Madame Yu or San Niang. Jiang Fengmian's wife, mother of Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng, and original owner of the Zidian ( Chinese: 紫电) ring. She appears tough and strict but is soft at heart. Wang Zhuocheng [21] Huang Zhenchen (young) Jiang Cheng ( Chinese: 江澄) Courtesy name: Wanyin ( Chinese: 晚吟. Also known as Sandu Shengshou ( Chinese: 三毒圣手) or Three Poisons Sage, 9] he is the leader of Jiang sect following Jiang Fengmian's death. He wields the Sandu ( Chinese: 三毒) sword and the Zidian ( Chinese: 紫电) ring. He is a straight-laced and strict man who abides by the rules. He has a bad temper but deeply cares for his loved ones. He had a great relationship with Wei Wuxian, but their relationship deteriorated due to differing beliefs. He liked Wen Qing, until Wen Chao ordered the death of his parents, causing him to harbor hate for the Wen sect. He dotes on his nephew Jin Ling. Xuan Lu [22] Ye Xuantong (young) Jiang Yanli ( Chinese: 江厌离) Jiang Cheng's older sister, Wei Wuxian's disciple elder sister, Jin Zixuan's wife and Jin Ling's mother. She is a kind, understanding and caring person who protects her brothers and gives them emotional support. Yi City Arc [ edit] Song Jiyang [23] Xiao Xingchen ( Chinese: 晓星尘) Also known as Daozhang ( Chinese: 道长) he is one of Baoshan Sanren's students who left the mountain for the mortal world. He wields the Shuanghua ( Chinese: 霜华) sword and was best friends with Song Lan. He is gentle on the outside but determined on the inside. Li Bowen [24] Song Lan ( Chinese: 宋岚) Courtesy name: Song Zichen ( Chinese: 宋子琛. A cultivator from Baixue Temple, and best friend of Xiao Xingchen. He wields the Fuxue ( Chinese: 拂雪) sword. Wang Haoxuan [25] Xue Yang ( Chinese: 薛洋) Courtesy name: Chengmei ( Chinese: 成美. A guest disciple of the Jin sect who has an affiliation with the Stygian Iron ( Chinese: 阴铁. He wields the Jiangzai ( Chinese: 降灾) sword. He is known for his evil and twisted ways. Chen Zhuoxuan [26] Ah Qing ( Chinese: 阿箐) A young maiden who lived on the streets and an expert at pretending to be blind. She followed Xiao Xingchen after meeting him. Others [ edit] Feng Cong [27] Su She ( Chinese: 苏涉) Courtesy name: Minshan ( Chinese: 悯善. The wimp leader of the Moling Su sect. A former outer disciple of the Lan Sect, whom he betrayed and left to establish his own with the support of Jin Guangyao, whom he holds great respect for. He is jealous of Lan Wangji's talents and has always imitated his actions. Liu Tingyu Baoshan Sanren ( Chinese: 抱山散人) The teacher of Xiao Xingchen and Cangse Sanren, Wei Wuxian's mother. Cao Junxiang [28] Ouyang Zizhen ( Chinese: 欧阳子真) The single child of the Baling Ouyang sect's leader. Yu Zikuang Xue Chonghai ( Chinese: 薛重亥) The ancient owner of the Stygian Iron ( Chinese: 阴铁. Extended cast Liu Yinjun Jin Chan ( Chinese: 金阐) A disciple of Jin sect. He bullied Jin Ling, but is stopped by Wei Wuxian. Lin Chenyue Sixth disciple ( Chinese: 六师弟) Disciple of Jiang sect. Jiang Weijia Chief of Nie ( Chinese: 聂氏总领) He always bullies Jin Guangyao and is later killed by him. Niu Zhiqiang Chief Yao ( Chinese: 姚宗主) One of the gossiping elders who dislikes Wei Wuxian and spread baseless rumors about him. Pu Changcheng Chief Ouyang ( Chinese: 欧阳宗主) Zhang Ye Yi Weichun ( Chinese: 易为春) Xu Xiaowen Fang Mengchen ( Chinese: 方梦臣) Cai Yingchun Granny Wen ( Chinese: 温婆婆) Wen Qing, Wen Ning and Wen Yuan's relative. Yi Jianxiang Fourth Uncle Wen ( Chinese: 温四叔) Sun Shengxuan Mo Ziyuan ( Chinese: 莫重亥) Mo Xuanyu's cousin who abused him. Jia Shuyi Madame Mo ( Chinese: 莫夫人) Mo Xuanyu's aunt who abused him. Liu Damin Mister Mo ( Chinese: 莫老爷) Mo Xuanyu's uncle. Feng Qiruo Ah Ding ( Chinese: 阿丁) A servant of Mo. Ah Tong ( Chinese: 阿童) Zhang Linran Ah Yan ( Chinese: 阿胭) A girl cursed by the Heavenly Lady statue. Li Lujin Ah Yan's mother ( Chinese: 阿胭娘) Fan Huawei Bi Cao ( Chinese: 碧草) A servant of Qin Su. Su Yue Si Si ( Chinese: 思思) A prostitute who has to serve Jin Guangshan. Zhang Jing Jin Zhu ( Chinese: 金姝) A servant of Jin sect. Liu Xiaobin Yin Zhu ( Chinese: 银姝) Jiao Changshun Song Lan's teacher ( Chinese: 宋岚师傅) Shen Xin Funeral Shopkeeper ( Chinese: 丧葬老太) Huang Ying Granny Liu ( Chinese: 刘婆婆) Liu Fengmin [29] Lao Zhang (Wen Chao. Chinese: 老丈(温晁)) Sun Liang [29] Lao Zhang (Nie Huaisang. Chinese: 老丈(聂怀桑)) Production [ edit] Pre-production and filming [ edit] Pre-production of the drama took two and a half years; including writing and modifying of the script, establishing the world view structure and art concept, as well as building of sets. [30] The project was first announced in March 2018. [31] The series is co-directed by Zheng Weiwen and Chen Jialin; and the script written by a team consisting of Yang Xia, Deng Yaoyu, Ma Jing and Guo Guangyun. The main producers are credited to be Fang Feng, Yang Xia, Wang Chu and Liu Mingyi; while Yang Xia and Ji Peng serve as the art directors. [32] The drama was filmed from April 2018 to August 2018 at Hengdian World Studios and Guizhou. [33] 34] Two weeks before filming, the cast gathered for script reading sessions and underwent martial arts and etiquette training. [35] Due to the censorship in China, all BL content is removed from the drama and changes are made to the overall plot. [36] As the original novel was written in a "flashback" style, additional scenes had to be inserted to improve the flow of the story. [37] Two versions of the script were prepared; one is told in the chronological order of story development, and the other is a narrative trajectory that follows the original novel. Finally, on the basis of not breaking the core of the original story, and to fully develop and layer the storyline, the team decided to adopt a mixture of both styles. [30] To better fuse the different storylines together, the team decided to forgo traditional styles of filming, and more suspense was used in the lens composition settings. [36] Despite being termed as "xianxia" drama, The Untamed includes many elements of traditional wuxia dramas, fused with a new style. [38] Using traditional wuxia values such as "chivalry and courage" it allows the younger audience to better relate to the drama. [38] Casting [ edit] The casting director gave a special "character card" to each of the cast members; which includes detailed descriptions of the character such as the looks, height, clothing style and even specific details such as "Wei Wuxian has a natural smiling face. 30] Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo were announced as the lead actors in April 2018. [33] Xiao was recommended by a friend of the producer Yang Xia, who chose him because of his "clean gaze. Wang got the role through an audition, because of his "natural coldness. 39] Lu Zhixing and Bian Jiang, who dubbed Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji in the audio drama and donghua adaptation of Mo Dao Zu Shi respectively, were hired to voice Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji in the series. [40] Design and concept [ edit] According to producer Yang Xia, while designing the sets and costumes of the different sects, the team started out by searching for a culture placement where the design could be based on. [30] The costume designer of the drama is Chen Tongxun. [41] For the Gusu Lan sect, influence from the Song Dynasty were taken into consideration while designing the costumes and sets. While designing the "jingshi" blue and green shades were used to showcase the elegance and dignified strength/character of the sect; while darker shades of wood were used to show-off the magnificence. Cascading collars and sleeves were used to design the clothes, to highlight the strictness of the sect. [30] For the Yunmeng Jiang sect, influences from the Hubei and Jianghan district were taken. Warm and light colors were used to showcase the cheerful and free-spirited nature of the sect. The architecture and sets were designed to be widely spaced, and yarn was used to create the feeling of "transparency. Narrow sleeves and neat designs were used to highlight the "wandering pugilistic" feel of the sect. A water recycling device was used in the lotus lake of the set, allowing ripples to be seen on the lake surface. A special ceiling was built for the ancestral hall. [30] For the Qinghe Nie sect, the set was designed to be surrounded by high walls and the entrance isn't easily seen because it was often invaded by Qishan Wen sect. For Qishan Wen sect, designs from the Shang dynasty were used. For Lanling Jin sect, the designs were inspired by the luxurious and elegance of the Tang dynasty. [42] Controversies [ edit] A fire broke out at on July 11, 2018 while the cast and crew were filming in Nanma, Dongyang, at a facility that belongs to Hengdian World Studios. The fire reportedly spread as wide as 300 square meters, and resulted in the death of two crew members. [43] During filming, a rumor surfaced that a certain actor paid the production to change the storyline and add additional scenes; and that the author is the screenwriter. [44] In response to the rumors the production team denied the claims. [45] On July 29, 2019, Tencent announced that VIP users have the option to pay in order to watch episodes that have not yet aired. Starting from August 7, the final episode will be released early for some viewers who choose to avail the option. This has caused outrage among viewers of the show, who were concerned that this would open up the risk of the ending being spoiled and also the possibility that the episodes will be pirated, which will then have a negative effect on views. In response, Tencent explained that in this way, they can cater to demands of certain viewers who are requesting for episodes to be released faster while the rest can still watch the series at their preferred pace. [46] Soundtrack [ edit] The main composer of the soundtrack is Lin Hai. [41] The theme song was titled "忘羡. pinyin: Wàngxiàn) before being renamed from Episode 11 onwards to "无羁 ( pinyin: Wú jī. 47] On July 8, 2019, the digital album was released on QQ Music along with full version of the song as well as other character songs. [48] 49] The instrumental album was released on QQ Music on August 5, 2019. [50] The physical album was released on November 2, 2019. [51] The Untamed OST (陈情令国风音乐专辑) Soundtrack album by Various artists Released July 8, 2019 Recorded 2018–2019 Genre Soundtrack Language Chinese Label New Style Media QQ Music Producer Lin Hai No. Title Lyrics Music Singers Length 1. "Unrestrained (无羁. Theme song – duet version) Cheng Yi, Ming Feng Lin Hai Xiao Zhan & Wang Yibo 04:13 2. "Unrestrained (无羁. Theme song – special version) Cheng Yi, Ming Feng Lin Hai Bibi Zhou 04:14 3. "Unrestrained (无羁. Theme song – solo version) Cheng Yi, Ming Feng Lin Hai Xiao Zhan 04:13 4. "Unrestrained (无羁. Theme song – solo version) Cheng Yi, Ming Feng Lin Hai Wang Yibo 04:13 5. "Song Ends with Chen Qing (曲尽陈情. Wei Wuxian's theme song) Yi Zhe Lian Xiao Zui Qing He Within_Yi Ming Xiao Zhan 03:53 6. "Won't Forget (不忘. Lan Wangji's theme song) Song Bingyang, Yang Xia Song Bingyang Wang Yibo 05:16 7. "Newborn (赤子. Wen Ning's theme song) Zhang Pengpeng Zheng Guofeng Yu Bin 04:18 8. "Goodbye Filled With Hatred (恨别. Jiang Cheng's theme song) Yi Zhe Lian Xiao Zui Qing He Chao Xi_Tide Wang Zhuocheng 03:43 9. "Involuntary (不由. Lan Xichen's theme song) Ming Feng Windbell Project Liu Haikuan 04:44 10. "Separation at Qing He (清河诀. Nie Mingjue & Nie Huaisang's theme song) Lin Qiao, Liu Enxun Chen Xueran Ayanga 03:44 11. "If The Woodlands Has Something To Say (疏林如有诉. Wen Qing's theme song) Zhong Wuyi Chen Yiming Gao Qiuzi 03:53 12. "Passing by the Deserted City (荒城渡. Xue Yang's theme song) Zhang Ying Xia Heng, Deng Qiangzhong Charlie Zhou 04:19 13. "Lone City (孤城. Yi City group's theme song) Lin Qiao Yu Honglong Sun Bolun & Chen Zhuoxuan 03:52 14. "Youth Especially Cannot Be Bullied (最是少年不可欺. Youth group's theme song) Yu Ci Chen Yiming Zui Xue, Zheng Fanxing, Qi Peixin & Guo Cheng 03:59 15. "Inappeasable (意难平. Jiang Yanli's theme song) Cheng Yi, He Siwei Lin Hai Yin Lin 04:14 16. "Not In Vain (不枉. Group song) Yi Zhe Lian Xiao Zui Qing He Yin Lin Naomi Wang 03:55 17. "Eternal Separation (永隔. Jiang Yanli & Jin Zixuan's theme song) Lin Qiao Yu Honglong Lara Veronin & Fabien Yang 03:37 18. "Hatred in Life (多恨生. Jin Guangyao's theme song) Within_Yi Ming Luo Xizhun Zhu Xingjie 04:25 The Untamed OST (陈情令原声音乐专辑) Soundtrack album by Various artists Released August 5, 2019 Recorded 2018–2019 Genre Soundtrack Language Chinese Label New Style Media QQ Music Producer Lin Hai No. Title Length 1. "The Untamed (陈情令) 02:01 2. "Unrestrained (无羁. Instrumental version) 02:33 3. "Wang Ji (忘机) 01:01 4. "Love Entanglement (情牵) 01:59 5. "Lotus Pier (莲花坞) 02:08 6. "Maneuvering Dizi (御笛) 02:15 7. "Glacier (裂冰) 03:26 8. "Drunken Dream (醉梦) 03:27 9. "Burial Mound (乱葬岗) 02:24 10. "Sadness (伤情) 03:01 11. "If Life Was Just Like When We First Met (人生若只如初见) 02:36 12. "Won't Regret (不悔) 02:47 13. "Night Scamper (夜奔) 03:51 14. "Day and Night (寤寐) 01:26 15. "Song of Lucidity (清心音乱魄抄) 05:10 16. "Rest (安息) 02:32 17. "Greenery (草木) 02:33 18. "Yi City (义城) 01:03 19. "Artful Child (狡童) 01:44 20. "Sunshot (射日) 02:28 21. "Unrestrained (无羁. Piano version) 01:23 On August 19, QQ Music announced that the sales for the soundtrack album had broke fifteen million copies, officially attaining the platinum certification. As of September 2019, the album was the highest-selling soundtrack album on the platform, and ranked #15 on the list of highest-selling digital album. [52] Reception [ edit] The series has a 8. 3 rating on Douban; 53] and has the highest number of reviews for China dramas. [54] The series accumulated a total of 6. 8 billion views on Tencent, as of December 2019. [55] One of the major reasons for the series' popularity is its faithfulness to the original novel. [56] 57] It was praised by People's Daily for its "wonderful presentation of Chinese characteristics" showcasing traditional cultural elements through exquisite costumes, traditional Chinese music instruments; as well as transmitting positive values such as courage, chivalry and love for one's country. [58] China News Service similarly highlighted the exquisite costumes and showcase of traditional etiquette, while also praising the suspenseful plot and well-connected storyline. [59] Wang Yibo was initially criticized by viewers for his blank acting style in the first few episodes, which he later improved upon with the help of director instructions. [60] The show has also garnered significant exposure and popularity globally for its strong plot, well-rounded characters, and elaborate clothing, makeup and stage production. [61] It has a score of 9. 8 on Viki and 9. 4 on MyDramaList, making it the highest-rated Chinese TV series on the platforms. [62] It ranked #36 on Tumblr's Top Live-Action TV list of 2019, becoming the first Chinese TV drama to ever enter the chart. [63] The heroic story with modern values was said to have struck a chord globally, and helps promotes Chinese style and traditional culture to the world, leading to a wave of interest in Chinese dramas. [61] 64] 57] Economic effect [ edit] The Untamed is said to be the highest-earning drama of 2019, bringing in profits of more than 97. 87 million yuan (as of August 15, 2019) with earnings from fan meetings, concerts, streaming platforms, album sales and merchandise. [65] 66] As VVIP members are allowed watch the final episodes of the show in advance, more than 2. 6 million new and existing subscribers paid to unlock the function, generating more than 78 million yuan in profit. More than 1 million copies of the soundtrack album were sold. In addition, a merchandise store was opened in Taobao and official merchandise was sold, with earnings amounting to 1. 17 million yuan. [66] Other source of earnings include paying to unlock the full music video of "Unrestrained" in advance, as well as the Bazaar Magazine featuring both lead actors Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo which sold more than 330, 000 copies within three days, before exceeding 1. 1 million copies. [67] A special system was introduced by Tencent, where VIP members have to accumulate "star points" to get a better chance to get tickets to the fan meetings and concerts. More than 326. 7 million people paid 30 to 50 yuan to view the live broadcast of The Untamed National Style Concert on Tencent Video. It is estimated that the platform has earned more than 100 million yuan in revenue. Tickets of the concert were sold-out in less than 5 seconds, and leftover tickets were also marked up to 150, 000 yuan by ticket scalpers from the original price of 627 yuan. [68] 65] 69] In overseas markets, Tencent announced in October 2019 that The Untamed had boosted WeTV's growth by 250 percent with an average of 1 million application downloads per month since the drama was first launched in June. [70] 71] Responding to the demand of sold-out fan meets in Thailand and China, in January 2020, the cast members embarked on a multi-city worldwide fan meet tour. Cities included Bangkok, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City, Tokyo, Seoul, Macau, Kuala Lumpur, Toronto, Los Angeles, New York. [72] Awards and nominations [ edit] Award Category Nominee Results Ref. The Third Internet Film Festival Best Director Chen Jialin Won [73] Best New Actor Zhu Zanjin GQ 2019 Men of the Year Breakthrough Actor of the Year Wang Yibo [74] 6th The Actors of China Award Ceremony Best Actor (Web series) Xiao Zhan Nominated [75] Golden Tower Award Most Popular Drama The Untamed [76] 77] Most Popular Actor Sofa Film Festival Most Popular Actor of the Autumn [78] 6th Hengdian Film and TV Festival of China (Wenrong Awards) Best Web Drama [79] Best Producer Fang Fang 3rd Yinchuan Internet Film Festival Best Web Series [80] 81] 26th Huading Awards Best Television Series 10th [82] Chen Jialin, Zheng Weiwen [83] 84] Yang Xia, Fang Fang, Wang Chu, Liu Mingtie Best Newcomer Top Ten Favorite Actors 2nd Cultural and Entertainment Industry Congress Best Actor (Drama) 85] Breakthrough Actor (Drama) Best Couple Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo China Entertainment Industry Summit (Golden Pufferfish Awards) Best Drama [86] 87] Best Marketing Producer of the Year Yang Xia 7th Thailand Headlines Person of The Year Awards Most Influential Award The Untamed Cast [88] 89] Tencent Music Entertainment Awards Song of the Year "Unrestrained" by Xiao Zhan & Wang Yibo) 90] China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival (1st Network Drama Awards) 91] Most Anticipated Actor He Peng 20th China Video Awards IP of the Year [92] China Radio Film & TV Media Survey Outstanding Overseas Promotion Television Series [93] Weibo TV Series Awards Most Popular Television Series [94] 95] 7th [96] 4th [97] Song Jiyang [98] 99] Wang Zhuocheng Yu Bin Zheng Fanxing Liu Haikuan Most Popular Character Wei Wuxian [100] Lan Wangji 2nd [101] Golden Bud - The Fourth Network Film And Television Festival [102] 103] Most Influential Web Series Best Web Film The Living Dead Most Popular Director Best Actor Guo Cheng Wang Haoxuan New Force Energy Sogou In Award Drama of the Year [104] Kugou Music Awards [105] Film and TV Role Model 2019 Ranking [106] Actor of the Year Baidu Fudian Awards Top Ten Television Series [107] Sina Film & TV Awards [108] 8th China Student Television Festival Most Watched Television Series [109] Tencent Video All Star Awards Web Drama of the Year [110] Popular Actors of the Year Most Promising Actor Doki New Force Tencent Entertainment White Paper Television Actor of the Year [111] Star Celebrity Board: Television Actor of the Year [112] Weibo Awards Ceremony Hot Drama of the Year [113] Media and Entertainment Industry Reporter Innovative Marketing of the Year [114] Hengdian World Studio Classic Ranking [115] Wei Wuxian (Xiao Zhan) 116] Promotion [ edit] Date Event Attendees July 12, 2019 The Untamed Fanmeeting Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo, Yu Bin, Liu Haikuan, Zhu Zanjin, Wang Haoxuan, Wang Yizhou, Song Jiyang, Li Bowen, Qi Peixin, Zheng Fanxing, Guo Cheng [117] July 20, 2019 The Untamed Roadshow at Hangzhou Yu Bin, Zheng Fanxing, Song Jiyang [118] July 26, 2019 Harper's Bazaar China Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo [119] The Untamed Roadshow at Xi'an Cao Yuchen, Qi Peixin, Zheng Fanxing [120] July 27, 2019 The Untamed Roadshow at Wuhan Yu Bin, Song Jiyang, Wang Haoxuan [121] July 28, 2019 Day Day Up [122] August 4, 2019 The Untamed Roadshow at Shanghai Yu Bin, Wang Zhuocheng, Liu Haikuan, Zhu Zanjin, Ji Li, Chen Zhuoxuan, Song Jiyang [123] August 10, 2019 Happy Camp Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo, Yu Bin, Wang Zhuocheng [124] The Untamed Roadshow at Qingdao Liu Haikuan, Zhu Zanjin, Wang Haoxuan, Ji Li, Wang Yizhou, Song Jiyang, Li Bowen, Cao Yuchen, Qi Peixin, Zheng Fanxing, Guo Cheng, He Peng, Chen Zhuoxuan [125] August 26, 2019 Crazy Magic Yu Bin, Liu Haikuan, Wang Zhuocheng, Xuan Lu, Meng Ziyi [126] September 21, 2019 The Untamed Thailand Fanmeeting Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo, Yu Bin, Wang Zhuocheng, Liu Haikuan, Cao Yuchen, Song Jiyang, Chen Zhuoxuan [127] November 1–2, 2019 The Untamed National Style Concert Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo, Yu Bin, Wang Zhuocheng, Liu Haikuan, Zhu Zanjin, Wang Haoxuan, Ji Li, Wang Yizhou, Song Jiyang, Li Bowen, Cao Yuchen, Qi Peixin, Zheng Fanxing, Guo Cheng, He Peng, Lu Enjie, Wang Yifei, Chen Zhuoxuan, Zhang Jingtong, Xiu Qing, Gao Qiuzi Lara Veronin, Naomi Wang, Fabien Yang, Yin Lin, Zhou Shen, Zhu Xingjie [128] Thailand Fanmeeting [ edit] The fanmeeting was held in Bangkok at Impact Theater on September 21, 2019 and was attended by 9, 000 fans. [129] The proceeds of the Thailand fanmeeting were donated to the people of Ubon Ratchathani Province, which had been hit by floods. [130] The Untamed National Style Concert [ edit] The concert was held from November 1 and 2, 2019 at Nanjing Qing'ao Sports Park with a capacity of 20, 000 seats. Tan Yizhe served as the music executive of the concert, while Yuan Jing served as the creative director. Ticket prices were sold at 627 yuan and 1980 yuan, to commemorate the first day of broadcast and the last day of filming of The Untamed respectively. 16 songs were sung in the concert, along with a segment for interactions and games. [131] Prior to purchasing tickets on Maoyan, fans had to answer a questionnaire based on the show. Viewers were able to live-stream the concert via Tencent Video, with a fee of 30 to 50 yuan. [67] Mobile game [ edit] A mobile gamed based on The Untamed is set to be released via NetEase. [132] The Untamed Boys [ edit] The six-membered group named "The Untamed Boys. Chinese: 陈情少年) which consists of Yu Bin, Ji Li, Cao Yuchen, Zheng Fanxing, Song Jiyang & Li Bowen, first made their appearance in The Untamed National Style Concert performing the song "Fearless. They subsequently appeared in T Mall 11/11 Shopping Festival, performing the song " Fairytale. as well as featured in Elle Men's New Youth magazine. [133] They appeared in the variety show Youths Learning In Progress ( Chinese: 少年听学中) which aired on Tencent Video starting December 5, 2019. [134] International broadcast [ edit] The drama is broadcast via WeTV in several countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India and Indonesia. It is streamed internationally via platforms like Viki, ODC and YouTube. [135] The drama is broadcast in South Korea via Channel Asia UHD starting from October 21, 2019. [136] 137] It is scheduled to be broadcast in Japan via Asia Dramatic TV from March 19, 2020. [138] 139] The drama has been translated into 11 different languages and broadcast via Netflix in North and South America, Europe, Australia, Philippines and India starting October 25, 2019. [140] 57] Spin-off [ edit] Up to three films will be released, which will serve as a spin-off to the television series. [141] The Living Dead (2019. edit] The Living Dead ( Chinese: 生魂; pinyin: Shenghun) was released on iQiyi on November 7, 2019. It is directed by Qiu Zhongwei, written by Lu Ping and produced by Yang Xia. The movie focuses on the story of Wen Ning and Lan Sizhui. [142] 143] Near Qishan Mountain, there is a little town called Fu Feng, which is nicknamed the "City That Never Turns Dark. There, lies a legend of the "Lit Lamp Murderer. Wen Ning arrives at Fu Feng, and he realizes the abnormality of the town; the whole town is filled only with the weak and sick; and is very run down. When the night arrives, Wen Ning purposefully lit up a lamp to attract ghost shadows. Just as he was about to capture them, a ray of blue sword light appears and the black shadow disappears. Wen Ning looks up, and sees his nephew, Lan Sizhui. Wen Ning and Lan Sizhui decides to work together and solve the mystery and capture the culprit behind the mysterious incidents. Yu Bin as Wen Ning Zheng Fan Xing as Lan Sizhui Wang Yifei as Xiao Qing Gao Han as Xiao Yi He Longlong as Zhou Zishu Fatal Journey (2020. edit] Fatal Journey ( Chinese: 乱魄; pinyin: Luanpo) focuses on the story of the Nie brothers and Jin Guangyao. Ji Li as Nie Huaisang Wang Yizhou as Nie Mingjue Zhu Zanjin as Jin Guangyao References [ edit] "《陈情令》首曝剧照 肖战王一博掀仙侠风云. ifeng (in Chinese. July 5, 2018. Archived from the original on September 2, 2018. Retrieved April 23, 2019. ^ 开播当日定档!肖战王一博《陈情令》今晚播出. Beijing News (in Chinese. June 27, 2019. Archived from the original on July 18, 2019. Retrieved November 10, 2019. ^ 《陈情令》定档627 肖战王一博最新海报曝光. Sina (in Chinese. Archived from the original on June 29, 2019. 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If Riding a Wave, with You Watch streams. 31 wins & 25 nominations. See more awards  » Edit Cast Series cast summary: Ge Hu... Mei Changsu. 54 episodes, 2015 Yongdai Ding... Emperor Liang 45 episodes, 2015 Kai Wang... Xiao Jingyan Lei Wu... Fei Liu Wei-De Huang... Xiao Jinghuan 44 episodes, 2015 Long Chen... Meng Zhi 43 episodes, 2015 Xihe Tan... Gao Zhan 40 episodes, 2015 Mintao Liu... Imperial Concubine Jing 37 episodes, 2015 Hong Wang... Li Gang 35 episodes, 2015 Xiaoran Guo... Yan Yujin Ou Wang... Qin Banruo 30 episodes, 2015 Yilong Zhao... Zhen Ping 27 episodes, 2015 Tao Liu... Princess Nihuang 26 episodes, 2015 Haofeng Cheng... Xiao Jingrui 25 episodes, 2015 Lingxin Zhang... Xia Dong Xiaoli Fang... Empress Yan 24 episodes, 2015 Yujian Zhang... Lie Zhanying Storyline During the 4th century, war broke out between the feudal Northern Wei dynasty and Southern Liang dynasties, leading Liang's General Lin Xie to take his only child, the 19 year old Lin Shu, to battle. Unexpectedly, Lin Xie was framed by a political rival, causing the unjust deaths of seventy thousand Chiyan army soldiers, just after they drove off the hostile Wei forces. After barely escaping with his life, Lin Shu establishes the Jiangzuo Alliance with the help of Langya Hall and makes a name for himself as Mei Changsu, chief of the pugilistic world. Under the alias of Su Zhe, he returns to the capital of Liang 12 years on to overturn the injustices imposed on the Chiyan Army and secretly assist his friend the unfavored Prince Xiao Jingyan in his battle for the throne. Plot Summary, Add Synopsis Details Release Date: 19 September 2015 (China) See more  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Trivia The script is based on the famous internet-novel by Hai Yan. The original version of the novel was the story of homosexual lovers but in the printed version their romance was transformed into a bromance because of censorship. See more » Soundtracks When The Wind Blows (Ending Theme) Music by Ke Meng Written by Yan Hai Performed by Ge Hu See more ».

If Riding a Wave, with You Watch stream online

If Riding a Wave, with You Watch stream.nbcolympics

If Riding a Wave, with You Watch streaming. 迷子のままでも大丈夫 僕らはどこへでもいけると思う. If Riding a Wave, with You Watch stream of consciousness. Saw this last night and loved it. Definitely one of Hosoda's best, feel like there's elements of Satoshi Kon seeped into this. Probably his most adept and amusing film so far. His other works have a lot of heart but can lack subtlety and complexity, which I feel is more present in Mirai. Even the trailers don't really do it justice and make it seem more like his previous films, whereas I think it's a step above.

If riding a wave with you watch streamers.

Legit awesome. YouTube. トランジョン多すぎ. Saw this movie on the plane and I was 💔. This makes me want to go to japan and hope for an love encounter. Show this to anyone who sais anime isn't an art style. Ima go and cry over a corner. If Riding a Wave, with You Watch stream. Kimi ga nagamete iru minamo wa azayaka ni kirameki Sukoshi zutsu iro wo kaete hikari tsuzuketeru Toki to shite unmei wa tamesu you na michi wo sashite Bokura wa tachitsukusu dake Demo, sono itami norikoeta nara That's Right Me wo aketa sono shunkan Hajimaru yo Brand New Story Sono ashi ga fumidasu ippo de Kimi no michi wo hiraite ikou Yakusoku no basho ni tame ni Egao no kazu yori zutto namida ga oui toki ga aru'n da Demo ne, kanashimi wa itsuka kawaite yuku mono Onaji nami wa nido to yatte kuru koto wa nai kara Ima koko ni iru koto wo Kamishimete mukiatte yukou That's Right Kimi ga omoi egaku yori Kagayaiteru Brand New Story Soshite kisetsu ga meguru tabi Fuete yuku omoide wo Itsumo mune ni idaki nagara Sugisatta hibi no omoi wa kesshite kienai Kagayaki tsuzukeru bokura no naka de Zutto. Dakara mou mae dake wo muite Sukoshi dake yuuki wo motte That's Right Me wo aketa sono shunkan Hajimaru yo Brand New Story Sono ashi ga fumidasu ippo de Kimi no michi wo hiraite ikou Yakusoku no basho ni yuku tame ni My Brand New Story.

Look at the art! The art. When I first watched the film, I thought the pacing was way too quick for me to actually understand what was going on. Although I will say that the fire fighter scenes were pretty intense regardless if they were only training or had to attend buildings that were on fire due to fireworks.
I understood this films backdrop involving the feeling of losing someone through drowning and honestly the ending was a near hard hitter for me. However I would have liked if the couples experience together was more in depth because as I said yet again, it was rather rushed. It didn't give much in depth either with the other guy who had a crush on her or if he was going for someone else. Since I'm not gonna say spoilers to telling you who's who, it's best to watch the film.
Animation wise, it was pretty alright. Not amazeballs but it was easy on the eyes at least.
As much as the film did offer a bit of emotion, it's not the ultimate worse or disappointment I've ever seen. However room for improvement is what it definitely definitely needs in terms of story pace development.

Demo ne, kanashimi wa itsuka kawaite yuku mono. I feel like sth is stuck in my throat after watching this. Ugh I wanna watch it. If Riding a Wave, with You Watch stream new. I have not watch this anime but I'm going to just I can't wait when I have time to watch this anime cuz I still have a lot of anime to finish watching. You should review Weathering With You ( from the director of Your Name.

I can't wait for this to come out! I really wanna watch ittt. Thanks KHORnime. 1:00 I CAN'T READ ALL THIS. Based on the concept of Hotarubii no mori e To the forest of firefly Lights.



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Year - 2020. directed by - Nicolas Pesce. Canada. Nicolas Pesce. genres - Mystery. user Ratings - 4,3 of 10 stars. Pagieza 2. Pagieza filmas. Twisted new vision This was literally beat by beat the first Grudge movie from Japan. Nothing here is new or original. Pagieza filmas lietuviskai. Cia geras sitas :D.

Page Transparency See More Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Page created - May 11, 2014. Pagieza 3 trailer. Nekaltai nužudytųjų prakeiksmas slepiasi name – ten, kur jie buvo kankinti ir nužudyti. Jauna mergina, dirbanti Tokijuje, atsitiktinai atveria šio namo duris. Namo, kuriame slypi pats BLOGIS. Prakeiksmas išsilaisvino: jis ims vis naujas gyvybes, kaskart tapdamas vis stipresniu. Jis niekada neatslūgs, niekada neatleis, niekada nepamirš savo prigimties. PAGIEŽA... Visi rėmėjai TOP rėmėjai: LinaRam22 7 raima5061 4 FB_TomaGavenaite 2 Kineziologas 2 rasa305 1 Mantas_XDLT 1 MrLukaZ 1 gabruzeli 1 Kiek taškų nori skirti? Atšaukti.

Iš viso 2 Rūšiuoti pagal:  datą įvertinimą balsus metus žiūrimumą komentarus Pagieža 2002 IMDb 6. 7 Komentarai: 4 Lietuvių Profesionalus 2004 IMDb 5. 9 Komentarai: 121 Profesionalus. Pagieza 4. Pagieza3. Pagieza 1. 2 wins & 10 nominations. See more awards  » Videos Learn more More Like This Horror, Thriller 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 / 10 X Three interwoven stories about a terrible curse. A young woman encounters a malevolent supernatural force while searching for her missing sister in Tokyo; a mean high school prank goes horribly wrong; a woman with a deadly secret moves into a Chicago apartment building. Director: Takashi Shimizu Stars: Amber Tamblyn, Edison Chen, Arielle Kebbel Mystery 4. 7 / 10 A young Japanese woman who holds the key to stopping the evil spirit of Kayako, travels to the haunted Chicago apartment from the sequel, to stop the curse of Kayako once and for all. Toby Wilkins Matthew Knight, Shawnee Smith, Mike Straub 6. 7 / 10 A mysterious and vengeful spirit marks and pursues anybody who dares enter the house in which it resides. Megumi Okina, Misaki Itô, Misa Uehara 7. 1 / 10 A journalist must investigate a mysterious videotape which seems to cause the death of anyone one week to the day after they view it. Gore Verbinski Naomi Watts, Martin Henderson, Brian Cox 5. 4 / 10 6 months after the incidents involving the lethal videotape, new clues prove that there is a new evil lurking in the darkness. Hideo Nakata David Dorfman, Sissy Spacek Drama 6. 4 / 10 As their curse spreads on all around, the ghosts find their chance to live once again through the pregnancy of a cursed woman. Noriko Sakai, Chiharu Niiyama, Kei Horie 6. 9 / 10 A teacher visits the house of one of his students after the boy goes missing, only to have a horrifying excuse for his absence from school. Yûrei Yanagi, Yue, Ryôta Koyama After a teenager has a terrifying vision of him and his friends dying in a plane crash, he prevents the accident only to have Death hunt them down, one by one. James Wong Devon Sawa, Ali Larter, Kerr Smith 6. 5 / 10 A woman, Rose, goes in search for her adopted daughter within the confines of a strange, desolate town called Silent Hill. Christophe Gans Radha Mitchell, Laurie Holden, Sean Bean 6. 6 / 10 A detective and his team must rescue 8 people trapped in a factory by the twisted serial killer known as Jigsaw. Darren Lynn Bousman Donnie Wahlberg, Beverley Mitchell, Franky G 7. 6 / 10 Two strangers, who awaken in a room with no recollection of how they got there, soon discover they're pawns in a deadly game perpetrated by a notorious serial killer. James Wan Cary Elwes, Leigh Whannell, Danny Glover 6. 2 / 10 When Kimberly has a violent premonition of a highway pileup she blocks the freeway, keeping a few others meant to die, are they? The survivors mysteriously start dying and it's up to Kimberly to stop it before she's next. David R. Ellis A. J. Cook, Tony Todd Edit Storyline Karen Davis, an American Nurse, moves to Tokyo and encounters a supernatural spirit who is vengeful and often possesses its victims. A series of horrifying and mysterious deaths start to occur, with the spirit passing its curse onto each victim. Karen must now find a way to break this spell, before she becomes its next victim. Written by simon Plot Summary Plot Synopsis Taglines: Do you have a grudge? See more  » Motion Picture Rating ( MPAA) Rated PG-13 for mature thematic material, disturbing images/terror/violence, and some sensuality See all certifications  » Details Release Date: 22 October 2004 (USA) Also Known As: Untitled 'Ju-on: The Grudge' Remake Box Office Budget: 10, 000, 000 (estimated) Opening Weekend USA: 39, 128, 715, 24 October 2004 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: 187, 281, 115 See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs Runtime: 91 min 98 min (Unrated Extended Director's Cut) unrated) See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Trivia Although the house was built entirely on a sound stage, the actors and cast still had to take off their shoes to enter, to be respectful. See more » Goofs (at around 57 mins) When Karen is in the shower, after the hand comes out of her head, she spins around in the shower stall and you can see the black tube top/strapless bra she is wearing. See more » Quotes [ first lines] Maria: Good morning. Peter? Are you OK? You're up early today. See more » Alternate Versions Two slightly different versions of the film were used for test screenings. One was R-rated, while the other was rated PG-13. The PG-13 cut, which had toned down some of the disturbing images, tested better with screeners. See more » Frequently Asked Questions See more ».

Pagieza 4 pilnas filmas. Pagieza angliskai. Pagieza 2019 atsiliepimai. Pagieza aktoriai. Page Transparency See More Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Page created - December 30, 2013. Pagieza online. NO! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD I THOUGHT I LEFT YOU IN THE PAST WITH THE REST OF MY CHILDHOOD NOOOOOO. Pagieza 4 online. Who came from family guy lol. Pagieza baltoji sene. I was expecting for this to be pg-13 but I guess not. Pagieza multikino.


Pagieža 2020. MOVIE REVIEW also known as “Az átok háza, ” “La maldición, ” “La maldición renace, ” “O Grito, ” “Pagieza, ” “Η Κατάρα” MPA Rating: for disturbing violence and bloody images, terror and some language. Reviewed by: Pamela Karpelenia CONTRIBUTOR Very Offensive (not recommended) Moviemaking Quality: Primary Audience: • Adults • Young-Adults Genre: Supernatural-Horror Mystery Remake Length: 1 hr. 33 min. Year of Release: 2020 USA Release: January 3, 2020 (wide—2, 642 theaters) Relevant Issues A mother murders her own family Death of family members Movies that wrongly depict evil as all-powerful and unstoppable, when it is actually God who is omnipotent Supposed haunted, cursed houses The idea of vengeful ghosts Demons that pretend to be the spirits of dead people What does the Bible say about ghosts? What are DEMONS? Answer Who is SATAN, the enemy of God and all people? Answer Is Satan a real person that influences our world today? Is he affecting you? Answer Assisted suicide Are gruesome, bloody and gory movies proper entertainment for true followers of Christ? FILM VIOLENCE —How does viewing violence and gory horrors in movies affect families? Answer FEAR, Anxiety and Worry —What does the Bible say? Answer Learn about DISCERNMENT —wisdom in making personal entertainment decisions Featuring: Betty Gilpin … Nina Spencer Andrea Riseborough … Detective Muldoon William Sadler … Detective Wilson Lin Shaye … Faith Matheson John Cho … Peter Spencer Jacki Weaver … Lorna Moody Demián Bichir … Detective Goodman Frankie Faison … Mr. Matheson Tara Westwood … Fiona Landers Stefanie Sherk … Therapist See all » Director: Nicolas Pesce Producer: Screen Gems Stage 6 Films Ghost House Pictures Distributor: Screen Gems, a division of Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group, owned by Sony Pictures Entertainment The curse continues… “T he Grudge” (2020) serves as a sequel or a continuation of the curse that was spawned in the original. This story begins with a woman working in the initial home where The Grudge was born. Appearing frightened, worried and anxious to go home after encountering strange happenings in the cursed home. We then see her arrive back in the States seemingly happy. We are then introduced to newly widowed woman Detective Muldoon ( Andrea Riseborough) and her son still dealing with the death of her husband. They recently moved to a new town. Muldoon and her new partner Detective Goodman ( Demián Bichir) begin their first case together which is actually linked to a puzzling case in Goodmans past. Thats the set up for a decent attempt to revamp the franchise. The acting is slightly above average with veteran actors including Demián Bichir, John Cho, Lin Shaye, and William Sadler putting forth note worthy efforts that make the film feel authentic. In my opinion, Detective Muldoons character drags the film down. She has no real character foundation, so the events that occur around her seem orchestrated. She is more of a place marker then an actual participant in the storyline. The plot plays out as a spider web, different ends tied together, and it may work for viewing audiences that pay close attention. The cinematography is well done, nothing feels cheap or overly CGI. There is some objectionable content. There is a handful of foul language—completely unnecessary. Drinking and smoking are used as a coping mechanism throughout by the principle characters. There are scary and gory images and dark themes dealing with spirits and curses. As for a biblical message, there is a surprise. It has a strong pro-life message, but this is slightly undercut by an assisted suicide subplot point. The film has an unbiblical theme about a house that can keep dead peoples spirits alive on Earth. This theme in common with a many horror films. One detective has numerous Roman Catholic idols all over his car. We as Christians dont rely on idols for protection. We also know that “And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment ” (Hebrews 9:27. This film is not the the worst installment or sequel in the horror genre, but its not a standout either. However, there are some very dark images and themes that may warrant a skip. Violence: Very Heavy Drugs/Alcohol: Heavy drinking and smoking Occult: Unbiblical ghost and haunted house theme Profane language: Heavy— • “Oh J*sus Chr*st” • “G*d” (4) •  H*ll Vulgar/Crude language: Heavy— • f-words (4 or more) • s-words (9 or more) • “I'm gonna murder you with deliciousness” • “Broads” Nudity: Mild— • Man showers (bare torso shown) • Shirtless man Sex: Mild— • Brief heterosexual kiss Every time you buy a movie ticket or buy or rent a video you are in effect casting a vote telling Hollywood, “Ill pay for that. Thats what I want. ” Read our article See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

I watched the grudge when I was 6 years old and still gives me nightmares today. And I want nightmares, but sadly I not scared of horror movies anymore But that 1 movie still haunts me. Pagieža filmas. Pagieza online filmux. Pagieža reikšmė. *spoilers*
When I go see horror remakes I always watch the original first. Well this movie opened up with a shot of the original house, then did a crap behind you scare and a breathing garbage bag but that's all you get. no more original for you. Then it goes straight to the USA and do you get a slow burn with a new family. oh hell no, family just dead after mom comes home from Japan with no real touching on it at all other than very poorly in the end. For some reason this movie then goes between years and I never really felt like I knew what year this was in and there is no reason for it, they could have just skipped that whole timeline jump thing and it would have made a better movie. And why is the year 2006 or 2008 or whatever but everyone is driving cars from the 1980's. It tells three tales that happen in this new cursed house all of them very poorly, just an oh that person is crazy cause they came in contact with the curse they went in the house. They do this whole fbi took over the original murdered families thing and then never touch on it, just fbi took over.
Then at the end when the think the curse is all done, surprise nope it's not. Then they do this real time shot outside the house so everyone in the theatre is waiting for something to happen and nope screen goes black and credits roll. They will not get a sequel out of this. Check it out on Netflix for free just to see what passed as a theatrical release these days.

Man that's so scary. Pagieza 3. What type of name is Pagieza? I'm not sure Boy's name Girl's name Boy's or girl's name Last name or family name Other Meaning and Origin What does the name Pagieza mean? Find out below. Origin and Meaning of Pagieza Submit the origin and/or meaning of Pagieza to us below P is for perfection, it's what you seek. A is for able, for you surely are. G is for glisten, a sparkle in your eye. I is for intellect, your high capacity for knowledge E is for exotic, no lack of spirit here! Z is for zeal, your zest for life. A is for agreeable, the best side of you! Fun Facts about the name Pagieza How unique is the name Pagieza? Out of 5, 933, 561 records in the U. S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Pagieza was not present. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. Weird things about the name Pagieza: Your name in reverse order is Azeigap. A random rearrangement of the letters in your name (anagram) will give Iazapge. How do you pronounce that? What Pagiezas Have Visited This Page? Past life for Pagieza born Jun 14, 1950 I do not know how you feel about it, but you were a female in your last earthly incarnation. You were born somewhere around the territory of Spain approximately on 1675. Your profession was seaman, cook, and carpenter. Your psychological profile shows you had a natural talent of psychologist and knew how to use the opportunities. Cold-blooded and calm in any situation. Your problem - to learn determination and persistency. Every misfortune should crash upon your strong will. Name poster for Pagieza (click to save the high quality version.

Cant wait to see this. Loved the 1st one. The Grudge Theatrical release poster Directed by Takashi Shimizu Produced by Sam Raimi Robert Tapert Takashige Ichise Screenplay by Stephen Susco Based on Ju-on: The Grudge by Takashi Shimizu Starring Sarah Michelle Gellar Jason Behr KaDee Strickland Clea DuVall Bill Pullman Music by Christopher Young Cinematography Hideo Yamamoto Edited by Jeff Betancourt Production company Ghost House Pictures [1] 2] Distributed by Columbia Pictures Release date October 22, 2004 (United States) Running time 91 minutes 98 minutes (Director's Cut) Country United States Japan Language English Japanese Budget 10 million [3] Box office 187. 2 million [3] The Grudge is a 2004 American supernatural horror film directed by Takashi Shimizu, written by Stephen Susco, and produced by Sam Raimi, Robert Tapert, and Takashige Ichise. A remake of Shimizu's 2002 Japanese horror film Ju-On: The Grudge, it stars Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jason Behr, KaDee Strickland, Clea DuVall, and Bill Pullman. Supporting roles are done by William Mapother, Yoko Maki, Ryo Ishibashi, Ted Raimi, Grace Zabriskie and Rosa Blasi. It is the first installment in The Grudge film series which is based on the Japanese Ju-On films. Takako Fuji, Yuya Ozeki, and Takashi Matsuyama portray the characters Kayako Saeki, Toshio Saeki, and Takeo Saeki from the original films. The plot is told through a nonlinear sequence of events, and includes several intersecting subplots. After the success of American remake of The Ring, Sony Pictures had green-lit an American remake of Ju-On: The Grudge, the remake rights of which had been bought by Sam Raimi, who was a fan of the franchise. Shimizu, the writer and director of the original film, was hired to direct the film, from a screenplay written by Susco. Principal photography on the film began on January 26, 2004 and wrapped in July 2004 in Tokyo, Japan. The Grudge was released in North America on October 22, 2004, by Columbia Pictures. The film grossed 187 million against a 10 million budget. On its opening weekend alone, the film grossed 39 million, becoming the first horror film since House on Haunted Hill (1999) to top the Halloween box office and, until the film was dethroned by the Friday the 13th (2009) remake, had the highest grossing opening weekend in history for a horror remake. [3] The film was followed by two sequels, the theatrically released The Grudge 2 (2006) and the straight-to-video The Grudge 3 (2009. A sidequel, also entitled The Grudge, taking place concurrently with the events of this film and its two sequels, was released in 2020. Plot [ edit] The Grudge describes a curse that is born when someone dies in the grip of extreme rage or sorrow. The curse is an entity created where the person died. Those who encounter this supernatural force die, and the curse is reborn repeatedly, passing from victim to victim in an endless, growing chain of horror. The following events are explained in their actual order; however, the film is presented in a nonlinear narrative. Kayako Saeki, a housewife living in suburban Tokyo, is in love with college professor Peter Kirk, obsessively writing about him in a diary. Her husband Takeo becomes jealous as he discovers the diary and believes that Kayako is having an affair with another man. Takeo brutally murders her, their young son Toshio, and the pet cat Mar in violent rage. After Takeo hides the bodies in the house, Toshio's ghost hangs him. After receiving a letter from Kayako, Peter visits the Saeki house only to find both her and Takeo's corpses along with Toshio's ghost. Shocked, he flees the scene and kills himself the next day. The remainder of the Saeki family rise again as ghosts due to the curse, notably Kayako, who appears as an onryō ghost. A few years later, the Williams family from America move into the Saeki house. While Matt is thrilled with the house, his wife Jennifer and dementia -ridden mother Emma feel uncomfortable. Matt and Jennifer are quickly consumed by the curse. Yoko, a care worker, arrives at the house to find Emma alone before she encounters Kayako, who drags her up into the attic. Concerned about Yoko's disappearance, her employer Alex sends another care worker, Karen Davis, to take over the care of Emma. At the house, Karen discovers Toshio sealed up in a wardrobe and later on witnesses Kayako's spirit descending from the ceilings to claim Emma. Alex arrives at the house shortly after and finds Emma dead and Karen in a state of shock. Alex calls the police, with the presence of Detective Nakagawa. In the attic, Nakagawa and his partner Igarashi find Matt and Jennifer's bodies, along with a human's lower jaw. Meanwhile, Matt's sister, Susan, is pursued by Kayako around her office building. At home, Kayako attacks her and she vanishes. While leaving work, Alex is killed by Yoko's jawless corpse. Kayako begins haunting Karen, who informs her boyfriend Doug of the situation. Karen researches the house, eventually confronting Nakagawa, who explains that three of his colleagues investigating the Saeki deaths were all consumed by the curse. That night, Nakagawa carries gasoline into the house in an attempt to burn it down, but is killed by Takeo. After learning that Doug has ventured to the Saeki house to look for her, Karen races there. She finds Doug paralyzed and attempts to flee with him. Kayako crawls down the stairs and latches onto Doug, who dies of shock. As Kayako closes in, Karen sees the gasoline and ignites it. Karen survives and in the hospital, she learns that the house also survived the fire. Visiting Doug's body, Karen realizes that she is still haunted by Kayako. Cast [ edit] Sarah Michelle Gellar as Karen Davis, an exchange student Jason Behr as Doug McCarthy, Karen's boyfriend, who attends the University of Tokyo KaDee Strickland as Susan Williams, Matt's younger sister William Mapother as Matt Williams, who relocates to Tokyo for a promotion Clea DuVall as Jennifer Williams, Matt's wife Grace Zabriskie as Emma Williams, Matt and Susan's mother, who has severe lethargy with mild dementia. Bill Pullman as Peter Kirk, a teacher working in Tokyo Rosa Blasi as Maria Kirk, Peter's wife Ted Raimi as Alex Jones, the director of the care centre where Yoko and Karen are stationed Ryo Ishibashi as Det. Nakagawa, a detective Yōko Maki as Yoko, a Japanese care worker assigned to care for Emma Williams Takako Fuji as Kayako Saeki, a married woman who is attracted to Peter Kirk Yuya Ozeki as Toshio Saeki, Kayako and Takeo Saeki's 10-year-old son. Takashi Matsuyama as Takeo Saeki, Kayako's husband Production [ edit] In early 2000, the unexpected success of the American remake of The Ring is what led to Sony Pictures finally having the confidence to green-light an American remake of Ju-On: The Grudge. That same day, Takashi Shimizu, the director and creator of the original film, was hired to direct the film, with Stephen Susco writing the screenplay, and Sam Raimi through its Ghost House Pictures banner producing the project, alongside Robert Tapert and Takashige Ichise. Shimizu was eager to work on a remake of his own film, as he saw it as an opportunity to improve and fix some of the perceived problems and flaws that were present in the original film. During the test screenings, two slightly different versions of the film were used at the same time. One was R-rated, while the other was rated PG-13. The PG-13 cut, which had toned down some of the disturbing images, allegedly tested better with screeners. The R-rated version was released on home video as the Unrated Director's Cut. Principal photography on the film began on January 26, 2004. Reshoots on July 2004 in Tokyo, Japan. Before filming, the cast and crew went through a ceremony, where they were blessed so that nothing bad could happen to them during filming. Release [ edit] The Grudge was theatrically released in the United States on October 22, 2004, by Columbia Pictures, to coincide with Halloween. Box office [ edit] The Grudge opened at 3, 348 theaters in North America. [4] The film generated 39. 1 million in ticket sales in its first weekend (October 22–24, 2004. Ticket sales declined 43% on the second weekend, earning 21. 8 million, thereby becoming the first horror film to top the Halloween box office since House on Haunted Hill. [5] The film made US110. 4 million in North America alone and a total of 187. 3 million worldwide, far exceeding the expectations of box-office analysts and Sony Pictures executives. Sony also stated production costs of less than 10 million, making it one of the most profitable movies of the year. [6] The film is recognized as the second-highest grossing horror remake of the past 40 years behind The Ring, but in front of horror films such as A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, and One Missed Call, the former two had successful series, and were expected to be far more successful, whereas the latter is also an Asian horror remake and did far less in terms of box office. [7] It is also second in Japanese remakes, but seventh in the highest openings for an October and fall release, being beaten by family movies. [7] Critical reception [ edit] The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reports that 39% of 160 reviews surveyed critics have given the film a positive review; the average rating is 5. 11/10. The site's critics consensus reads, There's some creepy imagery to be found, but not much in the way of logic or truly jarring scares. 8] On Metacritic, which uses a weighted average of critics' reviews, the film has a score of 49 out of 100 based on 32 reviews, indicating "mixed or average reviews. 9] Roger Ebert gave a mostly negative review, awarding the film 1 star out of 4. In his review he writes: The Grudge" has a great opening scene, I'll grant you that. Bill Pullman wakes up next to his wife, greets the day from the balcony of their bedroom, and then. well, I, for one, was gob-smacked. I'm not sure how this scene fits into the rest of the movie, but then I'm not sure how most of the scenes fit into the movie. I do, however, understand the underlying premise: There is a haunted house, and everybody who enters it will have unspeakable things happen to them. His biggest issue was the film bored him more than scaring him, saying: I eventually lost all patience. The movie may have some subterranean level on which the story strands connect and make sense, but it eluded me. The fragmented time structure is a nuisance, not a style. The house is not particularly creepy from an architectural point of view, and if it didn't have a crawl space under the eaves, the ghosts would have to jump out from behind sofas. 10] Classic FM 's film critic Simon Bates deemed it the scariest film he had ever seen. citation needed] Home media [ edit] The Grudge was released on VHS, DVD, and UMD on February 1, 2005, as a standard version of the film with only a few special features. [11] On May 17, 2005, the unrated director's cut of The Grudge was released on DVD in North America. The release restored approximately 7 minutes of footage, extending the runtime to 98 minutes as opposed to the 91 minute theatrical cut. The extra content included several scenes that were cut to achieve a lower rating from the MPAA, as well as others which were removed for pacing and plot reasons. This version of the film was used as the theatrical run in Japan. The release also contained new deleted scenes and commentaries, director Takashi Shimizu's original Ju-On short films, 4444444444" and "In a Corner" and more. [12] The film was released on Blu-ray Disc in Germany in 2008 [ citation needed] and in the US on May 12, 2009, the same day that The Grudge 3 was released on DVD. It was made available to purchase on iTunes in 2008. The film was also a huge success on home video, and made 9. 24 million from DVD sales in its first week alone, debuting at number two in the sales chart behind Ray. It has made an estimated 20 million since. [13] References [ edit] Foundas, Scott (October 21, 2004. The Grudge. Variety. Retrieved June 16, 2019. ^ The Grudge (2004. American Film Institute. Retrieved June 16, 2019. ^ a b c "The Grudge (2004. Box Office Mojo. IMDb. Retrieved January 23, 2020. ^ Box Office Mojo (October 20, 2006. Grudge opens on 3, 348 theatres. Retrieved 2006-10-20. ^ Box Office Mojo (October 20, 2006. Grudge tops box office. The Grudge was expected to generate 20 Million. Retrieved 2006-10-20. ^ a b "Horror Remake Movies at the Box Office - Box Office Mojo... ^ The Grudge (2004. Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango. Retrieved 2019-11-02. ^ The Grudge (2004) Reviews. Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved 2019-11-02. ^ Ebert, Roger (October 21, 2004. The Grudge (2004. Chicago Sun-Times. ^ Amazon (October 20, 2006. Standard Version release. Amazon. Retrieved 2006-10-20. ^ Amazon (October 20, 2006. Uncut Version release. Retrieved 2006-10-20. ^ Ray and The Grudge top the DVD charts. 9 February 2005. External links [ edit] The Grudge on IMDb The Grudge at AllMovie The Grudge at Rotten Tomatoes The Grudge at Box Office Mojo Director Takashi Shimizu Q&A.


Pagieza 7. Pagieza. I don't get scared of movies but enjoy the stories in horror movies but this was one of the worst most boring movies I've ever seen. 4th Here. Pagieza 2 online. The way they Segway her laugh into the scary music is brilliant. Pagieza trailer. Labai gera kamedija. Boring not even 2 mind of this I wold not recommend buying this. Whos here after the new film. I am actually really excited to see this. And the fact that Kayako is featured in it pays great respect to both original & American 04 version.

The original scared the hell out of me. This remake looks like a pile of crap. I get the 1st Evil Within vibe from this trailer, Nice, I gonna go watch this in cinema now. Pagieza atsiliepimai. Pagieza filmux. English words for the Lithuanian word apačia bottom end foot sole underneath underside Find more words! Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Use * for blank spaces Advanced Word Finder Watch and Learn.

Pagieza film as. Pagieza nauja dalis. Pagieza2. Just doesnt feel the same because its not in Japan so the lore doesnt make sense here. I just saw the thumbnail and it was hilarious.🤗🤗🤗 Out of context.


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2h, 15 m; ; cast Disha Patani, Anil Kapoor; directed by Mohit Suri; Country India; audience score 1175 vote. Click here to watch in If videos are not playing, USE VPN FREE. (It works! Watch Malang 2020 Full Hindi Movie Free Online Also Known As: Malang – Unleash the Madness Director: Mohit Suri Starring: Aditya Roy Kapoor, Anil Kapoor, Disha Patani, Kunal Khemu Genre: Action, Romance Released on: 07 Feb 2020 Writer: Aseem Arora, Aniruddha Guha, Mohit Suri IMDB Rating: 6. 1/10 (323 Votes) Duration: 129 min Synopsis: Advait visits Goa where he meets Sara, a free-spirited girl who lives life unshackled. Opposites attract and all goes well until life turns upside down. Years later, Advait is on a killing spree with cops Aghase and Michael in his way.

A berth in the Final Four in San Antonio is on line the when Florida State takes on Michigan in the finals of the West Regional. The Seminoles dispatched Gonzaga 75–60, while Michigan blew out Texas A&M 99–72 in the other semifinal.  Florida State hasn't been to the Final Four since 1972, and their last Elite Eight appearance came in 1993, when they were led by Bob Sura, Charlie Ward and Sam Cassell.  Michigan has won 12 games in a row to move one step closer to their first Final Four appearance in five years.  The teams have not met since 2013, a victory by Michigan in overtime in the Puerto Rico Tip-Off tournament. How to Watch When: Saturday, March 24, 8:49 p. m. ET TV channel: TBS Live stream: You can watch on March Madness Live.

I just watched the first show on the first day and believe me, this movie is freaking awesome. You won't get bored during the whole time believe me, this movie is worth the bucks that you're gonna pay for it. Kranthi Madhavs multi-starrer with Vijay Deverakonda, Raashi Khanna, Aishwarya Rajesh, Catherine Tresa and Izabelle Leite, ‘World Famous Lover is hitting screens this Valentines Day. While the films promotional material, including the posters, teaser and trailer have gotten fans excited, the film which charts four different love stories will surely be an exciting one to watch on-screen. While movie buffs might have enough reasons to watch the film, here are our five reasons why: World Famous Lover Movie Review: A never-ending sobfest that fails to strike a chord Vijay Deverakondas on-screen persona Right from when Vijay Deverakonda made his debut with Nuvvila and starred in supporting roles in Life is Beautiful and Yevade Subramanyam, he has left a lasting impact. But Pelli Choopulu and Arjun Reddy have turned out to be the turning points in his career and there has been no looking back after. Be the film good or bad, Deverakonda has managed to create an impact and the same is expected from this one. His last love story for a long time The actor has announced that this film will be his last love story ever, at least for the next two to three years. When he melodramatically announced the same while releasing the trailer, he left fans broken-hearted, especially fans of Arjun Reddy and Geetha Govindam. The actors upcoming films all seem to fall under different genres, and while they might have love stories in them, the core story wont be about love. So this ones worth a watch even if just to see Deverakonda in lover-boy image one last time. Raashi Khanna and Aishwarya Rajesh This film also stars Catherine Tresa and Izabelle Leite in what look to be well-etched out characters as a boss-woman and a pilot. And while were sure that these two ladies will also pull off their roles well, Raashi Khanna and Aishwarya Rajeshs characters look intense and exciting. With the actresses showing off their mettle in the previous films, its only natural that the duo will create magic with the characters in hand. The four love stories/worlds The film seems to revolve around four love stories if the trailer and posters are anything to go by. One is the tumulus relationship a husband shares with his wife, someone whom he shares a child with. The other is between a union worker and his boss, someone he fantasises about. The third seems to be a light-hearted story between a happy-go-lucky man and a French pilot while the fourth seems to be an intense story between two college sweethearts. How they all come together remains to be seen. The story kept under wraps The story of the film has been carefully kept under wraps, leaving fans with a lot of questions as to what will transpire on-screen. Are the people who have a wife and the one obsession over his boss the same person – Seenayya and do the other two love stories too have to do with the same person – Gautam? If so, why do these men have two love stories each and what do they have to do with each other. Only the film can answer these questions.

2:19 The day disha turned thats so impressive😍😍. Malang (Title Track) From "Malang - Unleash The Madness" by Ved Sharma on Spotify. भारतीय तिरंगे को कितने लाइक जवानों को श्रद्धांजलि 👇👇🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳. Rolling into 2020, we take a look ahead at the Indian movies IMDb users around the world are most excited about based on traffic to our title pages. Check out our list Edit Storyline Advait (Aditya Roy Kapoor) a young introvert, visits Goa where he meets Sara (Disha Patani) a free-spirited girl from London who has come to India for the first time to live life unshackled, like a vagabond (Malang. Extreme opposites of each other, they both live it up together. All goes well until life turns upside down. Five years later, this incident circles back to SHO Agashe (Anil Kapoor) vigilante killer cop and Michael Rodrigues (Kunal Kemmu) a righteous cop. What is the connection between Advait, Sara, Agashe and Michael? Malang answers all these questions. Plot Summary, Add Synopsis Details Release Date: 7 February 2020 (USA) See more  » Box Office Cumulative Worldwide Gross: 72, 162 See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Trivia After playing negative roles in TV serials like Ek Haseena Thi and Seth plays his first negative role on big screen. See more » Crazy Credits A night before Christmas on 24 December Advait Thakur whose just released from jail challenges a police officer Agashe that he will be killing people and the night will be long for him his victims include only police officers. See more ».

Malang - Unleash the Madness Watch stream new albums. The second round of the 2019 NCAA Tournament has begun, and March Madness is in full effect. It is now time for the cream to rise to the top as eight spots in the Sweet 16 are on the line Saturday in multiple sites across the country. There's three No. 2 seeds (Kentucky, Michigan and Michigan State) looking to earn their spots in the second weekend in tough tests, while the lone No. 1 seed in action on Saturday (Gonzaga) will look to avoid the upset bid from No. 9 seed Baylor. Plus, Ja Morant and Murray State will look to continue their Cinderella run when they take on No. 4 seed Florida State while another No. 4 seed in Kansas looks to make yet another appearance in the Sweet 16 when they take on No. 5 seed Auburn. Before we all dive head first, let's first take a look at how you can watch the games. Below is all the information you need to catch the second round March Madness action on Saturday from start to finish, including how you can stream each game while on the go. 2019 NCAA Tournament viewing information Date: Saturday, March 23, Day start time: 12:10 p. m. ET TV channels: CBS, TBS, TNT, Live streams: March Madness Live  & Try for free. Time (ET) Game TV, Stream Site 12:10 p. (6) Maryland vs. (3) LSU CBS, MML Jacksonville I 2:40 p. (7) Wofford vs. (2) Kentucky CBS,  MML Jacksonville II 5:15 p. (10) Florida vs. (2) Michigan CBS, MML   Des Moines I 6:10 p. (12) Murray State vs. (4) Florida State TNT, MML   Hartford I 7:10 p. (9) Baylor vs. (1) Gonzaga TBS, MML   Salt Lake City I 7:45 p. (10) Minnesota vs. (2) Michigan State CBS, MML Des Moines II 8:40 p. (6) Villanova vs. (3) Purdue TNT, MML   Hartford II 9:40 p. (5) Auburn vs. (4) Kansas TBS,  MML   Salt Lake City II.

Dear Stranger Whoever Read This May Your Parents Live 💯Years. Malang - Unleash the Madness Watch stream.nbcolympics. Malang best movie 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤❤❤👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌. Let me tell you first, I'm not a fan of Aditya or Disha, but then comes MALANG with high dose of love, adrenaline, action, drugs and beaches of Goa. Malang doesn't promote drugs or tourism of Goa instead deals with issues lying in our morally corrupt liberties and how choices we make end up taking us into unknown. Mohit Suri direction is good specially the introduction of Aditya in opening is lived her character to the fullest. Crackling chemistry is evident in both the lead characters. Anil Kapoor and Kunal khemu are exceptional. Music is top notch. Malang and Humraah are going to sway you from your seats.
Malang stands for all those self intoxicated solo backpackers who are searching for their other crazy half.

Malang - Unleash the Madness Watch streams. Shraddha dance parts😍😍😘😘👍👍 Varun dance parts 😑😑😏😏🖕🖕. Film Rating-
Screenplay- ⭐⭐ ½
Malang Is A Dark Thriller Movie. All The Performance Are Strong, The story was not good in the slightest, dialogues Are Brilliant. Malang - Unleash the Madness Watch stream new. Audio ki to maa bhen ek krdi😂😂. 1, 522, 022 people like this 1, 533, 922 people follow this Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Page created - December 22, 2016 It looks like you may be having problems playing this video. If so, please try restarting your browser. Close It looks like you may be having problems playing this video. Close Why are you guys still here when denims from @StyledbySingle are on flat 60% off on @Myntra? Go and grab yours now at #styledbysingle #singlefashion #jeans #Sale 25 Million 6 days to go.

Malang - Unleash the Madness Watch streaming. 2:12 reminded me of Hasi from Hamari Adhuri Kahani 😅. Wish a Happy Birthday to Blythe Danner, Stephen McHattie. 1. Very good class of acting, and Aditya is already known for that kind of acting as he did in Fitoor and ashiqui 2. br> 2. For story I can give 6.5, but the way they are representing this story is much better...
3. Filming and directing is also very good. . Watch MALANG - UNLEASH THE MADNESS full movie spoilers MAlaNg& UnLeaSh&the&putlockers. This song is amazing. Home How-to After three weeks of basketball, March Madness is down to just two teams. The University of Virginia faces Texas Tech in the men's NCAA Division 1 title game tonight (April 8) and the new champs of college basketball will be crowned. (Image credit: Jean Pieri / MediaNews Group / St. Paul Pioneer Press via Getty Images) Streaming tonight's game is especially easy, since it's on CBS and because the NCAA has a streaming app that works on a slew of platforms. Cord cutters can get their hoops fix, too, if they subscribe to the right service. And you can use a VPN service to follow the action even if youre traveling. Here's a closer look at the many ways you can watch men's college basketball crown its national champion. March Madness Live There's an app that carries all of the games that would otherwise air on CBS. That would be the NCAA March Madness Live offering, which is accessible both through a website and a downloadable app thats compatible with many different devices. (Image credit: Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images) Because March Madness Live features all tournament games, you can use it to watch the final, too. When games were airing on pay cable channels, you had a 3-hour free preview before you had to sign in with a cable provider, but with the Virginia-Texas Tech final on CBS, anyone with the March Madness Live app should be able to catch the game. Even cord cutters can watch the action, whether using an HDTV antenna or over a streaming service that offers local channels. What platforms does the March Madness app worth with? Name a device, and there's a pretty good chance there's a version of March Madness Live that will run on it. Supported platforms include iOS, Apple TV, Apple Watch, Android, Amazon Fire tablets and TVs, Chromecast, Roku players and TVs, and Xbox One, in addition to web browsers. MORE: Best Streaming Devices - Roku vs. Chromecast vs. Apple TV 4K March Madness Live also works with Amazon's Alexa-powered speakers. Supported skills include reminding you when specific games are on and checking scores. With the Westwood One app, you can also stream radio broadcasts of games through your Alexa speaker. Here's where you'll find downloadable versions of the March Madness Live app for various platforms. iOS (including Apple TV) Google Play Amazon Windows 10 (for Xbox One) Roku What can I expect from the March Madness app? After tonight the March Madness App live ceases to be useful until March 2020. But if you download the app for this year's final, you'll find a solid app that includes a host of outstanding features. In addition to being able to watch live games from the app, you can access Video On Demand, allowing you to check out highlights from past games, watch the biggest moments from each game, and even cast your videos from your mobile devices to your screen via Apples Airplay or Googles Cast. You can also create your own bracket and see how it compares to the picks for friends and family, though that feature isn't much use at this stage in the tournament. (Better luck next year at picking the perfect bracket. And if youre an Apple Watch owner, you can get alerts and live scores fed directly to your wrist. What about streaming services? Because tonight's final is on free TV, you don't necessarily need a streaming service to watch the game. (Match-ups from earlier rounds aired on TBS, TNT and TruTV, so you would have needed either a cable subscription or a streaming service that carried those channels. Still, in case this question comes up before next year's tournament, here are your streaming service options for catching every March Madness game. MORE: Best and Worst Cable TV Alternatives CBS' 6-a-month streaming service — CBS All Access — features all of the tournament games airing on that network. (There's a seven-day free trial of CBS All Access available before that monthly fee kicks in so you could use CBS All Access to watch the semifinals and finals during that trial period. As for streaming services, because the remaining game is on CBS, you'll want to confirm that the service of your choice includes your local CBS affiliate — not every local affiliate is included with every streaming service. Here's a list of your options, all of which include 7-day free trials. Streaming Service Tier Channels Included Price DirecTVNow Plus CBS, TBS, TNT, truTV 50 DirecTV Now Fubo CBS, TBS, TNT, truTV 45 Hulu Hulu with Live TV CBS, TBS, TNT, truTV 45 Hulu PlayStation Vue Access CBS, TBS, TNT, truTV 44. 95 PlayStation Vue Sling TV Blue, Orange Blue: TNT, TBS Orange: TNT, TBS, TruTV 25 Sling TV YouTube TV YouTube TV CBS, TBS, TNT, truTV 40 YouTube TV A current promotion at Sling is knocking 40 percent off the monthly rate for your first three months of service, lowering the monthly cost of Sling TV Blue and Orange to 15 each. On the other end of the spectrum, DirecTV Now just raised its rates and reshuffled its channel packages to just two offerings. The good news is that the cheaper Plus tier includes all the channels you'll need to watch the NCAA tournament; the bad news is that 50 DirecTV Now charges is 10 more a month than what it was charging earlier this month. PlayStation Vue's service was recently updated for the fourth-generation Apple TV, allowing that set-top box to show up to four channels of live TV simultaneously. The multi-view feature for the PlayStation 4 is also getting some enhancements, including new filters for sports and real-time program changing. How do I use a VPN to watch from outside the U. S.? If youre away from home during tonight's final, you dont have to miss out on any of the games. Turning to a VPN service means you can make it seem as if your computer or mobile device is connecting from a different country, allowing you to access the same streaming services you could back home. Weve tested and rated many VPN services, and our top pick is ExpressVPN, which will meet the needs of the vast majority of users. Its got wide compatibility and superb speeds. It costs 12. 95-per-month, but that fee goes down if you sign up for 6 months or a year of service. ExpressVPN: Based on our testing, this is the best overall VPN, and theres a 30-day money-back guarantee if you dont like what you get. NordVPN: This is the service to turn to if securitys your big concern. NordVPN uses 2048-bit encryption, and it includes proxy extensions for everything from Bitcoin and PayPal to credit cards and web browsers like Chrome and Firefox. TunnelBear: If youre new to VPNs, this is a very good choice, as its got a friendly, easy-to-use interface that appeals to novices. Youll get average performance and pricing. When does the final begin? Coverage begins on CBS at 9 p. m. ET tonight, with the game tipping off closer to 9:20 p. Who's going to win the tournament? Don't ask us, our bracket got busted the minute Duke bowed out. Best Indoor HDTV Antenna Best TV Deals for March Madness Best 4K TVs.

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Malang - Unleash the Madness Watch

The story line is really intriguing with a great twist! The acting of every character was on point. Dil ko chhune wala song.😊❤❤❤❤.

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Malang - unleash the madness watch streaming. Malang - Unleash., St'r*e&a"m, Download,Malang, Unleash,Full,Movie Malang - Unleash eng sub download. Aditya roy kapoor back with a bang... ❤. Malang - Unleash the Madness Watch stream. Malang - Unleash the Madness Watch streaming sur internet.